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View Full Version : [Release] VideopSpy v3.0 - rewritten from scratch in C with more options than ever

September 30th, 2007, 21:45
VideopSpy v3.0

A spy leaves no trace behind



Let's face it - sometimes there reasons you'd like to keep some videos and/or
pictures private on your PSP. VideopSpy lets you keep your sensitive media
hidden from prying eyes as inconspicuously as possible.


The problem with blocking your media directories is that it looks suspicious
(not to mention it's inconvenient). That's is the same problem if you have a
program that asks for a password. A plugin works but then there's a chance
it could be triggered accidentally. The solution is to create a harmless
looking application which is, in reality, an application waiting for your
password to unlock your hidden videos and/or pictures. The program will
appear in your XMB as a calculator application with the name "BASIC
Calculator". The calculator program is fully functional and will stand up to
inspection. The codes must be entered with a specific key sequence preventing
accidental activation. This version features an (optional) Instant Access
mode, bypassing the password and unlocking your media immediately.

How to use it

The only way to see your private media is to enter the correct code sequence
into the calculator (or bypass the code with Instant Access). The program
swaps an alternate directory with the regular media directory, which can have
the effect of replacing your regular media or just adding the hidden files to
your regular media, depending on the organization of your memory card.
Running the program again reverses the process, restoring your memory card to
the state it was before. The advantage of this renaming trick as opposed to
moving the files is that the former method is drastically faster.


Cross: Push a key
Left|Right|Up|Down: Select another key
Square: Quick [+]
Triangle: Quick [-]
Circle: Quick [=]
Start: Exit program
LTrig+RTrig+Select: Activate Instant Access


1. Copy the Calculator folder to your homebrew directory (probably \PSP\GAME,
depending on your firmware flavor and settings). The software is designed to
be run on custom firmware or 1.0. It can be run on 1.5 firmware, however you
must convert the eboot to 1.5-compatible format using a program like PSP Brew.
An alternate eboot is provided which does not display any icons in the menu if
you want it to be less noticeable.

2. Choose the folders you will be using, and create the alternate
directories. Use as many or as few as you like. I recommend using 100MNV01&2
and 101ANV01&2 and/or PHOTO&2 because they are slightly more secure as they
don't reside on the root and therefore are less likely to be stumbled upon.

Mode -> If you're using _____ -> Create _____
(1) -> \MP_ROOT\100MNV01 -> \MP_ROOT\100MNV02 (mp4s)
(2) -> \MP_ROOT\100ANV01 -> \MP_ROOT\100ANV02 (h264 mp4s)
(3) -> \MP_ROOT\101ANV01 -> \MP_ROOT\101ANV02 (h264 mp4s)
(4) -> \VIDEO -> \VIDEO2 (both)
(5) -> \PSP\PHOTO -> \PSP\PHOTO2
(6) -> \PICTURE -> \PICTURE2

3. Put the files you want hidden into the new directories you just made.

4. Open the "program.dat" file with any basic text editor. This is the
configuration file. This is where you chose what modes you want to use and
the pass codes you want. The comments will guide you where to edit. After
you've set up your modes, you can delete the comments for increased security,
though you might want to keep a backup. There are also two additional modes
with affect the behavior of the program:

(7) Instant Access Mode - Allows the user to press L Trigger + R Trigger +
Select simultaneously instead of entering the code.
(8) Authentic Mode - Uses a more authentic display for the calculator.

Usage - To hide (or unhide) your private media

1. Run the program
2a. (Optional) Activate Instant Access and skip to step 6
2b. Enter the first code, for example "420"
3. Hit the [=] button
4. Enter the second code, for example "80"
5. Hit the [=] button a second time.
6. A fake error message will flash on the screen for a second. Below the
error message, at the bottom of the screen, it will show the numbers one
through six. The active modes will show up blue, inactive as grey. After a
short delay, the program will exit back to the xmb. Run the program and enter
the code sequence again to re-hide your private media.


