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View Full Version : Yabause for PSP Released - Sega Saturn Emulator for PSP

November 14th, 2007, 21:03
SofiyaCat has today popped up with a test release of the Sega Saturn emulator Yabause for the PSP. this emulator has been ported to Dreamcast by DCemu UKs very own BlueCrab so its nice and very interesting to see it ported to PSP.

Be under no illusion that this is basically a tech demo but how cool :)

You will need a saturn bios too

DIGG THIS (http://digg.com/gaming_news/Saturn_Emu_for_PSP_Released)


Download and Give Feedback and Compat Reports Via Comments and please post working screens :)
via SofiyaCat (http://nekomimi.cafe.coocan.jp/wiki/?%CA%AA%C3%D6#a24210f3)

November 14th, 2007, 21:10
Sounds interesting. :)

Maybe one day we'll see a full speed emulator.

November 14th, 2007, 21:14
yeah hope it will be able to work on both psps silm and fat slim might have a better chance including the ds emu too!

November 14th, 2007, 21:15
Oh yeah, I'm going to download and give this a test drive!

@wraggster: By the way, didn't you mean BlueCrab instead of Bluemac?

Safari Al
November 14th, 2007, 21:23
sounds very interesting :) nice job sofiyacat

November 14th, 2007, 21:25
Great, SofiyaCat blindly ports yet another emulator that PSP is woefully incapable of playing acceptably. Don't waste your breath saying "one day this might be fullspeed", she's probably already forgotten about Saturn and has moved on to trying to port PCSX2 or lxdream instead.

In before all the people saying "you said Saturn emulation was impossible but you were WRONG."

Does this one actually have controls emulated at least? The DSeMuMe and Red Dragon ports didn't.

By the way, both this and her Red Dragon port are outright GPL violations. Not that I expect DCEmu to care ever.

November 14th, 2007, 21:27
Ahahahaha.... Nifty. I'll have to play with this when I get home.

I'd really like to see SofiyaCat release the code to all these awesome breakthroughs, though. He/She seems to have a history of port-'em-and-leave-'em (with the exception of the YouTube browser)

Getting an initial port is a brave kick in the pants to start interest in a project (especially several that were considered to be impossible), but with all the projects SofiyaCat's started, I'd be shocked if they have enough time to refine them all.

Releasing the source to the community, though, would let many hands make the work lighter and possibly give the PSP community even MORE to be truly proud of!

November 14th, 2007, 21:38
Great, SofiyaCat blindly ports yet another emulator that PSP is woefully incapable of playing acceptably. Don't waste your breath saying "one day this might be fullspeed", she's probably already forgotten about Saturn and has moved on to trying to port PCSX2 or lxdream instead.

In before all the people saying "you said Saturn emulation was impossible but you were WRONG."

Does this one actually have controls emulated at least? The DSeMuMe and Red Dragon ports didn't.

By the way, both this and her Red Dragon port are outright GPL violations. Not that I expect DCEmu to care ever.

Quoted for truth.

November 14th, 2007, 21:39
WHAT THE?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
They have told me INFINITE times in the past, in ALL PSP homebrew forums that a Saturn or Sega CD emulator is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE on the PSP, and stuff like that.
Now don't start bashing, I know that Saturn emulators are not perfect even on supercomputers and I suppose this one doesn't do 5 frames on gameplay, but you never now what happens.

November 14th, 2007, 21:45
WHAT THE?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
They have told me INFINITE times in the past, in ALL PSP homebrew forums that a Saturn or Sega CD emulator is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE on the PSP, and stuff like that.
Now don't start bashing, I know that Saturn emulators are not perfect even on supercomputers and I suppose this one doesn't do 5 frames on gameplay, but you never now what happens.

Dude, shut up. Whoever told you Saturn is impossible was either an idiot or really meant that it's impossible to emulate at full speed (or even "good" speed). Sega CD is entirely possible to do full speed, but that has nothing to do with this.

I do know what will happen. This will go nowhere. This port means nothing. It does not represent a tangible amount of work. It is not a brave initiative. It is not "a start." All it is is a great way to get the hopes up of people who don't know any better.

And this will keep happening with every one of these ports and no one will learn.

Tesseract; Actually, SofiyaCat is legally required to release the source code for this particular port. I doubt it'll happen though. Not like it matters, anyone who is capable of improving such a port would be more than capable of just redoing the porting part themselves.

November 14th, 2007, 21:51
Oh! Exophase!!!
Ok, ok, I understand.
I tested it and I saw the results, it can just get into the bios that's all. Not enough. And yeah, I doubt it will become something in the future.
Either way Yabause is not the best Saturn emulator.

November 14th, 2007, 21:52
Well, at the very least I hope this "release" sparks up some interest and debate within the community. Perhaps this might inspire someone to try and tackle a "real" Saturn emu?.

November 14th, 2007, 22:48
Panzer Dragoon Saga on my PSP? Now that, I'd LOVE to see.

However considering Saturn emulation on pc is only just playable, I don't hold out much for saturn emulation on a psp.

November 14th, 2007, 22:56
Even if this sucks, or it's not full speed[and probably will never be], it's really good to see that the PSP Scene is still alive.

November 14th, 2007, 23:00
yea i really havent seen anything new in the psp scene..

November 14th, 2007, 23:01
Completely useless :rofl:

Good job, another useless port :rofl:

November 14th, 2007, 23:22
failte mr denny is it just me or does exo come across kind of like a dick no offence.

November 14th, 2007, 23:47
Hahaha, I have chosen to be upset by this also because Exophase is. Not too terribly upset, mind you, but enough to show my support of one of the scenes far superior authors. Guess I'll just stick to playing GUARDIAN HEROS ADVANCE... thanks to Exophase.

