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September 29th, 2007, 12:21
I know it's wrong to laugh at retarded (challenged) people, but for some reason I found this somewhat funny. But he says he's an actor in the 3rd video, so is it ok to laugh at him? (I've always felt that laughing at people with down syndrome is somewhat wrong)




September 29th, 2007, 14:33
Ya your probably going straight to hell, dont worry about it i watched the ringer, and it was a horrible movie, but i find it just to be ignorant of people to laugh at mentally challanged people as they cant help it, and its not there fault so i beleive that its wrong, i have a mentally handicapped aunt and she lives with my grandparents, and its pretty hard on them.

September 29th, 2007, 15:02
One of my cousins has cerebral palsy and the last person that took the piss out of her got beaten up and left

September 29th, 2007, 22:27
I would never take the piss out've a handicapped person, it's wrong...

...But the time I find confusing is if someone that has a handicap, and uses it for people to laugh at?

It's not teaching any valuable lessons, plus if a kid saw the video series called "The Retarded Policeman" they would possibly take it further than the video and start harassing people with disabilities in the street as "some" kids do not know better and they don't understand when something they see on YouTube or T.V. is actually controlled, the video is set in a motion of comedy for people to laugh at as it's on the Mediocre Films (http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=MediocreFilms) channel which is supposed to be comedy...

...But comedy isn't laughing at handicapped people, the guy says he wants to be an actor and thats good he wants to do something positive with his life but I find it kinda sad that that because he has down syndrome and he maybe somewhat smarter than some people with it (I'm not saying they're thick or anything) he's allowing people to laugh at him through his disability although disability or no disability everyone is equal but some people won't see it that way. I laughed at the sketch, but I never laughed at the fact the guy himself may be what the video title says "retarded policeman" and the correct word for retarded (for a handicapped person) is "challenged" which I find that people who use the word "retard" for anyone with a disability should be ashamed. I use the word "retard" for dumb people (i.e: Vampbri-n), people need to learn the values of handicapped/challenged people and realize that they're people too and are not there to be made fun of.

September 29th, 2007, 23:02
VampDude, you are so agressive and rude, how can you laugh at retarded people? I'm sure this is your face when you see these videos:
Oh well luckily I didn't have these problems on my family.

September 30th, 2007, 08:24
VampDude, you are so agressive and rude, how can you laugh at retarded people?

I don't laugh at them, I only laughed after the guy said he was an actor. I never laughed at him thou, I laughed at the joke of the video (I saw the third video first). Also dude the correct term isn't "retarded" it's challenged, he probably isn't retarded/challenged thou he probably leads a normal everyday life oblivious to the fact he has down syndrome.

I'm sure this is your face when you see these videos:

Nope, that would be you thou dude.

Oh well luckily I didn't have these problems on my family.

Are you so sure about that?

The EX
September 30th, 2007, 11:02
Why are you asking whether you should laugh or not? It's your own moral opinion. Obviously you wouldn't have made this thread if you hadn't laughed in the first place.

September 30th, 2007, 11:46
My sister has cerebral palsy and Ive met quite a few people with down syndrome through her.

I wont go all moralistic but personally I don't find those funny.
Regardless of offensiveness, thats just really crap comedy, and I'd probably dislike it almost as much if they were making fun of your run of the mill ignorant/stupid person.

I think its almost human nature to make fun of those that are different, people with disabilities are just easy targets for unimaginative minds.

See the person, not the problem.