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View Full Version : slimChoice for CFW & eLoader

October 2nd, 2007, 22:51
News/release from Xart: (http://www.xart.co.uk/)

slimChoice is another menu for eLoader, it replaces eMenu and give PSP Slim users a reason to like eLoader a lot as the eMenu that comes with eLoader is not so good looking and tends to put some users off, but eMenu dose it's job well and slimChoice is just like eMenu except it looks sexy.

It uses all the same button controls as eMenu so users will not have to learn new buttons.

Things that slimChoice dose that eMenu dosn't do
1st: Sorts by Title or Rating
2nd: Scans the PSP folder fully for homebrew including sub folders
3rd: Rate your homebrew collection (backward compatible with Choice for CFW ratings)
4th: Looks Nicer
6th: Imm too sexy for my slim, too sexy for my slim it's sexy it's nice.

6th was such a bigy I made it bolder

slimChoice for eLoader v1.0.4 Current release.
slimChoice for CFW v1.0.4 Current release.

slimChoice for CFW works on 3.71 M33 with the 1.50 Addon

Time Zones
iPos Letter Popups while scrolling collection.
Circle on hombrew browsing will take you back to the Time Zone menu

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October 2nd, 2007, 23:10
This is way too confusing to install =/

October 3rd, 2007, 03:19
So slimchoice wont work on my psp slim? =\