November 14th, 2007, 23:50
Yeah dick or not I love his emulator Just wish I could seperate the bois.bin from the rom list.

November 15th, 2007, 00:04
wow cool...hope they manage to make it run fullspeed.
there ton of cool game on the saturn; panzer dragoon 1 to 3
burning rangers; die hard arcade...etc...

November 15th, 2007, 00:04
I'm with Exophase on this one.

I know many authors get so much shit by ingrateful fans, but really, what is the point of this? There is not one decent saturn emulator for PC much less PSP and projects like this get abandoned after the first release.

Most of these releases are done just to get a bunch of whores online congratulating them for releasing something that is utterly pointless.

If someone released a PS2 emulator for gameboy people would laugh and mock them, why not in this instance?

November 15th, 2007, 00:09
Honestly, not giving much care for the flaming bashes of might:

I'd love to play Panzer Dragoon Saga, Dragonforce, Shining Force, etc on my PSP :D

November 15th, 2007, 00:14
failte mr denny is it just me or does exo come across kind of like a dick no offence.

Not only is the person who ported this breaking copyright law, but they are being cheered for it. On top of that what they have done is literally without merit. Yes, attention grabbing and headline making, but quite pointless.

This doesn't encourage anyone to work on it, because anyone who COULD actually make headway already knows that it may be possible and doesn't need this to let them know.

Honestly, not giving much care for the flaming bashes of might:

I'd love to play Panzer Dragoon Saga, Dragonforce, Shining Force, etc on my PSP :D

The point is that this is not something that would lead to that, at all.

November 15th, 2007, 00:48
Not only is the person who ported this breaking copyright law, but they are being cheered for it. On top of that what they have done is literally without merit. Yes, attention grabbing and headline making, but quite pointless.
Has it occurred to anyone that ports like this probably aren't for for attention grabbing and are most likely made as a proof of concept.

Also I don't see what Exophase's problem is, who cares if it never reaches fullspeed.

November 15th, 2007, 00:48
You cant blame for kids the getting all worked up over this, they have no clue of whats possible and what kind of power you need to emulate certain consoles and OS's, they also believe they will get a full speed N64 emulator which plays Zelda and Perfect Dark.

Everyone else knows this is a complete waste of time, the PSP emulation scene is pretty much done with, after perhaps SEGA CD emulation.

November 15th, 2007, 00:50
just a tech demo, completely useless. Now if she used that time to port a Sega Cd emulator that would lead to somewhere... maybe....

I just don't mind. Things like this pops up once in a while but it's nothing to get excited about, for good or for bad. I loved the good 'ol days when the first NeoGeo / CPS1/ CPS2/Gsp emus came out. THAT WAS EXCITING!! and actually usable!

November 15th, 2007, 00:59
The only way Sega Saturn emulator would be possible on PSP would be to somehow reverse-engineer it out of Princess Crown for PSP. I have both the Sega Saturn and the PSP version and more than half of the games files on the PSP's vesion were exactly the same as the Sega Saturn's version.

I know a few people here might remember a while back, rumors of Giri-Giri supposedly being snatched up by SEGA, utilized and further developed-on as a proprietary emulator. I think that is what you see when you are looking at Princess Crown for PSP. So unless someone can find a way to extract it and hack it and somehow run other Saturn code on it kind of like POPS then I highly doubt there will be a decent Saturn emulator ever. That's just my 2 cents.

November 15th, 2007, 01:06
The only way Sega Saturn emulator would be possible on PSP would be to somehow reverse-engineer it out of Princess Crown for PSP. I have both the Sega Saturn and the PSP version and more than half of the games files on the PSP's vesion were exactly the same as the Sega Saturn's version.

I know a few people here might remember a while back, rumors of Giri-Giri supposedly being snatched up by SEGA, utilized and further developed-on as a proprietary emulator. I think that is what you see when you are looking at Princess Crown for PSP. So unless someone can find a way to extract it and hack it and somehow run other Saturn code on it kind of like POPS then I highly doubt there will be a decent Saturn emulator ever. That's just my 2 cents.

That doesnt mean its running on emulation and i VERY much doubt it is considering the complex hardware, thats like saying Powerstone on PSP has half the files of the Dreamcast version so it must have a DC emulator running it, or a PS2 game ect... list goes on.

November 15th, 2007, 01:13
just a tech demo, completely useless. Now if she used that time to port a Sega Cd emulator that would lead to somewhere... maybe....

I just don't mind. Things like this pops up once in a while but it's nothing to get excited about, for good or for bad. I loved the good 'ol days when the first NeoGeo / CPS1/ CPS2/Gsp emus came out. THAT WAS EXCITING!! and actually usable!

The thing is, calling this a tech demo is insulting to all those people who write REAL tech demos out there. All of these projects are simply portable C code, which can be compiled to run an any system with a C compiler and an appropriate amount of memory. Yabause specifically uses SDL and OpenGL so it's EXTREMELY portable. Odds are if we were to be able to see the source code, it would have maybe 20 lines changed in order to get it to run on the PSP.

This doesn't demonstrate any kind of new technical aspect, nor disprove any prior conceptions as to the PSP's capabilities.

A 3D shooter in 96kb ( is a tech demo. These (http://arcadedev.emuvibes.com/) are tech demos. Demoscene works like
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oUyFJBTOAc for the Dreamcast are demos. This is a silly easy port.

November 15th, 2007, 02:13
Yeah I guess your right "Idid" I wasn't really thinking about it in that way I guess. I was too busy thinking about some rumors that I had come across and was basically thinking out-loud. Although I am right with everyone who thinks there will never be an actually playable Saturn emulator on the PSP.

