View Full Version : PSP Dreamcast VMU Emulator Demo (1.5)

July 14th, 2005, 17:28
VirtuaMUnstaz brings you this tiny little demo emulating the Dreamcast Visual Memory System (VMU) with a five year old demo on it.

Download VMU Emulator Demo (http://virtuamunstaz.de/VMUDEMO.ZIP)

Sources: VMU Emulator Demo Source (http://virtuamunstaz.de/vmudemo-1.0.zip)

July 16th, 2005, 21:24
This is awesome! Now I can play those mini games from Sonic and others... Thanks!

July 17th, 2005, 04:12
This is quite cool...It will be very cool once it goes faster though :cool: Untill then if I really want to play VMU mini games the VMU is still the best for it :p

The readme says "Watch http://virtuamunstaz.de/ for updates and source releases" :D It looks like an interesting site for DC fans

July 17th, 2005, 10:08
thanks for the release, i made a v1.0 eboot of the release and stuck it on my page here http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/dreamcastvmuemulator.shtml

Nice to see Dreamcast VMU games playable on the PSP :)

Will there be a file selector in future releases ?