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View Full Version : No console will dominate this gen, says Konami

November 13th, 2007, 22:02
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=175523)

PES and Metal Gear Solid house Konami has revealed that it believes no one format will dominate the playing field this generation, after the PS2 took the lead in almost every territory last time around.

With sales of over 120 million consoles worldwide, Xbox and Gamecube were left to fight for the PS2's scraps. According to Konami, it'll be a lot fairer split this time around.

"Previously, a single home gaming platform [PS2] was the market leader worldwide, but that pattern has changed," the company said in a statement.

"Whichever platform best caters to users' preferences in a particular country or region, in terms of the games available to be played on it, is now the one that will dominate the local market."

With the Wii's lead looking increasingly smaller over the growing 360 and PS3 userbase, we can see what they're on about. Does this mean we'll get MGS4 on Xbox, though?

November 13th, 2007, 22:35
I wouldn't say MGS4 on 360, even if it sounds like it...but this is true. The 360 ia growing fast, the PS3...well, its hanging on, and the Wii is only slightly slowing down. But hey, its wayyyy too early. I wouldn't mind seeing MGS4 on 360 though :)

November 13th, 2007, 22:45
True, we all will just have to wait and see what happens next.

November 13th, 2007, 22:58
No one will dominate? But the Wii is doing a lot better than the other two consoles.

November 13th, 2007, 23:35
I have to say, my Xbox 360 is my favourite console at the moment. With games like GoW, Halo 3, Call Of Duty 4, Mass Effect and Assassins Creed out for it, it just can't be beaten. However, would like to see MGS4 exclusive to PS3, to atleast justify my purchase.

November 14th, 2007, 00:24
I have to say, my Xbox 360 is my favourite console at the moment. With games like GoW, Halo 3, Call Of Duty 4, Mass Effect and Assassins Creed out for it, it just can't be beaten. However, would like to see MGS4 exclusive to PS3, to atleast justify my purchase.

You forgot BioShock. ;)

And I agree with you that MGS4 should remain a PS3 exclusive. Exactly for the same reason as you, to justify my PS3 purchase.

November 14th, 2007, 01:58

November 14th, 2007, 02:15
"no one format will dominate" :rofl:

360 hasn't exactly rocked Japan's world, and I doubt it ever will. It'll ultimately boil down to PS3 vs Wii, so if Nintendo pulls out all the stops to garner the casual non-gaming crowd, they'll pull out ahead.

But they'd better do it soon, because with GTA4, MGS4 and FF13 on the horizon, Sony's going to get its second wind, price be damned.

November 14th, 2007, 02:22
Who cares about domination the wii is selling the best and other 2 consoles aren't if you look the sales from January to november the wii has been selling well each month and not even once the ps3 and 360 has beaten the sales for time being the wii is dominate i don't like ps3 or 360 both are naff consoles compare to wii.

November 14th, 2007, 02:25
"no one format will dominate" :rofl:

360 hasn't exactly rocked Japan's world, and I doubt it ever will. It'll ultimately boil down to PS3 vs Wii, so if Nintendo pulls out all the stops to garner the casual non-gaming crowd, they'll pull out ahead.

But they'd better do it soon, because with GTA4, MGS4 and FF13 on the horizon, Sony's going to get its second wind, price be damned.

Eeeyeahhhhh.....sooo...when did Japan have even a third of video gamers worldwide?

Yeahhh....thought so. For the record, 3 games, 1 not even an exclusive, 1 of them crap, and 1 of them great, don't make a system. You forgot Little Big Planet, God of war 3, and Kingdom Hearts 3 altogether,


November 14th, 2007, 04:48
Eeeyeahhhhh.....sooo...when did Japan have even a third of video gamers worldwide?

Yeahhh....thought so.

Eeeeeyeahhh...if Japan is so insignificant, then why is MS even trying to get people to buy 360s over there by slashing prices and funding projects like Blue Dragon?

Yeahhh...thought so.

For the record, 3 games, 1 not even an exclusive, 1 of them crap, and 1 of them great, don't make a system.

Yeahhhh...suuuuure. And I suppose 360 would've done just fine without Halo 3, huh?


