View Full Version : NDSLIB Update !

July 13th, 2005, 21:36
Added some changes that have been sitting in my inbox for as much as a month.
Microphone code has been added...will do an example in the next day or two.
Fixed an error in consol printing and an one in Key input code.
Verified all examples still compile and run under devkitARM r14
Fixed Textured QUAD demo so that it displays a textured QUAD as apposed to a blank screen.
Fixed GL Mult Matrix to actualy multiply instead of load
Added GlRotate for rotations about an arbitrary axis.
Fixed GluLookAt so it should work like it is supposed to.

Thanks Neimod for the Microphone code and Bob for the GL additions/changes.

As soon as I have the time to port my makefiles over to libnds and modify the examples I am going to begin making changes directly in libnds. I think most people have migrated to that distribution anyway since wntrmute does a much better job of versioning than I as well as verifying cross platform compatibility. This should require little change in ndslib code as the only difference is location of the header files if I am not mistaken.

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