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View Full Version : Powerbook g4 Trade, need help deciding

September 26th, 2007, 04:56
So iv found a guy who wants to trade me his G4 powerbook for my Toshiba A100, is it a good trade, keep in mind it has always been my dream to own a mac.

September 26th, 2007, 06:51
Macs suck.

This is why (Warning, swear words. >.>)

September 26th, 2007, 09:04
^ ^

:rofl: I liked that site

September 26th, 2007, 10:46
I switched over to Macs from Windows over ten years ago and couldn't be happier with my switch. So obviously I'm a little biased in saying that it's probably a good trade (but I don't know the specs of your Toshiba, so it's possible that you'd be "downgrading" your raw computing power). The one big thing that catches me about this is that I don't know any Mac users (let alone ones who could afford the G4 Powerbook) who would swap for a PC, so I'm a little suspicious that he may be trying to swap a model that has serious wear and tear. Macs are, as a general rule, very well built, but like any other laptop, the monitor, hard drive, battery etc... will eventually die, and are of course likely to die quicker the more they've been used. In short, I'd be susicious that you'd be inherriting known problems. If you know this guy well and trust him though, I'd personally go ahead and do it.

You may also want to take into consideration that there are some big Windows emulation issues on G4's (anything older then the MacBook/MacBook Pro line), so if you would want to hold on to any of your processor-intensive Windows software, then you might be extremely dissapointed if you switch to a Mac that won't let you use that software. In other words: you might be better off holding out for a *new* (current) Mac. The current line is the most powerful, affordable line ever, so you might even be able to just flat out buy one with no regrets. If you don't mind loosing your Toshiba, you may even be able to sell it and get a decent chunk of the price of a current Mac.

Of course, if you have other PCs at your disposal and just want to get your feet wet with Macs, it's almost certainly a good trade and a very decent model to start out with.

September 26th, 2007, 11:23
Well im not spending my money on a new macbook until iv checked out what Macs are like, and i think that for what im doing mostly i wont be downgrading, and im running linux on my laptop now so theres no worries about windows emulation problems.

September 26th, 2007, 12:17

Only the latest G4 models will be able to use the next Mac OS, so that might be something to watch out for.
The lack of a widescreen display might be important.

September 26th, 2007, 19:53
Its a 15 inch screen. im not to sure on other specs.

September 26th, 2007, 19:57
A G4 is pretty slow by todays standards. Hell, I find my Dual G5 tower slow. I'd say it's a bad trade.