Once there's a Sega CD emulator and N64 Emulation is perfected(as much as possible) there probably won't be much else to emulate anymore on PSP, except ATARI Jaguar and Phillips CDi :rofl:

November 15th, 2007, 02:36
i was not trying to bash exo i just think a coder of his caliber should just ignore stupid release . also i use his emu all the time and in my opinoin its the best one out there.

November 15th, 2007, 02:38
you got to love the righteous rage of Exophase! caller out of Bu!!sh!t ! Slayer of Hosers! Smacker-down of Smacktards! i bow to thee, pwner of the mighty GBA!

November 15th, 2007, 02:50
I've gotta agree with Exophase on this one...

Nice idea, but essentially a worthless release.

November 15th, 2007, 02:52
Has it occurred to anyone that ports like this probably aren't for for attention grabbing and are most likely made as a proof of concept.

It has occurred to a lot of hapless wishful thinkers, yes. A proof of concept is a demonstration to show the validity of a new idea. The reason why people say "it's just a proof of concept" is because it is showing that something new can be implemented, but the given implementation is not production quality. You give a proof of concept to show, for instance, that a new algorithm works, even if the implementation given is not useful in the real world.

I understand how it can look like a proof of concept, but it isn't one. That's because it's not proving anything new. Everyone already knew that Yabause could be ported, or at least the people who are knowledgeable enough knew.

So why else do it but for attention?

Also I don't see what Exophase's problem is, who cares if it never reaches fullspeed.

My problem is that there has already been a lot of pointless debate and confusion regarding Saturn emulation on PSP. For instance, this one guy on another forum spent months pretending that he was doing one and arguing about it. When a port like this happens it causes everyone to believe that the platform will reach fullspeed. They think "so and so said it was impossible, but here it is. Therefore anything should be possible, including fullspeed emulation of this platform!"

Everyone gets their hopes up. A lot of people don't understand the difference in work between porting an existing emulator and optimizing one to be several times its existing speed for a given architecture. They don't understand that it takes a lot less expertise to port something, in fact it's a totally different kind of thing. They all think something will come of this and nothing will.

So now we'll probably get this many more people nagging devs asking for Saturn emulators. And when all is said and done years from now when there is no high performance Saturn emulator they'll be blaming all the devs, while praising SofiyaCat for "at least trying." The same way StrmnNrmn gets slack for Daedalus "not being fullspeed even after all this time." Most people in the PSP scene have no idea how things work, they have no idea why fullspeed Saturn emulation won't happen, all they know is that SofiyaCat did "something" and is therefore automatically placed above every other dev who didn't do anything because they know better.

And since there's no good reason to do this (it's not a proof of concept, it's not a tech demo) all we can assume is that SofiyaCat is doing it to get the attention she knows she doesn't deserve.

November 15th, 2007, 02:56
Princess Crown PSP actually is running on an emulator, the source code for the original Saturn version was lost so there was no other way for it to be ported to the PSP. You people need to realize that there's a big difference between how easy it is for a company to write an official emulator when they have full access to the hardware documentation versus a fan project where everything has to be reverse engineered.

November 15th, 2007, 02:58
BTW how well does this run on the Dreamcast? Probably not too good I'd imagine.

November 15th, 2007, 03:04
As a copyright holder on a portion of the source for Yabause, I hereby request that the source be released for this project. I know that these types of tirades got me in trouble before, but I will NOT permit anyone to stomp on the hard work that I've put into Yabause by not releasing source to a derivative work.

November 15th, 2007, 03:08
Princess Crown PSP actually is running on an emulator, the source code for the original Saturn version was lost so there was no other way for it to be ported to the PSP. You people need to realize that there's a big difference between how easy it is for a company to write an official emulator when they have full access to the hardware documentation versus a fan project where everything has to be reverse engineered.

That is nothing but speculation. I know exactly where you're getting this from, the Atlus message board where they said that a translation couldn't be done for "undisclosed technical difficulties", which could mean anything (or could be a front for them just not wanting to do it). And if they did a Saturn emulator I can guarantee you they would have used it for more than just Princess Crown. Is it really believable that a company like Atlus, a very major Japanese gaming company that has released dozens of titles, is capable of losing source code from a game circa 1997? That they had no backup for it at all? It sure isn't to me.

The files being half the same shows nothing, except that it uses the same data files (of course...). Actually, if it was being emulated you wouldn't see a filesystem at all, because the Saturn CD-ROM has to be emulated at a lower level than that.

If it WAS being emulated they'd be limited to using a single 222MHz CPU on the PSP like every other game from that time.

And you're wrong about enthusiasts.. because pretty much every enthusiast doing an emulator has access to either the same official documentation or superior reverse engineered information. For instance the specs on SNES that exist to this day are many times better than anything you'd ever find in official documentation (check out Anomie's doc). Same goes for GBA/DS (thanks to No$'s work). It's nice to think that everything is reverse engineered, but let's be honest, all console dev starts with leaked material. Docs, source, and SDKs.

Other than that, professional developers don't have secret knowledge about how to optimize a developer that surpasses what an enthusiast is capable of. PSP doesn't have a lot of high performance low level coders working for it but if you look at high end emulators for the PC then you'll see that they do in fact rival commercial offerings.

You can find the official documentation for Saturn within 5 seconds of google searching. Go try it. It's illegal, but Sega is hardly going to care at this point, or that site would have been taken down ages ago.

November 15th, 2007, 03:17
As a copyright holder on a portion of the source for Yabause, I hereby request that the source be released for this project. I know that these types of tirades got me in trouble before, but I will NOT permit anyone to stomp on the hard work that I've put into Yabause by not releasing source to a derivative work.

The source is up now, which makes me at least a bit less pissed, but this "coder" stripped copyright notices from files he/she modified from the sdl version of Yabause, which is still illegal.

