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View Full Version : Unofficial gpSP Kai TV Test Release

October 21st, 2007, 09:23
Takka who has been working for months now in an unofficial capacity on Exophases excellent GBA Emulator for the PSP (http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/gpsp-0-9-gba-emulator-for-the-psp-full-speed--46046.html) has just posted a new version.

This release is a tester for those interested in playing the GBA Emulator on their TVs.

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October 21st, 2007, 10:11
any reports on the size it displays on-screen?
I think I might have to get myself an AV out cable for the slim and lite now :)


John Vattic
October 21st, 2007, 10:14
Hopefully works better than last couple of versions. Still if it doesn't it's very good work. will try.

October 21st, 2007, 15:08
at least someone is doing something.. if i had a slim i would test this

John Vattic
October 21st, 2007, 16:11
I found out that you need to set it to progressive video out on the psp settings. it works.

hopefully more coders will implement this. if they don't they are not leet.

October 21st, 2007, 16:25
Accidental double post.

October 21st, 2007, 17:25
at least someone is doing something..

I don't think we've heard the last from Exophase and his updates are usually more polished and significant.

I'm very much anticipating an official update for the slim someday. Due to the vast amount of games and how recent the GBA hardware is, gpSP is still the most impressive emulator that the PSP has seen thus far IMHO.

Of course a lot of credit also goes to SONY for their PSX emulator built into the firmware.

October 21st, 2007, 18:46
mabey ill try this. my bro just got a slim so now i can try out all the tv out stuff.

October 21st, 2007, 23:12
I don't think we've heard the last from Exophase

i hope your right, i just hope takka had the courtesy to exophase this time with source patches and what not


October 22nd, 2007, 00:05
Not bad will try later...

October 22nd, 2007, 10:31
I hope noone thinks this will surpass into the interlace composite, anyway I've tried it out and doesn't seem to work at all. It crashes during the BIO's loading. I have used the last build of kai gpsp 32mb ram version. Google it if you want to see. I've been using this app for a month and it outputs perfectly through the PSP on component. Of course only playable homebrew or psp games for that matter outputs on a progressive display, which would mean any LCD, computer moniter and of course HDTVs. I don't know the purpose of this build but hopefully I'll be able to figure that out.

October 22nd, 2007, 16:22
I'm guessing that this can only be played on the PSP Slim / Lite versions, huh? (And I don't mean the Tv out part, that's obvious, but I mean the program itself...)

October 22nd, 2007, 23:25
Its for the custom firmware m33 3.71, it doesn't matter which psp you have, phat or slim.

October 24th, 2007, 14:48
not working thistrick.

Only a blue bar and return to XMB.
what's wrong ?

October 24th, 2007, 16:03
thats nothing....
use the exploit and run the original gpsp0.9 and there you go... if you guys dont believe me, ill prove it... just say it and ill prove it

October 24th, 2007, 17:14
Well it works but the picture sorta flashes and the sound is awful lol. Its a start though ;)