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View Full Version : Kmart reportedly breaks Mass Effect street date

November 11th, 2007, 20:01
It's official - 2007 will henceforth be known as the "Year of Broken Street Dates." First, BioShock was sold a week in advance by Toys R' Us, then there were the reports of number of early sales of Halo 3 throughout Europe, then the recent Rock Band mix-up at Best Buy, and to top it all off, a number of lucky gamers have apparently gotten their hot little hands on copies of Mass Effect from Kmart - a full ten days before the game's official release date.


November 11th, 2007, 20:08
Ah crap....right after the K-Mart here went out of business.... :(

Lucky few. Bet Mass Effect is gonna be popping up in ebay for $200 soon.