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View Full Version : JoySens 1.2 for 3.71 preliminary release

October 18th, 2007, 20:13
News/release from Raphael:

I found time today to update my second PSP to 3.71M33 and test a method for making JoySens 1.2 available under that firmware. For now it seems to work fine, but it is next to untested atm, so I cannot yet guarantee it to work 100% (any reports are welcome).

No updates from old JoySens 1.2, but work on JoySens 1.3 is being done at the time being which will contain a fix for analog sticks that return values that don't fill the whole range (hence movement is slowed or even totally crumbled in certain directions).

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via raphael (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-joysens-12-for-371-preliminary-release-124818.html)

October 18th, 2007, 20:17
Yay, awesome! JoySens is very good. Nice to see it updated for 3.71 M33, gonna test it.

Sonicboy 101
October 18th, 2007, 20:21
I'm glad this is on 3.71 M33, Joysens is awesome.