View Full Version : DS-Xtreme vs Supercard DS Lite vs Passcard 3?

September 26th, 2007, 02:32
Hey, new to the scene.

I'm trying to read up on the flash cards I can put in my DS (I DO plan on backing up my cartidges.. I know discussing ROMs is forbidden but let it be known that I intend to back up and this heavily influences my buying decision.)

All this talk of M3 and R4 and simplys and everything else... well it makes my head spin.

With that... could someone please tell me which flash card (or whatever might the proper term/name be) is the best for backing up games, running homebrew, and all that other good stuff?

I'm sorry if this topic has been covered hundreds of times (as I'm sure it has) but I've been rather unable to get a clear view of answer through all the scattered myriad posts.

I appreciate any words and help you may offer,


Oh, P.S., I forgot to mention: The main meat of my confusion is with the "Cyclo DS Black" thing I"ve been reading about... does this essentially replace passcards and such?

September 26th, 2007, 22:45
You seem to be a bit confused about some of the more basic terminology, so I'll try to explain the differences between those three products.

Basically, there are two types of devices, slot-1 and slot-2. Slot-2 devices like the Supercard Lite require a slot-1 NoPass device like a Passcard 3 in order to boot into DS mode from the GBA slot, something not normally allowed by the firmware. Nearly all slot-1 devices, like the DS-X, can boot into DS mode fine without any other devices necessary.

Some devices like the DS-X use internal memory that is not upgradeable, while others like the Supercard DS use external microSD cards that allow you to upgrade your capacity for a relatively cheap price.

I'd recommend a slot-1 device for you, and I usually recommend ones with external media as I find them to be more versatile. Of these, I'd suggest looking into the following devices: M3 Simply and R4 (same thing, different sticker), CycloDS Evolution, Supercard DS.

September 26th, 2007, 22:58
Awesome, thanks for the help! I'll report back when I've bought the parts,


September 27th, 2007, 18:58
Sorry, to bump, but one more Q. Does the Crimson and Black DS Lite have any problems using M3 or R4?

September 28th, 2007, 03:03
The M3 Simply and R4 should run on any DS or DS Lite regardless of color or firmware version.

October 29th, 2007, 22:05
The M3 Simply and R4 should run on any DS or DS Lite regardless of color or firmware version.
I have just bought r4 in Macau with lots of games on a 2gb MicroSD. But the prompts are in Chinese! Is there anyway to change this into English or do I have to learn Chinese?:confused:
Also, does r4 have a built in browser? I have not been able yet to connect to a wi-fi.

October 31st, 2007, 02:06
I think there's a way to turn the Chinese firmware into English, but I'm not entirely sure the exact procedure.

The R4 doesn't contain a built-in browser. Try installing DSOrganize and using that browser or adding one of the other browsers to your card. Try Retawq in DSLinux, Bunjalloo, Okiwi, and DSHobro.