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View Full Version : FPGAs For The Pi And ‘Bone

December 19th, 2013, 23:34
We’ve seen FPGA dev boards out the wazoo—even some following the current trend of putting an FPGA and an ARM processor on a single board. Take one good idea and mix it in with a few million Linux/ARM boards already piling up on workbenches the world over and you get LOGi (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1575992013/logi-fpga-development-board-for-raspberry-pi-beagl): an FPGA designed to plug into the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone.
Both the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone versions of the LOGi feature a Spartan 6 FPGA with 9152 logic cells, 16 DSP Slices, 576KB of RAM, and 96 I/O Pins. There’s also 256 MB of SDRAM and a SATA connector. The Kickstarter has a few demos for this board, namely a machine vision, Bitcoin mining (though don’t expect this board to make return-on-investment with mining), and an autonomous vehicle control demo. The LOGi’s hardware is comparable to the Papilio Pro (http://papilio.cc/index.php?n=Papilio.PapilioPro), so potential projects may include generating NTSC video (http://hackaday.com/2011/07/28/ntsc-video-out-with-the-papilio-one/), adding a VGA out, and a few retrocomputer emulations via OpenCores (http://opencores.org/).
For what this Kickstarter asks for the Pi or ‘Bone version of the LOGi—$89 USD for either—you’ll get a surprisingly capable FPGA dev board that’s a bit cheaper than comparable offerings. Sure, you won’t save any money buying a Pi and a LOGi, but if you have a few Raspberries lying about, you could do much worse for a starter FPGA board.
Thanks [hamster] for sending this one in.
