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View Full Version : September Content on XNA Creators Club Online

October 1st, 2007, 16:23
via XNA Team Blog:

While we're still hard at work on XNA Game Studio 2.0 we've managed to also bring you a new round of content on http://creators.xna.com for the month of September!


Collision with a Heightmap
This sample demonstrates how to move objects along a heightmap, useful when creating a game that requires interaction between moving objects and terrain. It is based on the Generated Geometry sample, which creates a landscape from a bitmap.

Custom Model Class

This sample shows how to go beyond the limits of the Model class that comes built in to the XNA Framework, loading geometry data into a custom class that can be extended more easily to cope with specialized requirements.

Mesh Instancing

This sample shows how to efficiently render many copies of the same model, using GPU instancing techniques to reduce the cost of repeated draw calls.


This sample shows how you can apply an effect on any model in your game to shatter it apart.


Curve Editor

This utility provides an easy-to-use visual editor for creating curves for use with the XNA Framework Curve class. The curve control used to display and edit curves inside the editor can also be imported into your own applications.

Input Reporter

This utility displays input data for all controllers connected to the system. The utility supports multiple controller types, including flight sticks, dance pads, and guitars.

Xbox 360 Controller Button Glyphs

This utility is a set of images that represent the buttons, thumbsticks, and triggers on the Xbox 360 Controller.


Ship Game Article - 3D Collision using the BoxCollider library

This supplemental article introduces the BoxCollider library provided in Ship Game. BoxCollider is a collision detection and response library that features an octree implementation, collision response with friction effects, and prebuilt collision-aware camera classes.

Enjoy the new content and stay tuned to our blog as we'll have more information coming on XNA Game Studio 2.0 very soon!