View Full Version : Brick FTW

October 30th, 2007, 19:18
Hey guys, I have a PSP 3.52 M33, which is awesome to have, but my original PSP is Sony 3.52. I'm going to Pandora it using the pandora stuff I downloaded earlier, but all I needs to know is.. how should I brick my PSP that has sony firmware 3.52?

October 31st, 2007, 03:13
anyone... anything.. just need a simple way to brick my Sony firmware version 3.52 so I can pandora it so that I may customize it.. anyone...

October 31st, 2007, 03:34
You don't have to brick it. Pandora will boot either way (although it would be fun to brick it).

To brick it (I repeat NOT required) is start the 3.60 update and then pull the battery out while it's updating. Just don't pull it out in the beginning. It could be writing the IDSTORAGE (which will kill your PSP beyond repair).