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View Full Version : Sonic catch those rings

October 2nd, 2007, 06:37
News/release from rik:

Hi everyone
ive finally stopped being lazy and decided to do a simple game in lua(since this is only my second game) and its Sonic Catch Those Rings!v.01

heres the readme:

Sonic Catch Those Rings! readme v.01 by Rikcobra


SELECT = exit
START = pause
CIRCLE = resume play
CROSS = jump
directional pad = move


the objective of the game is to ...well catch the rings!
lol this is my first official lua game the others were just to fool around and explore the function
and to toy around with lua.

1.maybe high scores
2.maybe music
3.maybe a bg

well thats it hope you enjoy this simple game i have made!


via rik (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-releasesonic-catch-those-rings-123041.html)

October 2nd, 2007, 08:26
screens please

Anonymous D
October 2nd, 2007, 15:15

October 2nd, 2007, 17:21
Nothing personal to the author but will people stop doing mindless lua games with no meat to them.


Sonicboy 101
October 2nd, 2007, 17:27
It's Sonic... with rings.... green floor.....no background..dull....
Not that bad. :p

October 2nd, 2007, 17:29
Yeah, agree with PSMonkey, it doesn't even has a background lol. I guess it doesn't even has sounds.

Coder: Please keep for yourself games like this. Release them when they're... playable?

October 2nd, 2007, 17:51
I'll have to give credit to the creator, but it needs all little more shazam to it.

October 2nd, 2007, 18:14
Since everyone wants to hate on anyone who attempts things now days, let me be the first to say "great job". You took the time to make something and since I know nothing about programming, Im going to assume that it was hard work. You said yourself that you have plans to improve on it, and I look forward to playing it when its done. Its people like you that are keeping the scene alive, so thanks!

I xfire I
October 2nd, 2007, 18:23
Nothing personal to the author but will people stop doing mindless lua games with no meat to them.


why? how does this post help anyone, he said it is a second game ever, your experianced, why not help him rather than flame him. this scene is going to die so quick if the big heads dont start thinking before they post.

anyway ill say well done for what you have done so far and i look forward to the imrpoved versions

October 2nd, 2007, 18:30
why? how does this post help anyone, he said it is a second game ever, your experianced, why not help him rather than flame him. this scene is going to die so quick if the big heads dont start thinking before they post.

anyway ill say well done for what you have done so far and i look forward to the imrpoved versions

Do you even know who PSmonkey is. He is an amazing coder and in my opinion he is kinda right, as infact it's people like PSmonkey that have kept this scene alive. We just think this should be released when it's playable or else for all we know this could be the only release of this as many people who code release one thing and then leave it as they can't be bothered to carry on because of the effort put into it. Many people like PSmonkey have done what they can to propel their releases and have gone pretty far releasing more than one thing.

By the way PSmonkey I think it's about time you got your own avatar.

October 2nd, 2007, 19:09
why? how does this post help anyone, he said it is a second game ever, your experianced, why not help him rather than flame him. this scene is going to die so quick if the big heads dont start thinking before they post.

anyway ill say well done for what you have done so far and i look forward to the imrpoved versions

the point is that the masses of these lua educational practice games are not worthy of release, they offer nothing but added experience to the creator. Which is great, but there is no need to clog up news pages with little 'tests' which dont actually do anything.

The PSP homebrew scene has been pretty dead for a long time, it seems the only recent releases are emulators, custom firmware, and random test apps from everyone who has read the Lua tutorial.

In short, learn, experiment, improve, but dont clog up the downloads section with a hundred scripts which all do the same thing.

October 2nd, 2007, 19:56
why? how does this post help anyone, he said it is a second game ever, your experianced, why not help him rather than flame him. this scene is going to die so quick if the big heads dont start thinking before they post.

anyway ill say well done for what you have done so far and i look forward to the imrpoved versions

Actualy I am always willing to help coders out. I've been doing that for a while since I stoped publicly coding. I've even try sorting out zion (sadly with no luck :( ).

Again I have nothing against this coder on a personal level. I just wish he would do something with more meat on it then a simple few sprites moving around in lua.

Truthfuly as a few have said, the PSP scene is nothng like it use to be anymore. I don't think constant lua games are any help either. I personaly would be more then willing to help someone out to learn how to build a more complicated game/demo for the psp in C/C++.

