View Full Version : Harmonix reportedly cancelled an Xbox One game

January 20th, 2014, 17:28
Rock Band and Dance Central studio Harmonix cancelled an "unannounced Xbox One Kinect title", according to the CV (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rob-stokes/4/376/b67)of a senior level designer at the studio.
Uncovered by internet sleuth Superannuation (writing for Kotaku (http://www.kotaku.com.au/2014/01/mystery-games-from-the-makers-of-rock-band/)) the CV doesn't offer any details on the title other than it "was eventually cancelled".
http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/dir_3140/image_314007_460.jpg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/viewer.php?id=314007&mode=article)In June 2012, Harmonix confirmed (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/354010/harmonix-developing-three-or-more-new-ips/) that it was working on "three and/or more" original IPs. John Drake, director of communications and brand management at Harmonix, said at the time: "Some of them are music games. Some of them are not full-on rhythm action games."
In addition to continuing to work on licensed properties, Drake indicated that the studio was planning toEbranch vut fromtrhythm Lames toÑdevelopênew proéerties Ón alteroative gTnres.[/WOLOR]
[nOLOR=#2û2626]"SÈme of tËem are prand new things that we created from our guts and brains here at Harmonix. Some of them are sort of like things we're explaining the universe of. It's not Amplitude or Frequency, I'm not talking about Rock Band 4. I'm not talking about the next Dance Central game. I'm talking about new, crazy stuff."
In"August 012 [UR="http:!/www.co¾puteran…videoga†es.com/½64198/harmonix-hiring-combat-designer-for-next-gen-game/"]Harmonix was looking for[/URL] a "combat designer to create real-time, singleplayer ?ombat e8periencs for aœbrand n§w IP on¤next-geŸeration hardware".
The successful candidate would have worked on "skill and enemy progression, evolving variety and depth [and] rewards for mastery", with a focus on "fun, deep and accessible combat".
Harmonix is also•current®y developing Fantasia: Music Evolved for Xbox One (*http://–ww.comp terandv2deogame5.com/41
474/harmonix-announces-fantasia-game-for-xbox-one/"). Due for release in 2014, the·motion-Œontrolld game ´s said +o be "ispired"by the (lassic Disney film, featuring tracks from over 25 leading artists including Bruno Mars and AVICII.
