View Full Version : ASCII Boot Splash 0.2S (For PSP Slim)

October 10th, 2007, 21:56
News/release from aliasneo

Hi there guys, I have made an update of the ASCII Boot Splash to work on later firmwares now. I would appreciate if anyone could test it out on 3.60/3.71 and earlier (3.52) firmwares for both PSP Slim and Phat.

After reports of the original Phat version not working on firmwares above 3.52 or on PSP Slim I have now updated the program.

This BETA, I want to use as an opportunity to test exactly which firmwares this will work on and which it wont.

Unfortunately due to some Sony changes, it has become difficult to run the same code on the earlier and later firmwares from the same program.

Hopefully I can find from this what does and doesn't work, if I am unable to find a solution, I will maintain this version in parallel with the earlier version for the phat PSP.

Any and all comments and feedback appreciated.

Thanks to the community for their help in upgrading my knowledge to the later firmwares and to everyone who is helping maintain this project by testing and feedback.

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via aliasneo (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-betaascii-boot-splash-02s-for-psp-slim-124049.html)

October 11th, 2007, 02:38
working, 3.71 m33-2