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View Full Version : Five Drake's Fortune videos

October 24th, 2007, 19:02
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=174316)

We're currently trashing our way through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. It's good stuff, but you'll have to wait a little longer for our final verdict. What we can tell you though is that it looks frickin' stunning. Come see...

This is what PS3 games are supposed to look like - detail oozes from every crevice in the game's environments, from the leaves, trees and bushes in the impressively-lit jungles levels, to the high-res textures in the dungeon interiors.

Bushes and long grass move as you wade through them (unlike most games with their ghost vegetation that you can walk through as if it weren't there). And the sunshine gleams realistically through the leaves, casting impressive shadows on the ground and the moving characters.

The voice acting is quality, too. The combination of a well-acted script and stunning visuals makes the cut scenes a pleasure to watch. It really does feel like you're watching a film at times. And these cut scenes are rendered in real-time, too.

So, we've got five movies for you. We were only going to do a couple but the game looks so damn good we couldn't stop hitting the record button. They're from levels early into the game though - so as not to spoil things for you.

The first video is the opening scene on Drake's boat, where you can check out the shooting and hand-to-hand combat mechanics as we fight off money-hungry pirates (the modern kind).

The second video is the proceeding cut scene, which looks amazing, then in the third video we explore a jungle path and have a jump around. Watch out for the fluid animation as Drake walks over the rocks and clambers up platforms.

Next up is a tomb interior where you'll see how the game makes great use of the environments for some rewarding puzzle-solving action. And finally we thought we'd show you a very Indiana Jones-like action scene that got our hearts pumping when we first saw it. Skip that last one if you don't want the surprise ruined.

The game's due out in December, but we'll be uploading more videos and impressions in coming weeks, so keep an eye on us. If you haven't already, check our previous hands-on write up.

Videos here (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/player.php?mode=article&id=1219)