November 15th, 2007, 03:30
That is nothing but speculation. I know exactly where you're getting this from, the Atlus message board where they said that a translation couldn't be done for "undisclosed technical difficulties", which could mean anything (or could be a front for them just not wanting to do it). And if they did a Saturn emulator I can guarantee you they would have used it for more than just Princess Crown. Is it really believable that a company like Atlus, a very major Japanese gaming company that has released dozens of titles, is capable of losing source code from a game circa 1997? That they had no backup for it at all? It sure isn't to me.

The files being half the same shows nothing, except that it uses the same data files (of course...). Actually, if it was being emulated you wouldn't see a filesystem at all, because the Saturn CD-ROM has to be emulated at a lower level than that.

If it WAS being emulated they'd be limited to using a single 222MHz CPU on the PSP like every other game from that time.

And you're wrong about enthusiasts.. because pretty much every enthusiast doing an emulator has access to either the same official documentation or superior reverse engineered information. For instance the specs on SNES that exist to this day are many times better than anything you'd ever find in official documentation (check out Anomie's doc). Same goes for GBA/DS (thanks to No$'s work). It's nice to think that everything is reverse engineered, but let's be honest, all console dev starts with leaked material. Docs, source, and SDKs.

Other than that, professional developers don't have secret knowledge about how to optimize a developer that surpasses what an enthusiast is capable of. PSP doesn't have a lot of high performance low level coders working for it but if you look at high end emulators for the PC then you'll see that they do in fact rival commercial offerings.

You can find the official documentation for Saturn within 5 seconds of google searching. Go try it. It's illegal, but Sega is hardly going to care at this point, or that site would have been taken down ages ago.

You could be right but they did also release a Devil Summoner PSP port at around the same time, so it makes more sense that they developed an emulator for both of them rather than waste resources porting them both over separately. I don't know how deep Atlus's back catalog of Saturn games is but maybe they didn't perform well enough at retail to justify releasing any more games, who knows?

November 15th, 2007, 06:04
*king Dcemu. (having serious posting issues here).

Freaking hell. Why did the guy be so lazy to port VideoSoft and not VideoOGL? It would take less then an hour to do and would net a better framerate and compatibility (I had better luck with VideoOGL on a test port i did).

This person is seriously getting anoying.

Also did anybody get something to run? What was the fps?

November 15th, 2007, 06:12
*king Dcemu. (having serious posting issues here).

Freaking hell. Why did the guy be so lazy to port VideoSoft and not VideoOGL? It would take less then an hour to do and would net a better framerate and compatibility (I had better luck with VideoOGL on a test port i did).

This person is seriously getting anoying.

Also did anybody get something to run? What was the fps?

Makefile port. It doesn't require any knowledge of C, just a template makefile for an SDL project, then anything that doesn't let the project compile gets #if 0'd out. That's how I first learned (from Ian Micheal) ages and ages ago. It's fun until you realize that getting something to compile and run is very different from poting it.

November 15th, 2007, 07:41
You could be right but they did also release a Devil Summoner PSP port at around the same time, so it makes more sense that they developed an emulator for both of them rather than waste resources porting them both over separately. I don't know how deep Atlus's back catalog of Saturn games is but maybe they didn't perform well enough at retail to justify releasing any more games, who knows?

It's much easier to port two games than to write a Saturn emulator. Especially for a handheld that can't handle it at all.

Lots of PS1 era games were ported to PSP (yeah, I know Sony did an emulator too but a lot of ones were done that don't use it), so not surprising that a couple of Saturn ones would be too.

By the way, the rumor was that GiriGiri was used. GiriGiri couldn't run anywhere near fullspeed playing Panzer Dragoon Saga on my 850MHz Celeron, which is much much more powerful than a 222MHz PSP.

November 15th, 2007, 07:49
But it still could be used for lower requirement saturn games if it is an emulator, worth checking out maybe.

By the way, the rumor was that GiriGiri was used. GiriGiri couldn't run anywhere near fullspeed playing Panzer Dragoon Saga on my 850MHz Celeron, which is much much more powerful than a 222MHz PSP.
I guarantee that that part is rumor.

John Vattic
November 15th, 2007, 10:44
IT'S PSDONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That poseur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 15th, 2007, 11:10
hearin some people talk about a sega cd emulator being possible makes me excited. i never would have thought about it before someone brought it up...but my favorite game ever was on sega cd (lunar). yea, i know saturn is out of the question...but if someone was to make a sega cd emulator....i would forsake all others before them.

November 15th, 2007, 12:26
Someone did make a Sega-CD emulator. It's by Notaz called Picodrive and I'm playing it on my GP2X. Actually I have been playing Vay and Lunar the past couple nights. Anyways...since when did anyone in here ever care about the Sega Saturn anyway. All I ever used to read in here was if someone was talking about bad games/consoles a lot of people would bring up the Sega Saturn. I would always get so pissed since the Saturn is my favorite console next to my Turbo Duo. All of a sudden a shitty half assed port comes along and everyone is excited thinking that something like this could one day play all these games. If I was Exophase I would've saved my breath and let everyone think that one day...just one day this could be full speed. Shame on DCEMU for even posting this as news.

November 15th, 2007, 13:54
It's much easier to port two games than to write a Saturn emulator. Especially for a handheld that can't handle it at all.

Lots of PS1 era games were ported to PSP (yeah, I know Sony did an emulator too but a lot of ones were done that don't use it), so not surprising that a couple of Saturn ones would be too.

By the way, the rumor was that GiriGiri was used. GiriGiri couldn't run anywhere near fullspeed playing Panzer Dragoon Saga on my 850MHz Celeron, which is much much more powerful than a 222MHz PSP.

