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View Full Version : Hey Guys, this is long and well.. not PSP but Member related. What do you think?

July 13th, 2005, 20:38
Ok, guys I want to know how you feel here. This is the situation. It seems a member and myself are not getting along/seeing eye to eye. I feel he is acting in a way that hinders the forum and he feel’s differently as the PM’s will show. This all started in the WinPSP Forums and a few already know how it went. I am copying and pasting everything here.

My main goal is to either shed light on mine or his wrong doings here so that either;

A) If he is what I feel he is, I think we should all know as I feel him to be a determent to the Forums for the actions he takes and the way he treats Forum members.
B) I am way out there and am Wrong, and if so I want to make sure to understand and not make the same mistake again.

This is everything. Also I want those to know I am not trying to clog up the forums, I have reported posts and PM’d Admins asking to post this, there were no objections and they will be reviewing it to. I do not want to distract or pull from this community as I honestly feel that unlike other forums, this one seems to be a close group and it does not just move on to the next great thing and leave something else behind. It covers them all and its an amazing place.

Here goes:

First this is where it all started. It’s a few pages to read but it gives the back ground and I do not want to pull the whole copy and paste a few pages of a thread.
http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7402&page=5&pp=10 I did not really reply to Parabolee until page 7 I think. But it started with the comment made on Page 5.

Now after this I got the following PM which I reported (I reported them all so we can address this now for the last time).

Dude why are you being an assole?

I appologised for my mistake but nah you gotta continue to attack me!

I did listen and I clarified what I had said and done AND appologised for my mistake. But you gotta be mister smart ass attack people to make yourself feel like a big shot. And the irony is that you were the one who posted about keeping the discussion civil.

Get off your high horse for a minute and look at your own mistakes. I applogised and you continued to attack me. Sure I was sarcastic, my bad. But I did appologise WITHOUT sarcasm several times. I was the better person in this. Why you couldn't be like, "ok thats cool just wanted to point out it has been covered, didn't mean to offend. It's all cool." Instead of continuing your chilidish play ground attacks on me.

Dude your posting on a message board discussion, just because someone missed part of a post or two doesn't make you mister moral authority and give you the right to start flaming them, people like you make message boards a pain. Flamers and wannabe 1337 are much worst than so called newbies who dont know all the 1337 rules yet and post a no no before they read the 10 page "rulez". I know this is not what happened here but you are just the type of person who does that, arn't you?

I tried to end this peacfully but you insinst on attacking me on the board. I even didn't reply to the request to keep the discussion in PM's because I thougth he was right, but you had to didn't you? You had to have one last dig. And to that I am sorry to have to call you a assole.

To which I responded:

So by being mature and calling me a wanna be, (I have been on online communities for years, I sell laptops, enjoy community events, contribute and make sure to educate myself before sticking my nose into things and you just jump in, disregard ppl and now ur pming me being an ass trying to morally up yourself for making a mistake?

Maybe you should try not starting off with Sarcasm? Maybe you should take a long look in the mirror and realize that everyone is not here to understand you and your problems, we all work together for a mutual goal and while we may not always see eye to eye we realize this and make sure to educate ourselves before making inaccurate posts.

Then to top it off you decided that you needed to tell those who tried to warn you BEFORE you posted the link, that hey we know about that its something else entirely you need to read the whole thread before posting in this case. You got mad at the person giving you that advice. AND you went ahead and did it anyway. Where do you feel that you should not be scolded for doing something to annoy the rest of us? We were nice, told you to check up before [posting and you were a smart ass with us and they you decided to be sarcastic when we returned the favor, yeah we really want to listen to you or believe you then? Since when did Sarcasm make people say, hey I want to pay atten to this person acting like he is apologizing by being Sarcastic and rude? Sorry I personally get turned off by someone who is sarcastic to me esp. when he should have been apologizing to everyone esp MSX and he completely misses the point, not to mention he missed the point the whole thread, I will outline them for you:

1) Did not listen to friendly advice, and got upset with those giving it. (Did you think they were lying to you? or just feel like you had the right to say F-You I know what I am doing I don't need you telling me anything?)

2) You missed a plan example showing how bad it was to make a post without getting all the information. (Aka the its as bad as asking for ROM's statement). You completely missed the point there, I think thats clear.

3) You were sarcastic with those who got upset with you and then expected them to see an heart felt apology after you were a rude jerk? I'm sorry but if someone is a rude jerk to you more then once don't you tend to stop paying as close atten to them, not to mention stop giving any credit to anything they say?