November 14th, 2007, 05:21
I don't know, I think right know is the 360 at least among gamers.

Nintendo's numbers are higher because of non-gamers buying the console but they will only be casual users who wont own many games in the future.

Hope PS3 will lead in next year because of the great games like GOW 3 and Killzone 2, also the non exclusive ones DMC 4 and RE5, I don't really like MGS series.

I was going to get a PS3 just because of DMC4 but now that is going to be also on 360, it's making me think about it twice

In the meantime PS3 gets some good titles I'll stick to my beloved PSP wich is getting a bunch of excelent games like Disgaea and Silent Hill

November 14th, 2007, 12:03
i don't like ps3 or 360 both are naff consoles compare to wii.

The wii is not much better than the second gen consoles such as ps2/xbor or the gamecube, in fact the wii is just a sproosed up gamecube so don't think its the best.

Ok so it has a " special " controller which non of the other consoled do YET! but most games are for kids (young kids) , the graphics are far less compared to real 3d gen consoles such as the 360 & ps3.

The only big selling point is price! its over £100 cheaper and with that controller people think WOW till they actually get it home and use it for a while...

ps3 wins for graphics followed by 360 then wii, psp and ds.

lol i bet the psp could do nicer graphics than the wii, games on wii are pretty rubbish though apart from zelda :-)

well thats my 2p worth . . .. paul

November 14th, 2007, 12:31
The wii is not much better than the sixth gen consoles such as ps2/xbor or the gamecube

I corrected it for you ;)

November 14th, 2007, 13:37
it depend what u mean by domination...

right now the wii dominate on hardware sale for sure...
but I beleave game sell are what needed to win the war.

And the 360 dominate by a long run on software sale for exemple: add up the sale of GH3 on ps2, ps3, wii <about 850000 unit> while the 360 version alone moved about 1000000 unit.

you can check other games...CoD4 sold 500000 unit on 360... 100000 on the ps3

<source: http://vgchartz.com>

November 14th, 2007, 15:14
PS3 is doomed. Konami is just defending the idiocy they did by doing MGS4 on PS3.

Wii IS and WILL dominate this gen.

November 14th, 2007, 21:12
i don't know what the situatuon is world wide but in england the Wii is impossible to get hold of at the moment. nintendo really havent kept up with demand (just like last christmas). In the store i work in more and more people are buying ps3 and 360 instead, because they've been trying to get a wii for a month or two and can't.
Nintendo won't dominate if they can't make enough consoles for christmas, especially after a full year to prepare

November 14th, 2007, 23:13
Eeeeeyeahhh...if Japan is so insignificant, then why is MS even trying to get people to buy 360s over there by slashing prices and funding projects like Blue Dragon?

Yeahhh...thought so.

Yeahhhh...suuuuure. And I suppose 360 would've done just fine without Halo 3, huh?


Don't put words into my mouth, for one. Less then 1/3 the gamer population exists in Japan. Never did I say that its insignificant, and I believe that you ought to retract your conceited idea that Japan is insignificant. It seems da** disrespectful.

MS wants to reach all gamers everywhere. They don't care who they are. So they release games that they will like.

Oh, Halo 3? Sales have hardly changed pace since its release. People like it. But you can thank Bioshock, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Ninja Gaiden 2, Mass Effect, Too Human, Jericho, Assasin's Creed, DMA4, PGR 4, PDZ, Viva Pinata, and about 30 other games for that too. Not to mention the other 500 games that aren't awesome but are still great.


November 15th, 2007, 08:15
i don't know what the situatuon is world wide but in england the Wii is impossible to get hold of at the moment. nintendo really havent kept up with demand (just like last christmas). In the store i work in more and more people are buying ps3 and 360 instead, because they've been trying to get a wii for a month or two and can't.
Nintendo won't dominate if they can't make enough consoles for christmas, especially after a full year to prepare

Wii is only available in rual america. If you live in a large city like San Francisco you'll have to drive or have a friend in the sticks purchase one for you.

Playstation and Xbox are in abundant supply.

Since I have a supreme computer, I can play the coolest ports on it. The Wii is the only new console that has captivated me.