View Full Version : timeTraveler v1.0

September 30th, 2007, 21:49
News/release from Placo23

So here I am updating this HB. As I said before, it's part of a big one coming up later, but I thought it may be useful for some users already using it.

There's lot's of new features in it. I'm gonna show part of the readme file here so you can have an idea.


This is a release for those people who need to know what's the current time in other countries, either because they travel
a lot or because they live abroad(like me) and need to call their family once in a while.

Current version: 1.0
Now with a much better interface
You can listen to the current time instead of just show it
You can take a screen shot of the current screen
Displays the current battery life

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via placo23 (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-release-timetraveler-v10-122818.html)

October 1st, 2007, 00:15