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View Full Version : Coded Arms!

July 6th, 2005, 20:26
For those of you who own the new release Coded Arms. . .What the hell is that game like? A Goldeneye first person shooter type? I mean is it really worth the 40-50 bucks I will have to lay down to get it? It looks cool but im not familiar with that story or anything. . . Comments would be appreciated.

July 7th, 2005, 01:05
Well, I've only had a chance to play through the intro (training) and so far it just seems like Rengoku with guns. You wander around areas shooting guys and they shoot back at you...as soon as I get a chance to play some more I will post again if there is anything interesting to the game. But at first glance it doesn't seem worth it.

July 7th, 2005, 16:06
Did you buy the US Version? If so, what firmware does it require to play it? I have seen pictures that 1.50 is required by the Jap version, but no word on the US Version. I hope it's the same, because I would like to buy it, but will not loose Homebrew.

July 7th, 2005, 16:54
I have 1.52 so i'll be able to play games for a while!!! (dissapointment actually) but I did hear that the new update is pretty cool though with web browsing, email, and a messenger with it along with other things. What I will probably do is keep my 1.52 . . .wai until that is cracked along with the new update 1.53 and than upgrade and not have to wait for homebrew because than i'll get all the cool futures with those hacking abilities. But yeah any news on this game would be hot people! Thanks a lot

July 7th, 2005, 22:34
I went ahead and bought Coded Arms Region 1, and it is safe! It adds both the UMD launching icon, and a PSP Update ver 1.50 icon to the game menu. I already had 1.50, but I imagine the game will not start if you have 1.0. This has already been stated for other releases of this title, and there are pictures with some of those posts. I just wanted you to know the US Region 1 release is SAFE for homebrew fanatics!

July 8th, 2005, 16:08
YourStillWithMe - are you saying that there is a firmware update that gives you email and a web browser and stuff??

July 8th, 2005, 18:55
There is speculated rumour to the effect that future updates of the firmware will have things like email options, etc. But at this point there is no "official" word on such things as far as I have read. Sony has said that they will release some form of "web browser" but none of the specifics have been addressed.

July 10th, 2005, 01:29
danrowland jdemon just basically said it haha

July 10th, 2005, 02:21
their was a leak of the firmware, that sony, once again stated would destroy your psp if you downloaded (some one need too sue the CRAP outa them for false statements such as that) it... in the leak their was a webrowser, and e-mail (if you can browse the web you can check your mail) and voice communications, and supposed keyboard support and such... i read a long thing about it, there was more but i couldn't remember... what sony SHOULD do is release firmwar 1.6 which comes with keyboard/camera usb support (bought at your local wal-mart / eb games etc) and a ps1 emulator, but i dont think theyre smart enough... (and they think americans are intellectualy challenged)

edit- how IS coded arms, i was thinkin of going to ebay to buy it... but are there cutscenes? are the cutscenes cool? is there a story? is the story good? is there multiplayer? how is the multiplayer, multiplyayer modes? replay value?

and finally the controlls, what the heck are the controlls, this is the first fps for the psp!!!

July 10th, 2005, 05:43
RedKing14CA --- You bring up a very good point. The CONTROLS are one of the top things on my mind as well. When I played that Metroid on DS I thought that was the worst idea in terms of controls EVER. I'm thinking Coded Arms is actually going to suck because it got bad reviews, PS2 never delivered any good shooter games (in my opinion. . . .) except for the first level in Medal Of Honor:Frontline. So YES if anyone could lay down the controls for us that would be sweet! thanks

July 11th, 2005, 09:20
I've got it on order from ebay and have been looking forward to a FRS, but from what i've heard it is going to be a bit of a dollop.

July 13th, 2005, 18:30
There are several setups but here are the controls at default -

Nub - move forward an side step (I change this to look left/right and move backwards forwards)

D-pad - Reload, change weapons etc.

O - Turn right (I have it as sidestep right)

[ ] - Turn left (I have it as sidestep left)

X, /\ - look up, down

Right trigget - Jump

Left trigger - Shoot

The controls are actualy quite good, especially if you played Doom and Duke 3D back in the day. I would prefer the movment on the D-Pad instead of the nub but you can only do that with the original setup and not the starfe swtiched with the buttons.

The game itself is 7/10 at best. It's fun as a on the go FPS, but the homebrew Quake will be better when it's up and running with ound and custom controls. It's not worth $40 in my mind.

Whats good? -

+ Nice graphics
+ Multiplayer will be a lot of fun
+ Controls are ok when you get used to them

Whats bad?

- Boring level desing (random levels!)
- Poor AI

But I havn't played it for very long so these are early impressions.

July 13th, 2005, 23:40
I will get coded arms probably tomorrow! YAY!
30 weapons random level generator and damn good graphics

July 14th, 2005, 01:37
Id rather it only use random generator for some levels, or just multi player. Single player would be better if the levels were designed, not generated and if there were missions

July 14th, 2005, 03:08
Dead To Rights is much more fun/more involved :D

July 14th, 2005, 03:55
Parabolee thanks a lot for your input on the controls for the game! That has really helped me decide whether or not to buy it! Final decision-no. I'm much more into downloading movies and converting them into mp4's (I have like 25 full length films converted) and Hot Shots Golf is sick because I love Golf!

July 14th, 2005, 09:46
im really lookign forward to getting coded arms, dead to rights got horrible reviews even compared to coded arms, which i read had repetitive maps design, but had an awsome multiplayer. now with xlink, u could play the ad-hoc multiplayer online with a bunch of ppl over the internet, woot! :D

July 14th, 2005, 18:00
i just got midnight club, and its amazing, but im looking for a new game, and i still cant decided what to get DTR or coded arms, i mean i loved the first DTR for ps2, so idk

July 14th, 2005, 19:05
yeah man, the first dead to rights was pretty straight-up cool (the disarms made it in my opinion) but i rented the 2nd one and couldnt even get past the 2nd level because it was so repetitive and I could go outside and play basketball or do something constructive with my time. haha So that's why I would get Coded Arms. It appears to be a good game where if your angry you just shoot some things and the stress. . . . . . .is gone. Plus its on the go so what could possibly beat that? (NBA Live 2006 on the go!)

July 14th, 2005, 19:19
yeah i went out and got tha game is pretty cool. i play it more then tha other game i got but tha control is hard at first but u will get use to it in a matter of time and if u happen to have a friend with u with a psp and one coded arms u can swap tha game back and front to play muitlplayer is koo pretty fun so tha game is like halo so if your in to them game then is a must have type ...... :rolleyes:

July 14th, 2005, 20:08
i got my coded arms, it seems a bit boring.. but lets see if it gets interesting..