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View Full Version : What the ****?!?!

October 19th, 2007, 04:50
You may know that I own a Treo 750 and a PSP. I just noticed that by tilting the phone's screen towards the PSP's screen, and looking in the reflection of the PSP, you can see an odd rainbow like thing appear instead of the white on the screen.

You know those 3D glasses they gave out at the "Meet the Robinsons" movie? The same thing happens when you look at the phone's screen with the glasses on. Does anybody know why this occurs? I'll post a picture once I get a chance (since this phone has the only good camera).

October 19th, 2007, 05:01
its something to do with the screen and lens of the glasses filtering out certain colors... i have a pair of polarized sunglasses and when i look at my ipod screen i see strange rainbow circles in it.

October 19th, 2007, 06:02
that seems interesting.
but you seem so intrigued by it.
like its some sort of rare phenomenon.

October 20th, 2007, 03:34
i never got 3d glasses when i saw that movie, it was only standard dimension movie:(

i ahve a screen protector on my psp and when u tilt the psp it goes all rainbow-ish

October 20th, 2007, 06:03
its something to do with the screen and lens of the glasses filtering out certain colors... i have a pair of polarized sunglasses and when i look at my ipod screen i see strange rainbow circles in it.
That's it!