View Full Version : Fabled Apple iWatch reportedly suffering production problems - again

January 4th, 2014, 00:01
Fewer than half are thought to be operable.
Talk of an Apple iWatch has been around for more than a year, and yet no such device has materialised.
Back in July, Apple CEO Tim Cook had supposedly considered totally scrapping the troublesome ticker (http://www.mobile-ent.biz/industry/job-moves/apple-iwatch-thought-to-be-suffering-hard-engineering-problems/041393) due to 'hard engineering and design problems.'
Six months later and nothing as changed, as DigiTimes (http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20140102PD202.html) reports the Apple iWatch is struggling from the intricate metal injection moulding process, which is resulting in fewer than 50 per cent production rates.
Apple isn't alone, however, with Qualcomm's Toq wrist gizmo said to be suffering from the same issue.
The smartwatch market is becoming increasingly crowded, as Nike (https://www.mobile-ent.biz/brands/entertainment/nike-s-new-smartwatch-to-arrive-in-first-half-of-next-year/042426) and ZTE (http://www.mobile-ent.biz/devices/samsung/zte-to-undercut-samsung-galaxy-gear-with-cheap-smartwatch-and-shoes/042374) are among the companies releasing new products this year – in fact, ZTE hasdiscussed smartshoes. (http://www.mobile-ent.biz/devices/samsung/zte-to-undercut-samsung-galaxy-gear-with-cheap-smartwatch-and-shoes/042374)
