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View Full Version : For the coders: Simulating Halo's Physics and animating some stuff

Cap'n 1time
November 7th, 2007, 17:06
Greetings. I thought I would point out a few things to the coders that coders that might help you guys out in the physics department.

To coders:
The gravity is quite different. The MC will reach terminal velocity quite quickly which is pretty unrealistic, but whatever. You may have to play around with the values to get it close. Also the TV is not very fast.

The MC jumps about 3/4ths the size of his body.

MC has very little air control while jumping (but there is some)

To animators and coders:
Upon reaching either terminal velocity, some time out that is measured by how long the MC has been in the air, or When he falls past a certain Z coordinate the MC's falling death animation begins (Where he flaps his arms wildly). (note the same animation occurs when dieing from an explosion). A camera mod would also be cool during death sequences.

To animators (and coders?):
Ducking is not instantaneous. It takes the MC about .5 seconds to duck which means an animation will be needed.

Hope some of this is taken into consideration.

November 7th, 2007, 19:10
crouching isn't normally in Quake, but can be coded in, which is hacky.

gravity can be modified to "fix" some of the top stuff

a death camera is possible

a "flying" animation I'm not sure about, ask PSPDemon about that.

November 14th, 2007, 15:22
I've been working on vehicles, it's quite surprising. accelerating and decellerating is, well, perfect. I've been mainly using the monster move code, but I also have tried a second movement code with infact runs PERFECT for the aircraft vehicles. The monster move code will not allow falling so I will continue researching it. I also bound an unlimited rocket to the vehicle which uses the vehicles own angles. PSPDemon if you can get me a temporary vehicle model with 8 frames for front tire turning and rear tires spinning and a large enough space for player to sit that would be AWESOME. I can confirm that the player can be completely controled while in the vehicle. I can force a certain frame at all times and capture any physical movements.

November 14th, 2007, 15:39
I've been working on vehicles, it's quite surprising. accelerating and decellerating is, well, perfect. I've been mainly using the monster move code, but I also have tried a second movement code with infact runs PERFECT for the aircraft vehicles. The monster move code will not allow falling so I will continue researching it. I also bound an unlimited rocket to the vehicle which uses the vehicles own angles. PSPDemon if you can get me a temporary vehicle model with 8 frames for front tire turning and rear tires spinning and a large enough space for player to sit that would be AWESOME. I can confirm that the player can be completely controled while in the vehicle. I can force a certain frame at all times and capture any physical movements.

heh, just read that on yahoo when i woke up.

ill make you a really easy temp vehicle

just remember, its a small single seater gokart if you will ( im taking it from the Halo ATV, except instead of a atv, its a gokart thingy )

i should be able to get you a vehicle easily...however map wise, i dont know... my last attempt at a map failed....lol