View Full Version : DCEmu Networks is now on Facebook! NOW WITH CONTEST!

October 6th, 2007, 07:09
As most or some have seen or read, I started a page for DCEmu on MySpace (http://reviews.dcemu.co.uk/dcemu-on-myspace-71393.html). If you havent already, request to be a friend!

With that, I bring you...DCEmu on Facebook! So if you're already registered with Facebook, add us to your friends list! If not, what are you waiting for? Register (http://www.facebook.com/r.php?referrer=102) with Facebook today and add us!


You can search for us by typing in "Dcemu Networks" or by email dcemu.facebook[@]gmail.com (remove brackets).

Everyone should have a DS right? Well, I'm throwing up a contest. To help with DCEmu Reviews replace their Xbox360, whoever REQUESTS an invite for the Video Game Community application (Goozex) and adds the application to their Facebook between Oct. 7-13, will be eligible for the contest. I will post the names who has added the application and is eligible for the drawing. If you dont see your name but have added the application, let me know and I will see what can be done.

So what is the prize? SuperCard DS ONE (http://reviews.dcemu.co.uk/review-supercard-ds-one-slot-1-59524.html). Of course, this is ONLY if DCEmu Reviews wins the Xbox360. If DCEmu Reviews does not win, contest is null and voided. So if you havent received an invite, request one either through Facebook or email us at dcemu.facebook[@]gmail.com.

So all you have to do is request a invite, add the application to your Facebook and you're automatically entered into the drawing!

DIGG THIS (http://digg.com/gaming_news/DCEmu_Networks_is_now_on_Facebook)

October 12th, 2007, 04:40
Everyone LOVES free prizes right?! Well I'm throwing up a contest. To help with DCEmu Reviews replace their Xbox360, whoever REQUESTS an invite for the Video Game Community application (Goozex) and adds the application to their Facebook between Oct. 7-13, will be eligible for the contest. YOU MUST REQUEST INVITE IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE. ADDING APPLICATION ON YOUR OWN WILL NOT COUNT.

First Prize: (your choice)
• Supercard DS ONE

Second Prize: (your choice — available only if 30 accepted invites is reached)
• Griffin RoadDock PSP
• Nyko GameFace 360

Of course, this is ONLY if DCEmu Reviews wins the Xbox360. If DCEmu Reviews does not win, contest is null and voided.