Have you tried any less demanding games on GiriGiri? PDS is probably one of the most demanding games on the Saturn. I would imagine that the difficulty in emulating the Saturn comes from making sure the two main processors sync up properly, so if games like Princess Crown and Devil Summoner don't use the tacked-on 3D processor then it would take far less work to emulate them. I know that with every Saturn emulator I've used, the 2D games I've tested run a lot faster than the 3D games I've tested.

November 15th, 2007, 15:09
IT'S PSDONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That poseur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

?? where?

November 15th, 2007, 15:16
Sofiyacat is Exophase !!!! lol litle joke...But, is this coder that make Youtube for psp ?

November 15th, 2007, 15:30
Great, SofiyaCat blindly ports yet another emulator that PSP is woefully incapable of playing acceptably. Don't waste your breath saying "one day this might be fullspeed", she's probably already forgotten about Saturn and has moved on to trying to port PCSX2 or lxdream instead.

In before all the people saying "you said Saturn emulation was impossible but you were WRONG."

Does this one actually have controls emulated at least? The DSeMuMe and Red Dragon ports didn't.

By the way, both this and her Red Dragon port are outright GPL violations. Not that I expect DCEmu to care ever.

omg...go eat some hormone tablets

November 15th, 2007, 15:32
the only thing we got left for the psp is faster N64 emulation! after that i can die happy ;)

November 15th, 2007, 15:54
Good lord what a useless thread. Any respectable homebrew user knows that this is nothing more that a "Hey looks at me!" release.. This will NEVER be anything but that and wont ever be usable for anything.

However that PS2 emulator im porting to psp is gonna be awesome.... :P

November 15th, 2007, 17:52
Have you tried any less demanding games on GiriGiri? PDS is probably one of the most demanding games on the Saturn. I would imagine that the difficulty in emulating the Saturn comes from making sure the two main processors sync up properly, so if games like Princess Crown and Devil Summoner don't use the tacked-on 3D processor then it would take far less work to emulate them. I know that with every Saturn emulator I've used, the 2D games I've tested run a lot faster than the 3D games I've tested.

Nope, that was all I tested. You're probably right, but I think that the difference is probably not that large. Probably every game uses both VDP1 and VDP2 since VDP1 generates sprites (textures are basically transformed sprites). Actually, VDP1 seems realistic to hardware accelerate for the most part, but VDP2 is much trickier and pretty demanding to do in software (this is what generates all the 2D tiled graphics). Devil Summoner is a 3D game, btw. In the same style as Persona 1.

If a game absolutely didn't use the slave SH2, the SCU, the 68k, and the sound DSP, and went easy on the graphics, then I'd believe it might be possible, but I'm still pretty skeptical. At 222MHz with one CPU even PS1 emulation would be problematic (Sony's emulator can clock higher and uses the media engine)

If it was not doing all of that then I'd hesitate to call it a Saturn emulator. I also expect that we'd be seeing more partially-done Saturn emulators that actually played a few games quickly, but I've never noticed anything like this being released. Partially done Saturn emulators always seemed to be doomed to just running part of the BIOS.

November 15th, 2007, 18:13
If a game absolutely didn't use the slave SH2, the SCU, the 68k, and the sound DSP, and went easy on the graphics, then I'd believe it might be possible, but I'm still pretty skeptical. At 222MHz with one CPU even PS1 emulation would be problematic (Sony's emulator can clock higher and uses the media engine)

And you know how Saturn can be hard to code, don't you? I can say for sure that we'll NEVER have a Saturn emulator on PSP at full speed. :'(

I think that Dreamcast is still impossible on PSP, but is easier than Saturn.

November 15th, 2007, 20:55

November 15th, 2007, 21:02
And you know how Saturn can be hard to code, don't you? I can say for sure that we'll NEVER have a Saturn emulator on PSP at full speed. :'(

I think that Dreamcast is still impossible on PSP, but is easier than Saturn.

Ahahahahahahahaha you're kidding right?

November 15th, 2007, 22:03
Gah you people are ALL nuts (except of course those respected devs :) )

November 15th, 2007, 22:24
Cheers to all the TRUE coders, like Exophase, quzar and BlueCrab.

This "port" is only to make n00bs scream "OMG SOFIYACAT OWNZZZZ!!111eleven!11one", no use at all.

Trying to create a PSP specific emulator using well coded dynamic recompilation, well, that's an emulator.

November 15th, 2007, 22:26
hearin some people talk about a sega cd emulator being possible makes me excited. i never would have thought about it before someone brought it up...but my favorite game ever was on sega cd (lunar). yea, i know saturn is out of the question...but if someone was to make a sega cd emulator....i would forsake all others before them.
Oh really? :)

November 15th, 2007, 23:01
Gah you people are ALL nuts (except of course those respected devs :) )

And me right? Right?

November 15th, 2007, 23:20
this is really interesting.

although i doubt a full speed emu would come.

November 15th, 2007, 23:45
Oh really? :)


im quite interested in that :)

when do you think we will know more about it? do you have a development thread?

i hope to see more of it :D

Thanks fro Everything,

November 15th, 2007, 23:47
And me right? Right?

Yes yes..

notaz: good going!

November 15th, 2007, 23:48
for those who dont know Notaz released an excellent Sega CD Emu for the GP2X

this is exciitng news from a very legit coder :)

November 15th, 2007, 23:57
Really? Wow good work man!

kris threat
November 16th, 2007, 01:03
For all you who want to play Saturn on the go...just have Ben Heck make a portable one for you....Probably cost you a shit load of money, but thats the only way you'll be playing Saturn on the go.

November 16th, 2007, 01:52
For all you who want to play Saturn on the go...just have Ben Heck make a portable one for you....Probably cost you a shit load of money, but thats the only way you'll be playing Saturn on the go.