October 2nd, 2007, 22:42
omg.... this is the jump script from evilmana, with a sprite added. and its also the movement example... even the collison example... seriously if they coded anything its like 2 lines... im not happy with this

Anonymous D
October 2nd, 2007, 23:14
also someone has released a gfx mod of this game but with a different name "Pac man pizza" lol


and then the dev of this one posts on the release thread...

dude thats a edit of my game(sonic catch those rings)!
it has exacly the same code only different colors, different jump height and different sprites!

the guy who released the pac man thing even used the same readme/synopsis for it. though tbh this game wudnt be hard to clone anyway even without source. as buddy pointed out

October 3rd, 2007, 01:19
also someone has released a gfx mod of this game but with a different name "Pac man pizza" lol


and then the dev of this one posts on the release thread...

the guy who released the pac man thing even used the same readme/synopsis for it. though tbh this game wudnt be hard to clone anyway even without source. as buddy pointed out

Lol yeah, too much plagiarism in the scene nowadays.

October 3rd, 2007, 02:56
and my hatrid for lua games grows.


I should see if wrag is willing to ban all news articles on lua games that are not by proven lua coders or can be validated as being something more then just cheaply stolen code.

October 3rd, 2007, 04:24
Even my Bleach game wasn't this bad. I had all that an actual game would've had up to the point I got. (Music, BGs, database, options, ect.) This just needs a little work, thats all...alot of work. But this is probably only discouraging the guy, so I say: Throw out as many crappy releases as you need to. Thats how the M64 and Daedalus4PSP both started out.

October 3rd, 2007, 15:20
That's why I suggest not to code/script in LUA for the users :) Every little 'genius' might just edit your code. C++ is one of the best languages I have seen In my life. Hmm maybe I will port my own creating game for windows to PSP a few months laters (but that is wrilly maybe )

October 3rd, 2007, 17:05
Even my Bleach game wasn't this bad. I had all that an actual game would've had up to the point I got. (Music, BGs, database, options, ect.) This just needs a little work, thats all...alot of work. But this is probably only discouraging the guy, so I say: Throw out as many crappy releases as you need to. Thats how the M64 and Daedalus4PSP both started out.

Actualy M64 & Daedalus had very few early releases. I don't think I even posted any release of M64 till it was actualy running a lot of stuff (I think first one was when a lot of homebrew ran, second release was when games were running).

Daedalus first release was after it was running games.

The only stupid release which was ninsest and it was more just an argumentive point to get dcemu & qj to stop the bitch fighting.

Anyways back on subject.

I'm all for lua releases that actualy have meat to them. You are an established lua coder so you your self would not put out something that is not empty.

My beef is with people who put out lua games that do nothing or are their "my first hello world" lua test. There is no need for thies to be publicly posted. Sure they can fill up message boards and thats fine but there is no need for main sites to post them as front page news.

I think I would be more understanding if this was like the gba or the early days of psp. Yet this is not and there is no need for this basic childish stuff anymore.

October 3rd, 2007, 18:02
Damn!...look, the guy made something. It may not be the best game in the world but its more than most people have made for the PSP. If you dont want to play it, dont freakin download it. Instead of wasting your time bitching about it, go code something better and release it. Thats what the scene is all about. Stop knocking on the little guys who are just learning, we cant about l33t haxors like you. Hes not wasting anyones time, or the small amount of space this takes up on the server.

PSmonkey, it sounds like someones got a little crush on you.....cal360?

October 3rd, 2007, 18:22
Damn!...look, the guy made something. It may not be the best game in the world but its more than most people have made for the PSP. If you dont want to play it, dont freakin download it. Instead of wasting your time bitching about it, go code something better and release it. Thats what the scene is all about. Stop knocking on the little guys who are just learning, we cant about l33t haxors like you. Hes not wasting anyones time, or the small amount of space this takes up on the server.

According to QJ forums. It looks like he did not code anything. He just copy and pasted tutorials together and threw on some sprites.

Anyways I'm all for people learning but another part of learning is realising you need to do more then just following a tutorial step by step and calling it a release. This is far from critisizing someone who's done weeks worth of work on a big sceen project and being critisized on Qj's front page.

As for me coding something my self. I have been actualy. I just can't post it. *cries*

PSmonkey, it sounds like someones got a little crush on you.....cal360?

Actualy I think a few here have man crushes on me.

*looks around scared*

October 3rd, 2007, 18:44
Damn!...look, the guy made something. It may not be the best game in the world but its more than most people have made for the PSP. If you dont want to play it, dont freakin download it. Instead of wasting your time bitching about it, go code something better and release it. Thats what the scene is all about. Stop knocking on the little guys who are just learning, we cant about l33t haxors like you. Hes not wasting anyones time, or the small amount of space this takes up on the server.

PSmonkey, it sounds like someones got a little crush on you.....cal360?

I used PSmonkey as an example of someone who has acheived very much and created many versions of his homebrew creations. Although it may not seem it, but I have been in the scene a lot longer than most people, longer than it says on my joining date so I know what i'm talking about.