View Full Version : Killer 7

July 7th, 2005, 21:14
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3653&&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>

There's an attack on the UN by a mysterious new terrorist force known as Heaven's Smile! Everyone they touch turns into a mindless walking time bomb with a sadistic grin on their face. Then, just to add to the fun, they blow up everyone they approach, and can turn invisible too. So who does the government call in to save the day? A wheelchair bound assign named Harman Smith. Riggggght. This army of one though, is actually seven split personalities, each more twisted than the last. You can switch between them anytime in game, and each have their own skills to help kill who ever they deem "deserving to die". Need someone knifing? Kevin's your man. Have a hankering for the extra power of two grenade launchers? Say hello to Mask. Others feature lock picking abilities, sniper skills, and more, such as a female that can even use her own blood to break through barriers!

• Trailer (1:54 mins - 14.6mb - WMV)

In Killer 7 a good bloody splattering doesn't go unappreciated. After a night of your team painting the town red, you bottle the enemies blood and can use it to unlock more powers or restore health, depending on your flavor of choice: thin or thick. Thus the more blood you blow out of an enemy, the better, and the thick stuff lets you personalize each personality even further. Announced three years ago, the unique visuals got almost all the attention with Killer 7, but now the gameplay has been revealed, it seems that same level of creativity flows right through all the veins of this sicko title. Last month the Japanese edition clearly got Famitsu's seal of approval too, with a whopping 36/40 review score, and now the US edition is arriving for GameCube near the end of this week.