Or wait for a more powerful handheld and someone to do a Saturn emulator for it.

Or use a laptop and an emulator like SSF.

November 16th, 2007, 01:52
Ahahahahahahahaha you're kidding right?

No, I'm not kidding, DC emulation on PSP is impossible but we can say that Saturn emulation on PSP is impossible^2. :-D

November 16th, 2007, 04:49
Awesome, I love when people start projects for psp and never finish them. This girl reminds me of PSmonkey.

?? where?

He's probably referring to the person who ported the emulator, not you or maybe he's just an idiot. Seriously though you're not one to talk anyway PSmonkey. How's the neogeo pocket emulator coming?

November 16th, 2007, 05:16
well this was another classic dcemu thread. hooray.

November 16th, 2007, 08:34
Looking at the source code I see that this port has a bit more complete then his last port. I see controls have been established and 333Mhz clock speed by default. I think if a professional dev jumped on board they could turn this into a semi decent emulator with a little know how.

November 16th, 2007, 20:40
awesome this is another great hope to be full speed emu that going on my psp what firmware does it neeed

November 17th, 2007, 02:24
Awesome, I love when people start projects for psp and never finish them. This girl reminds me of PSmonkey.

He's probably referring to the person who ported the emulator, not you or maybe he's just an idiot. Seriously though you're not one to talk anyway PSmonkey. How's the neogeo pocket emulator coming?


It's been known for quite some time I don't do public development anymore due to my job.

I've done a lot more on my projects then many do in this development scene.

November 18th, 2007, 05:57
So I guess releasing this was a good idea after all, cause otherwise Notaz wouldn't have released his Picodrive port! Thanks Sofiyacat!

November 18th, 2007, 08:46
So I guess releasing this was a good idea after all, cause otherwise Notaz wouldn't have released his Picodrive port! Thanks Sofiyacat!

:rolleyes: Sure, why not. I've been known to indulge chaos theory too.

November 18th, 2007, 10:18
So I guess releasing this was a good idea after all, cause otherwise Notaz wouldn't have released his Picodrive port! Thanks Sofiyacat!


i guess u are kidding? :p

November 18th, 2007, 15:20
Pretty much, but from the Picodrive release notes it seems like Notaz had already finshed the port a while ago but never bothered to release it until he saw this thread and realized there was demand for a Sega CD emu. So I guess I was only half-kidding :p

December 3rd, 2007, 04:46
Dude, shut up. Whoever told you Saturn is impossible was either an idiot or really meant that it's impossible to emulate at full speed (or even "good" speed). Sega CD is entirely possible to do full speed, but that has nothing to do with this.

I do know what will happen. This will go nowhere. This port means nothing. It does not represent a tangible amount of work. It is not a brave initiative. It is not "a start." All it is is a great way to get the hopes up of people who don't know any better.

And this will keep happening with every one of these ports and no one will learn.

Tesseract; Actually, SofiyaCat is legally required to release the source code for this particular port. I doubt it'll happen though. Not like it matters, anyone who is capable of improving such a port would be more than capable of just redoing the porting part themselves.

will you ever stop being a turd? i've never seen you nice. you always have some kind of attitude problem

December 3rd, 2007, 06:17
will you ever stop being a turd? i've never seen you nice. you always have some kind of attitude problem

Sorry, maybe it'd be an improvement if I revived weeks old threads to call someone a turd. :o

December 5th, 2007, 07:27
Sorry, maybe it'd be an improvement if I revived weeks old threads to call someone a turd. :o

LMAO! Exophase, you crack me up sometimes :rofl:. Screw the people who speak negative about you, you have the few of us who are still here supporting your work and hope to see a new version of your gPSP sometime in the future.
Still though, I would really love to donate money to you to allow you to get a PSP slim faster, just tell me how!

December 5th, 2007, 17:16
LMAO! Exophase, you crack me up sometimes :rofl:. Screw the people who speak negative about you, you have the few of us who are still here supporting your work and hope to see a new version of your gPSP sometime in the future.
Still though, I would really love to donate money to you to allow you to get a PSP slim faster, just tell me how!

Thanks; if you want to so badly you can find what you're after in the readme :B

December 6th, 2007, 00:13
Sorry, maybe it'd be an improvement if I revived weeks old threads to call someone a turd. :o
No offense but I agree, you do come off badly at times. But he shouldn't have called you a turd.

I know you don't want the noobs to go around saying "Look I have a fullspeed Saturn emulator that really isn't fullspeed and only runs at 10fps" but stuff like that will happen anyway, so at least try to support a project rather than shoot it down since it may encourage them to continue and make great things down the track.

December 6th, 2007, 01:15
No offense but I agree, you do come off badly at times. But he shouldn't have called you a turd.

I know you don't want the noobs to go around saying "Look I have a fullspeed Saturn emulator that really isn't fullspeed and only runs at 10fps" but stuff like that will happen anyway, so at least try to support a project rather than shoot it down since it may encourage them to continue and make great things down the track.

If this thing managed 10fps then there would be some sort of discussion to be made. 2-3 is more like it.

December 6th, 2007, 04:51
No offense but I agree, you do come off badly at times. But he shouldn't have called you a turd.

I know you don't want the noobs to go around saying "Look I have a fullspeed Saturn emulator that really isn't fullspeed and only runs at 10fps" but stuff like that will happen anyway, so at least try to support a project rather than shoot it down since it may encourage them to continue and make great things down the track.