4) You decided that after you were rude and made a mistake that you should have a right to be upset with those who tried to show you the light and stop you from making a mistake? I'm sorry but do you ask the Police Officer to give you an apology after he gives you a speeding ticket just because you felt he should for getting mad at you for breaking the law that you already knew about? Arrogance is the only way to sum that up.

Now in regards to your I follow the rules, hmm lets see because I am annoyed with ppl who do not pay atten to the facts, who bring up old stated information esp when someone warns them and they they are a Jerk? they believe themselves to be so right and better then everyone else that they have to assure themselves of this and to do so must attack others. You forget that you started your post in that thread by attacking MSX and not reading the full post, then you attacked those who tried to give you information then you attacked me and then you decided to write me and attack me in a PM all to justify an action that was WRONG and completely stupid. If you had just taken your licks, (Gee was it so bad for ppl to get mad at you for not listening> Esp when they tried to help you and you were rude to them). I am not someone who posts NO-NO to anyone because they do not follow a rule, I try to help anyone but someone who can not act maturely and understand that this is a community and not High School, there is no cool crowd or jocks, or preps its just ppl sharing with each other working together towards a common goal and helping each other. There are those who cause problems, those who post fake information but what you do not realize is that you do not have to Troll someone or post fake information to be a hindrance to a forum. You just have to think that you have to make a status for yourself in a forum. If someone has a status in a forum it is given to them by others and its not something they work to maintain its just there because of how they act and what they do. Since you feel the need to tell me what your impression of me is and how mature and grown up you feel I am sorry but I feel the need to let you know that you are no different then someone who posts a fake finding, your the same mentality, your someone out to cause ripples and make things unpleasant if they do not suit you or should the opportunity arise to promote yourself. This is not about you and no forum is every about singular presences. ---Continued on Page 2--->

we look up to those who can do things we can't, we enjoy topics about things that are why we are here (aka the PSP and many other Game systems in there appropriate sections) Not to mention the furthermost of development and break throughs. You feel that this is some eye for an eye arena and that someone should get a second chance when they repeat the same actions and then when someone says, hey damit we warned you, you got mad at us and did it anyway then we proved it to you and got after you for it so instead of apologizing correctly off the bat you became sarcastic like a teenager to his parents thinking he knows everything, only to then SAY he apologizes but after all that how are we to believe him not to mention that all along this little trip he has missed most every point that has been shown to him.

Now how do you end something peacefully by sending this PM? Hmm sounds again like you missed the point and completely contradicted yourself (incase you missed it you did that to yourself to). But i have some more good news for you, since you were such a Jerk and you went out of your way to piss me off, get me worked up and make me upset at you instead of your actions I am going to do something to you. I have reported you to the admins for breaking rules and for being a determent to the group. I hoe you enjoyed it here, I wish you could have grown up and realized that this was not about you and you messed up and were nothing but sarcastic and rude but instead you just pushed and pushed until those here who help most everyone and even those they tend to say Hey now I pointed it out to you and your completely not reading threads or paying atten. Say hey your right and they see that were not mad at them directly, we will forget it after this and things are fine, we will not be mad at them and quite frankly we may enjoy conversations with them later on or right away. Instead.. forget it I am talking to someone who will not listen and as I said it is pointless to do so. Its been a pleasure and hopefully next time around things will not be the same as they were this time. I hope you see the differences and how things really should be.

Oh on the final note, I don't have to leave you with a label, you have given yourself one. Heres another free line for you, I once knew a gentleman who had to tell everyone he was a "Man's Man". Its not that he was a bad guy he just could not express himself correctly. What he did not realize was that by trying to tell ppl what he was and acting the way he did because he felt he needed to support that, he made ppl mad and did not have many ppl around who enjoyed him. His business ventures suffered when they dealt with others in a customer service environment and he did not understand why. What he did not understand was that he did not need to tell others he was a Man's Man because no one cared and they only took it the wrong way but honestly a good man and a good person is seen by others through that person's actions and if his actions held true to that they would have already known what he was, instead they realized that to them he was something else, far off from a Man's Man.

I got a response of:

Dude I don't have time to read a two page essay on your bullshit. I just don't have tme right now, I have a job.

The only part I bothered top read is the crap about your qualifications.

Dude I don't care, you sell laptops, big deal. I work as an IT technician and web designer onling with running my own web comic, so what does that prove? Nothing.

I wsn't calling you a wannabe, I was critisizing your attack on me for accidently missing a peice of information, and then your continued attack after I appologised (You even had to make a snide comment after I made a post trying to be as civil as possible and appologise for my part and ask you for an appology too, just so we could put an end to the childish bickering).

