View Full Version : Dreamcast Scene News

July 7th, 2005, 20:29
Max the hardworking webmaster of Dreamcast Scene posted this news:

Today marks the end of "veal sausage for breakfast, wanderlust in leather trouthers or brown ale fest in March" in Nandlstadt (quote from MAN!AC article: issue 07/2005). Dreamcast-Scene has moved, as of 07-01-2005, to Munich, Germany, which is now officially the headquarters of an organization bearing the name "Dreamcast-Scene Europe".

Along with the opening of the headquarters in Munich, two more locations in the USA ("Dreamcast-Scene America", Elmira, New York) and Japan ("Dreamcast-Scene Japan", Shimonoseki) have arisen, which are intended for correspondence of petitions and business communications from North-America and Asia, respectively. (...)

Check our Annoucement section for the whole press release including photos of our new headquarter.
