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View Full Version : Hackulation v1.0 # 2

December 16th, 2013, 23:41
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=15179&f=19&sid=c1ffd1abc3f472fe40f70ee837249903

This is a game I have started based on the hacking minigame in Deus Ex This is a project I hope to full and, since there is nothing on this forum anymore, I Decided to post what I have done. Idea You must begin at the blue sphere and capture folders and other nodes to reach the green sphere. By capturing the green sphere, you win. You must capture other nodes on the way to reach it and Each Time you do, there is a chance That You Will Be detected. When detected, the computer Will begin to hack along the same map to reach you. If your blue sphere is hacked, Then you lose. You can only hack one node at a time. Controls Touch a node with your stylus to select it. The top screen Likely Will show how you are to be detected When you capture it and the nodes level (the higher the level, the Will take it along to capture and the higher the luck of detection.) The X button captures the node When It is selected The B button 'fortified gold Increases the level of a node That You own node is selected When That The Y button uses a 'Nuke' That Instantly captures a node with 0% luck of detection The A button installs a 'Trojan' That was you control node So THAT When the enemy captures the node, it triggers the trap and the enemy is frozen for a Few seconds, ALLOWING you to recapture the node. The L & R buttons use a 'slow worm' That stop the computer from moving for 5 seconds Arrows move your view of the map