Look through the thread and get an idea of who is supporting this and who isn't. You'll see that there aren't any other devs behind it, because they know that there's a big difference between porting and developing an emulator. (although a lot of people share my sentiments I'm the only one people are saying "stfu and watch" to though)

If this even had the tiniest chance of becoming something more it would have been more than such a simple port, or at least the past two emulator ports before it would have been too. It's been weeks now, nothing is said about this. SofiyaCat ported it to port it and that's it, I'm sorry if you actually believe it's anything more because it isn't. PSP can't handle Saturn emulation properly and SofiyaCat probably already knows that. You aren't going to see another version of this.

Harsh as I might seem you've gotta realize something - the one who did this port, she ain't reading this forum. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't know English at all. I'm not saying these things to tell her off because she's not gonna see it. This is all for the people who probably normally would know better but stretch their common sense when the possibility of something great comes up. Let it go and look at it for what it is.

December 6th, 2007, 08:45
Look through the thread and get an idea of who is supporting this and who isn't. You'll see that there aren't any other devs behind it, because they know that there's a big difference between porting and developing an emulator. (although a lot of people share my sentiments I'm the only one people are saying "stfu and watch" to though)

If this even had the tiniest chance of becoming something more it would have been more than such a simple port, or at least the past two emulator ports before it would have been too. It's been weeks now, nothing is said about this. SofiyaCat ported it to port it and that's it, I'm sorry if you actually believe it's anything more because it isn't. PSP can't handle Saturn emulation properly and SofiyaCat probably already knows that. You aren't going to see another version of this.

Harsh as I might seem you've gotta realize something - the one who did this port, she ain't reading this forum. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't know English at all. I'm not saying these things to tell her off because she's not gonna see it. This is all for the people who probably normally would know better but stretch their common sense when the possibility of something great comes up. Let it go and look at it for what it is.

Dude, who cares what the two morons above you think, they aren't devs! They are merely people who want to be spoon fed items instead of understanding how they are done.

Direct Conversation to the two upset people above Exophase: If this was ported (which it most likely is) it was just that. Ported to see if it could be done and SofiyaCat knew that and so many of us as well. Will it ever be full speed, as a developer myslef, no would be my answer.

To put it in your lamens terms to be understood, Who here in the PSP homebrew scene made PSX full speed? NO ONE but Sony themselves. I believe exophase will agree with me that the sega Saturn was actually very similar to the PSX console when it came to graphics and power, yet no dev in the PSP scene has made a full speed PSX emu and Saturn surely will be in the same shoes.

Notaz was only able to do Sega CD emulation due to the fact that Sega CD emulation is actually very easy to port and optimize. He also is very skilled in his Picodrive due to the fact he merged 2 to 3 emu's in one and had practice on PSP's somewhat similar otherself (not really), the GP2x. He has also been making Picodrive for about 2 years, so of course it's going to run very well. Could 32x emulation be added, certainly, more likely down the road though.

Think and meditate for a second of this argument... will sega saturn emulation ever reach full speed? If a regular dev couldn't make PSX emulation fast (compared to Sony's PSX emu), don't expect Saturn emulation to be any better. To point out more info, look at the difference between Exophases gPSP which was built from the ground up and then look at ZX-81's VBA port. Which one runs better? The one that was built from the ground up. Sometimes porting works but building a emu from the ground up of advanced systemspops out better results. So if someone took two or more years in creating a Saturn emu from the ground up, maybe things would be better...

Finally, You guys who are arguing over this are pretty arrogant too. You actually have the balls to stand up to one of THEE greatest Dev there is on the PSP scene, Exophase of all people?! Do you know how StrmnNrmn is getting so far in developing a near perfect N64 emu, Exophase is helping him (through conversations online I believe). I also believe that Exophase also helped out Notaz in getting Picodrive running better as well. Exophase actually has helped out tons of people and released a GBA emu that was built from the ground up and is Perfect (exception to a few games not working)! Please think before you speak, you aren't a dev. I do see your point that maybe within time programs on PSP do mature and grow to become even better with each new release but this Sega Saturn emu just isn't one of them...

P.S. Exophase, your donation has been sent, hopefully it helps ;)!

December 6th, 2007, 12:02
Just to add that the Saturn hardware is far more complicated to emulate compared to the PS1.

It's not impossible to have a reasonable homebrew PS1 emulator, just takes work ;)

See what StrmnNrmn did with N64.

December 6th, 2007, 16:20
Just to add that the Saturn hardware is far more complicated to emulate compared to the PS1.

It's not impossible to have a reasonable homebrew PS1 emulator, just takes work ;)

See what StrmnNrmn did with N64.

I agree with your first sentence but the second sentence is highly improbable. There are a few people that tried already to port/make PS1 emu's for PSP but have failed to make them full speed. Sony is the only ones who succeeded in making a FULL speed (non glitchy, not slow at all orr frameskipping) because the PSP is their hardware afterall.

StrmnNrmn is a very talented dev just like Exophase. Of course within time N64 emulation will be perfect but just remember that both devs I mentioned are making emus that are rom based instead of iso.

December 6th, 2007, 16:40
I agree with your first sentence but the second sentence is highly improbable. There are a few people that tried already to port/make PS1 emu's for PSP but have failed to make them full speed. Sony is the only ones who succeeded in making a FULL speed (non glitchy, not slow at all orr frameskipping) because the PSP is their hardware afterall.

StrmnNrmn is a very talented dev just like Exophase. Of course within time N64 emulation will be perfect but just remember that both devs I mentioned are making emus that are rom based instead of iso.

first of all you must remember that there werent that many coders who wanted to code an psx emu becuz there were roumurs from the beginning that sony should do one. i mean the gp2x have a rather good psx emu and the psp has better cpu and stuff.

and what do you mean that the emus are rom based? i mean it isnt easier to code rom based than iso. N64 is harder to code than the psx becuz it has more power.

