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View Full Version : dcemu.co.uk or pspemu.co.uk?

July 10th, 2005, 14:09
Bah when enter in this site, see always "PSP EMU ANNoUNCEMENTs" -.-
for curios i am enter on link up the site PSP EMULATION NEWS, and i see very emu developed for psp, but sincerly when i read wich for play very well this emus in psp, you use overclock the console, uhahuaauhauhauhahuaahu :D, ABSURD, and when i read wich sony have underclocket for battery drain, ahuuahauhahuahuaahuhua, ridiculos.
The dreamcast has minor power of psp, and very emu are perfectly or near, without overclocket, the coders dreamcast are more greats, and all this rumor is only pubblicity, is a good console the psp, but underclocket for problems to battery, not is more a console portable, this is my opinion.
XBOX is a PC maskerade of console, PSP is a console portable only if you brought an accumulator of current huahauahu ^_^.
Sorry see, the forum always news of psp, very noise, this is a site DREAMCAST people, if i enter here and for dreamcast, not for psp.

July 10th, 2005, 14:33
In amongst the terrible english you have a point, this site is becoming heavily PSP orientated. But you need not worry, as whenever a new console comes out that has the possibilities for decent homebrew then it will be popular for a while, this PSP boom will die down, and the site will return to normal with a healthy mix of PSP and DC emu/homebrew.

July 10th, 2005, 17:43
PTR.LYNCH tell me the true, my english is a TERRIBLE VOMIT of letters :P
learn a lot of english a day :D.

I am a grapich, i have always hated the language of programation, but now i wold learn the c++, for the dreamcast ^_^
only wich i don't find the dc cable, =|.
A site where learn at program and build games or multimedia for dc, can be good for create news coders.

July 14th, 2005, 18:08
dcemu.co.uk of course!!!!!!

July 14th, 2005, 20:50
Darkgate, are you spanish? I'm saying this due to your poor english, you could be me. What's your language? In other order of things, yes, I love Dreamcast an d I've a very little interest in PSP, I'd like to see this site like in its beginning, a totally DC site. If you're spanish or latin, try to visit www.dciberia.net. You'll like it.

July 14th, 2005, 21:10
i think darkgate already hangs around talfi.

July 14th, 2005, 21:12
Darkgate is from Italy.

July 14th, 2005, 21:22
every scene has a honeymoon period

the dreamcast will have a major surge again soon :)

Cap'n 1time
July 14th, 2005, 21:42
this is the third post on this sort of topic... stop bringing it up. The DC scene only stays alive because of conversation. MAKE SOME CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THE DC.

July 15th, 2005, 00:57
What's a PSP?
is it a new peer-shite-peer prog where I can get DC ISO's, anyone got a link?

July 15th, 2005, 01:18
split the forums!

July 15th, 2005, 02:18
every scene has a honeymoon period

the dreamcast will have a major surge again soon :)

and nobody here will notice because of the hundreds of psp newbies who love to make usesless topics every minutes they breathe.

July 15th, 2005, 21:07

July 16th, 2005, 15:32
i really need an rss feed that takes from the whole Dreamcast category for vbulletin

July 25th, 2005, 16:09
i think that xbox & dc homebrew scenes have a better future than psp. Really free ISO's DCDayDreamer, does it have teh hentai also, me wants teh uber cool psp.