View Full Version : Japanese hardware sales, October 15th - 21st

October 26th, 2007, 18:23
The current state of hardware sales in Japan are as follows:

Nintendo DS Lite: 70,608
Playstation Portable: 58,669
Wii: 24,932
Playstation 3: 17,130
Playstation 2: 10,281
Xbox 360: 3,011
Game Boy Advance SP: 130
Game Boy Micro: 118
Gamecube: 48
Game Boy Advance: 22

DS Lite drops roughly by 7,100, PSP increases by 900, Wii up 4,357, PS3 up about 5,000, PS2 up 100, GBA up 3, GBM up 58 and GC down 31.