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View Full Version : Media player that reads subtitles

September 30th, 2007, 11:13
Ok, i was watching a movie on my ds using moonshell when i wondered what it would be like to watch a subtitled video on it. I realised that the subtitles would be too small before i even attempted to put a subtitled movie onto the ds, but then that got me thinking, is there another media player that when playing a video file, can read a subtitle file that is placed in the same folder as the video file and then display the subtitles on the bottom screen? Something like this would allow people to watch anime, foreign movies, and stuff like that on their ds's without having to result to dodgy dubbed copies. So, i am wondering, has this been done, thought of, or being dont right now?

September 30th, 2007, 18:45
Moonshell is really the only video player out there, so there aren't any others that support subtitles, no.

You could try using AllToAVI to hardcode your subtitle files into the movie file before converting to DPG, but like you said the text would be rather small.

September 30th, 2007, 23:10
i wish i knew how to code homebrew for the ds then :( i would code it. Oh well, maybe sum1 will see this and think its a good idea