-Rewritten from scratch in C
-Major graphical face-lift
-New Instant Action mode
-Expanded to include more directories
-Fixed a bug and several typos
-Expanded to include more directories
-Initial release in LUA

Thanks to

* Calculator design based on the 1967 Sharp Compet 16.
* Psp2dev.org and everyone who contributed to making the PSP SDK & toolchain.
* Ahman, danny_kay1710, and Tyranid for IRShell, PSPHost, and usbhostfs.
* Team t0c & friends for helping out when I get stuck.
* QJ, dcEmu, and ********** for having great PSP forums.
* Dentaku Museum for providing the original pictures used.
* Beta testers CoderRyan, cory1492, Harley, Nicodemus82, peza16, Th3SMS, and

* v * v * Download here * v * v *

VideopSpy v3.0 (http://www.mediafire.com/?deuwkl4zu93) (mirror 1) (http://dl.qj.net/VideopSpy-v3.0-PSP-Homebrew-Applications/pg/12/fid/14717/catid/190)
* ^ * ^ * Download here * ^ * ^ *

Enjoy! --Jay

September 30th, 2007, 21:57
There was a plugin method to hide porn? I didn't new that? What is the plugins name?

September 30th, 2007, 22:01
There was a plugin method to hide porn? I didn't new that? What is the plugins name?It blocks your entire video directory from loading. I can't remember the name of it now.

September 30th, 2007, 23:47
Let's face it - sometimes there reasons you'd like to keep some videos and/or pictures private on your PSP.


October 1st, 2007, 00:41
*looks extremely shocked* (ok so not really, lol). hey, what you do with it is your concern and not anyone else's.

October 1st, 2007, 08:22
why dont they just put this in the description


but then again, there are other reasons

October 1st, 2007, 08:40
but then again, there are other reasonsMaybe you're a die-hard shoujo fan and you can't let your friends know or they would never let you live it down? There are more reasons than just ONE, lol. Ya perv! J/k. ;)

October 1st, 2007, 10:18
The ideal program would be the one that don't need a password to hide them again. If you could press a single button to hide the instantly when your mother/wife/children/dog/whatever are about to enter the room.

one winged angel
October 1st, 2007, 14:15
The ideal program would be the one that don't need a password to hide them again. If you could press a single button to hide the instantly when your mother/wife/children/dog/whatever are about to enter the room.

dog ????XD:rofl:

October 1st, 2007, 17:24
Hm.. I'm a bit curious, now I've seen way too many people and places using that 1337 thing.. and I don't know what the hell it means. Can someone tell me what it is?

A noob, I am.

October 1st, 2007, 18:54
Hm.. I'm a bit curious, now I've seen way too many people and places using that 1337 thing.. and I don't know what the hell it means. Can someone tell me what it is?

A noob, I am.

1337 = leet = elite

usually people spelling words/phrases shorter because its easier (lol=laugh out loud, ok=okay, etc.)

October 1st, 2007, 21:56
Hm.. I'm a bit curious, now I've seen way too many people and places using that 1337 thing.. It's basically an inside joke among nerds. :) In this case, it doesn't mean anything, just a number I picked to show what the display looks like.

October 2nd, 2007, 07:12
1337 = leet = elite

usually people spelling words/phrases shorter because its easier (lol=laugh out loud, ok=okay, etc.)

Well not exactly those are just shortened words there. leet is more or less something like 1337 sp33k. Or like n00b. Those use some of the "code" that is 1337. It was basically a code using alphanumerics to take place of normal letters. But yes leet is a short term for the word elite. It originally was more bound to hackers and such but now most people think generally that it's more of a n00b thing. :p

October 2nd, 2007, 10:50
hehe i just use the m33 lock works better =)

October 2nd, 2007, 17:10
"Daddy, can I use your PSP??"


"Daddy.. what's the dog doing to mommy?!?!?!"

Congrats, you officially traumatized your child. o_o I'm curious, though, why people must store porn on their PSP.. I mean, seriously, that's kinda creepy. If I'm on a subway, bus, at work, and I guy's standing next to me, enthralled with his psp, should I be alarmed? ;_; Why must you always look at porn..??