Yes I did it with sarcasm first because I was angry at your ignorant and arogant attack. But I honestly appologised after, I was angry and offended at your attitude of being so superior just because I missed that that post had been discussed, and as far as I can see that thread is still debated as far as the validity of the so called Win PSP.

I could care less if Win PSP is real. I just thought you were being an assole for no reason.

So again, I appologise for my mistake. Why don't you be a big man now and just appologise for yours and we'll move on with our lives?

July 13th, 2005, 20:38
And I responded for what I hopped was the last time but it was not:

Your whole PM is again nothing but an attack to me and I have just again Hit the report button. Thanks for the waste of time but I am not going to get into a pissing constant with someone, you should have read what I sent because you would have seen again i tried to help you understand and you just don't. Your really just immature and a jerk. You missed the point of what I wrote (A very common occurrence for you) And your bothering me, don't make the mistake of writing me again. Also stop trying to be a tough guy in your PM's its annoying and childish are you going to IM me to death if I do not comply with your demands? (I figured it out you remind me of the Guy in Dodge Ball the Owner of the Other Gym. ROFLMAO Thats it perfectly!!!!) And you did call me a wanna be as well as everything else in your PM because you wanted to and intended to and now your trying to claim you did not.
I do not want to deal with someone thats just not worth my time, your the rude and an immature person, and a waste of my time. Please find someone else to bother.

Oh and since you wanted a contest on Jobs/Qualifications, heres one for ya, let me know what you think;

Graduated High School a Year Early @ 17 to join the US Military. Served with the Joint Readiness Training Center to Train those who went to Afgan. Watched People doing their job die for beliefs and the chance for others to contribute, just so I could come back and have some arrogant Ass Hole jump down my neck because he screwed up and his ego is bruised. Thats why you are a Jerk, you think first of yourself not the group. This is a Group, almost like a family. We help eachother and every once in awhile Family scolds family, but thats not a reason to get mad and demand what you have, its call criticism and you learn from it and become better. You'll find that 99% of the time ppl are not going to hold a grudge at you for making a mistake, but the way you make it can have an affect on what happens. This will dawn on you someday, the whole, treat ppl how you want to be treated and think of others before yourself when you truly care about something.

You know what I am going to let the community Decided. I think that they can judge better. If they feel I have screwed up then so be it. But I am showing them everything, you I hope can deal with that.

I again got a reply of:

Your whole PM is again nothing but an attack to me and I have just again Hit the report button. Thanks for the waste of time but I am not going to get into a pissing constant with someone, you should have read what I sent because you would have seen again i tried to help you understand and you just don't. Your really just immature and a jerk. You missed the point of what I wrote (A very common occurrence for you) And your bothering me, don't make the mistake of writing me again.

I never called you a wanna be, I was saying you were being arogant and attacking someone NOT helping. I have been the only one trying to end this peacfully. Let me state that I think that I did react overly defensive to your first post but you went out of your way to call me a noob instead of just pointing out my mistake.

Also stop trying to be a tough guy in your PM's its annoying and childish are you going to IM me to death if I do not comply with your demands? (I figured it out you remind me of the Guy in Dodge Ball the Owner of the Other Gym. ROFLMAO Thats it perfectly!!!!) And you did call me a wanna be as well as everything else in your PM because you wanted to and intended to and now your trying to claim you did not.

No I didn't, I did not want or intend to call you a wannabe at all, why would I deny it? You missunderstood, not me. This is a PM why I deny calling you a wannabe if I wanted to? I honestly had no intentions of attacking your knowledge of the scene, only your holier than thou attitude.

Oh and since you wanted a contest on Jobs/Qualifications, heres one for ya, let me know what you think;

Here is another HUGE misunderstanding on your part. I said quite clearly that I didn't care about your qualifications, I never questioned them. I have no desire to have a contest on them for god sake. I was pointing out that our qualifications are meaningless in this debate. Seriously you were the one who brought them up! How am I the one that wants a contest! I said what does it prove? Nothing!

Seriously buddy (no sarcasm) lets end this, it's so petty. I admited my mistake (which was minor). I appologise for insulting you, but I felt you attacked me first. I said some stupid things in anger at your attacks, for that I am sorry.

So again I'm sorry, I repectfully request that you appologise too. And then we can put this silly and childish argument to rest.

You know what I am going to let the community Decided. I think that they can judge better. If they feel I have screwed up then so be it. But I am showing them everything, you I hope can deal with that.

If you really want to, then I can deal with it. But in all honesty it's just going to make things even more petty and childish, I think it would be better if we except each other appologies and end it.

