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View Full Version : lxdream WIP news - Dreamcast emulator for Linux

November 2nd, 2007, 22:47
News (http://www.lxdream.org/news/) about the next version.

The current plan for 0.9 looks like this:

1. Fix the renderer
2. Implement MMU address translation.

The big focus for 0.9 obviously has to be the rendering module - we need to speed things up a lot (at least 5-10x faster than it is currently), deal with a bunch of bugs (most of them cases where GL and the PVR2 don’t quite see eye-to-eye), and implement about half a dozen missing features (none of them trivial).

The AT is something I’ve wanted to have working for a while but it just hasn’t been a high enough priority compared to everything else (especially as it’s going to be a pain to get it to run fast enough). I suspect that no one else cares, but personally I’m very keen to see linux-dc running inside the emu…

In any case, everything after that is just gravy, and really depends on how I go for time. Unfortunately November is looking to be very busy IRL, so we’re looking at a January release at this point. But it will _rock_, so there ^_^

I’ve also finally gotten around to putting my “status (http://www.lxdream.org/wiki/index.php?title=Lxdream_Status)” list up on the wiki. To be honest it’s a depressing list, as it seems to change at a glacial pace, but… there you are.

Changes (what, you want changes already?)

* Implement full-screen mode (scaling based)