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View Full Version : Gone Home on Oculus Rift scrapped - for now

January 23rd, 2014, 22:24
The Fullbright Company still "actively investigating" possibility of console version
Indie hit Gone Home was in development for Oculus Rift but creator The Fullbright Company has confirmed that this project has been put on hold.
Instead, the studio is "actively investigating" how it can bring the game to consoles.
Speaking to the International Business Times (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/exclusive-fullbright-company-cancels-active-development-gone-home-oculus-rift-1433352), Fullbright co-founder Steve Gaynor said: "Oculus Rift we have basically stopped active development on. We looked into it and what we discovered is that really, for a game to be good on Oculus you have to design it for Oculus.
"We don't have any body-awareness in our game and a bunch of UI pasted to the screen – 2D UI. Both of those things are tough with an Oculus game and we're not going to go back and remake our UI or add a player body to make a good fit for Oculus."
Gaynor added that his team hadn't ruled out the idea of returning to an Oculus Rift version of Gone Home in the future. For now, however, the priority is finding a way onto consoles.
"We are actively investigating getting it onto consoles and we think it would be a great fit," he said. "I mean we designed the game to use an Xbox controller and to be playable on the couch. It's really just a question of how we make that happen. So we're looking into it and we hope it will happen but we don't have anything to announce at this point."