I replied reminding that I was through, I wanted to talk no further and had requested that in the last PM:

Ok I am not going to go get your old PM and show you that your lieing and called me what you did, I do NOT want to TALK to you at all, infact I said DO NOT WRITE ME BACK!!!

Thinking this would end it was again wrong as I got this just before Wraggster got back to me to request everything be sent again.

Ok I am not going to go get your old PM and show you that your lieing and called me what you did, I do NOT want to TALK to you at all, infact I said DO NOT WRITE ME BACK!!!

Why you gotta be like that? Why can't you be a better man and admit your own faults in this? I admited mine, I even appologised, but you gotta keep on attacking me.

If you want to post all those PM's be my guest. I have nothing to hide. I did not lie ever. I may have made mistakes but I never lied. In fact I am very confident that you would come off a lot worse than me.

Seriously you should re-read my last post and then your reply. Your anger and venom is rather uneccasary. I have repeatedly tried to end this peacfully but you really don't want to do you?

If you are going to reply again, don't say " I do NOT want to TALK to you at all, infact I said DO NOT WRITE ME BACK!!!" it'.

Come on lets be men and end this with a mutual appology. I have tried. Here it is again -

I'm sorry for insulting you, and I am sorry for not reading the whole forum and posting something that was "old news". I'll try and make sure it doesn't happen again.

I again replied to stop and included the following:

Look I have talked to you, been a "Man" with you and its gone over your head, your not going to get it and your calling yourself something trying to make others feel that way about you when they should just see it through your actions. I have asked you to stop writing but you can't, I have asked you to lay off because were never going to agree, I have warned you that I have been reporting you and held back from posting what you did. I have just gotten word back from the ADMIN's so I am going to see what they say and act on it now.

I have asked you 2 time not to write me back, you continue to, why does it mean so much to you to do so? Is your conscience bothering you? I stopped attacking you after my PM first telling you not to write, you still continue to write, whos doing what here? You need to reread what you originally sent me and see your labeling that you did, quite frankly I can write you back telling you not to write because I do not want to hear from you and I am not going to get into a moral debate with a person who will not listen to me. Its just a waste of time. I have no doubts about what I have said an I am not concerned with how it will come out as I learn and respect my peers and that’s the way to better yourself, to learn to see other points of view and remember them so you can apply them to later situations.

I may learn new things in the posting of the PM's but the ONLY reason I have not posted is I respect the Forum Members an Site owners and have asked for their permission. When they give me the answer (Which I told you they wrote me but ur PM was first) I will do what they say is ok.

Now again and for the last time, STOP WRITING ME.

This is the End of it.

I am sorry it is so long but I did not want to hold things back or not show them, I am sure I made some mistakes or let my anger to the better if me in this situation a few times. But I want to stand up for what I did listen to the constructive advice from those around me and learn from it.

July 13th, 2005, 20:51
This guy just does not get it, because after all the forwarding and checking back with this post plus asking somoene to come take a look here I get the following PM YET AGAIN WRITING ME BACK!!! :

It is noted that you refused to appologise despite my many efforts to do so to you.

It is also noted that you attacked me in every post you made despite your claims to the contrary.

You will be glad to know that I will never be PMing you or speaking to you again.

But I am truely sorry for the things I said in anger and truly sorry that you were unable to accept my previous appologies or appologies for anything you said yourself.

I just chose to post it here now, I am still getting written to every time I ask him/her not to so I guess this is the best way, just not write back and let you guys here take it so I know what to think.

July 13th, 2005, 20:57
You wouldn't let in lye would you? I tried and tried to end it peacefully but you had to keep going didn't you? And now you go and post our entire petty argument on the boards to drag it on and on.

I didn't say you were "way out there and Wrong", I admited my part in this silly argument, but you would not accept any responsibility, or at least appologise.

Please admins, close this and put an end to this pointless argument, I have repeatadly appologised to this person (as you can see from my PM's) but he continued to attack me with venom.

NOTE: One concession though. Now I re-read my PM's I can see why he thought I called him a wannabe. It was not my intention and that is not what I intended to say (nor what I said, but I can see that it seems implied).

July 13th, 2005, 20:59
Do u notice your post does nothing but contradict this since your the one continueing to PM me, I thought u were not talking to me anymore? Do ever do what you say or do you just say it?

I did this for me and to either learn for myself or warn them of you, you said you had no problem with it so why has that changed?

I have to go take my wife to find out what we are expecting, we are hoping for a girl so this is the big day. I will be back later today and I will return here to either take the misactions I took and the counsel of my peers and go forward.


July 13th, 2005, 21:13
sit down and shut up kids. if you wanna keep on fighting do it somewhere else, because nobody cares.