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View Full Version : The Moon Books Project + The Dark Vault of Public Domain =

October 26th, 2007, 23:39
News from the Moon Books Project:

We at The Moon Books Project are overjoyed to have exclusive distribution rights to the cult TV series The Dark Vault of Public Domain on the DS. It's a first in the homebrew community for a website to offer an entire TV series entirely for free. So be sure to head on over and check it out!

For those who are not familiar with The Dark Vault of Public Domain, I'll let their website describe it for themselves:

"THE DARK VAULT OF PUBLIC DOMAIN is a cult movie show, hosted by the ubiquitous Uncle Pete, and featuring his twisted sidekick, “El Vato.” Each week they plunder the darkest depth of cinema to uncover films that have been abandoned, ignored, discarded, thrown away, or just plumb forgotten by the general public, in whole or in part because of their status of films belonging in the public domain."

Also, to watch The Dark Vault of Public Domain online, check their website out at: http://darkvault.wordpress.com/