December 6th, 2007, 18:34
I agree with your first sentence but the second sentence is highly improbable. There are a few people that tried already to port/make PS1 emu's for PSP but have failed to make them full speed. Sony is the only ones who succeeded in making a FULL speed (non glitchy, not slow at all orr frameskipping) because the PSP is their hardware afterall.

StrmnNrmn is a very talented dev just like Exophase. Of course within time N64 emulation will be perfect but just remember that both devs I mentioned are making emus that are rom based instead of iso.
As said above me, take psx4gp2x. Add to it a MIPS recompiler, hardware GPU, GTE and MDEC via VFPU and use the Media Engine for interrupt/sound processing. BAM! You have a damn good and fast PS1 emulator. Just takes (maybe will take) work to do all of that :)

About PSXP and PS1P, first, as also said, they knew Sony's emulator was coming, so I think there wasn't much of an effort to make things SO good. Also, as far as the source of PSXP indicated, Yoshihiro was pretty much clueless about how PS1 emulation works in the low level and what/how to optimize. I can say with pretty good confidence that "AC" wasn't that good either, at the time at least ;) By the way, I recall zodttd saying something about that some weeks ago.

Also, the fact that the hardware loaded data from a CD doesn't make it harder or slower to emulate... afterall, for realtime (ie: gameplay) it's just a simple interrupt just like dozens of others that are ahappening all the time, and much of the time doesn't do anything. When the CD read interrupt does fire something to read data form the CD it's in loading screens, and the read speed from the stick is far, far, bigger than the original CD speeds of the PS1, meaning we even have faster loading speeds in emulators (ie: like Sony's "Cd loading speed" setting).

December 7th, 2007, 02:37
Dude, who cares what the two morons above you think, they aren't devs! They are merely people who want to be spoon fed items instead of understanding how they are done.

Direct Conversation to the two upset people above Exophase: If this was ported (which it most likely is) it was just that. Ported to see if it could be done and SofiyaCat knew that and so many of us as well. Will it ever be full speed, as a developer myslef, no would be my answer.

To put it in your lamens terms to be understood, Who here in the PSP homebrew scene made PSX full speed? NO ONE but Sony themselves. I believe exophase will agree with me that the sega Saturn was actually very similar to the PSX console when it came to graphics and power, yet no dev in the PSP scene has made a full speed PSX emu and Saturn surely will be in the same shoes.

Notaz was only able to do Sega CD emulation due to the fact that Sega CD emulation is actually very easy to port and optimize. He also is very skilled in his Picodrive due to the fact he merged 2 to 3 emu's in one and had practice on PSP's somewhat similar otherself (not really), the GP2x. He has also been making Picodrive for about 2 years, so of course it's going to run very well. Could 32x emulation be added, certainly, more likely down the road though.

Think and meditate for a second of this argument... will sega saturn emulation ever reach full speed? If a regular dev couldn't make PSX emulation fast (compared to Sony's PSX emu), don't expect Saturn emulation to be any better. To point out more info, look at the difference between Exophases gPSP which was built from the ground up and then look at ZX-81's VBA port. Which one runs better? The one that was built from the ground up. Sometimes porting works but building a emu from the ground up of advanced systemspops out better results. So if someone took two or more years in creating a Saturn emu from the ground up, maybe things would be better...

Finally, You guys who are arguing over this are pretty arrogant too. You actually have the balls to stand up to one of THEE greatest Dev there is on the PSP scene, Exophase of all people?! Do you know how StrmnNrmn is getting so far in developing a near perfect N64 emu, Exophase is helping him (through conversations online I believe). I also believe that Exophase also helped out Notaz in getting Picodrive running better as well. Exophase actually has helped out tons of people and released a GBA emu that was built from the ground up and is Perfect (exception to a few games not working)! Please think before you speak, you aren't a dev. I do see your point that maybe within time programs on PSP do mature and grow to become even better with each new release but this Sega Saturn emu just isn't one of them...

P.S. Exophase, your donation has been sent, hopefully it helps ;)!
1. I am not an idiot, I know that it will never hit fullspeed, and I listen to what people say about the matter.
2. I don't care about saturn emulation, I never had or played a saturn.
3. I know who exophase is.

If someone made a 10fps saturn emu that would be achievement enough, what's the big deal about it always having to be fullspeed?

December 7th, 2007, 04:29
If someone made a 10fps saturn emu that would be achievement enough, what's the big deal about it always having to be fullspeed?

If this thing managed 10fps then there would be some sort of discussion to be made. 2-3 is more like it.


December 7th, 2007, 06:19
I was talking about if a 10fps saturn emulator was made in the future (on both occasions), not the current release.

Harsh as I might seem you've gotta realize something - the one who did this port, she ain't reading this forum. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't know English at all. I'm not saying these things to tell her off because she's not gonna see it.
Would it have stopped you if she did? No.

This is all for the people who probably normally would know better but stretch their common sense when the possibility of something great comes up. Let it go and look at it for what it is.
True, I'll keep that in mind.

December 7th, 2007, 07:39
1. I am not an idiot, I know that it will never hit fullspeed, and I listen to what people say about the matter.
2. I don't care about saturn emulation, I never had or played a saturn.
3. I know who exophase is.

If someone made a 10fps saturn emu that would be achievement enough, what's the big deal about it always having to be fullspeed?

I would like to apologize to you though, my words were pretty harsh and I was only heated over the fact that people were getting excited over nothing. I'm on the same page as Exophase and believe that this Saturn emu will never come to the potential of what people are imagining or near the speed of Sony's PS emu. Unlike Exophase, I have a hard time finding better choice of words sometimes when replying to a subject. Don't take what me and Exophase (along with others) who replied to discourage you, we meant only to point out that Saturn emulation may be possible but not to the form you all are wishing for.

I and a few others are looking at this in a more broader sense of thinking and believe that the potential of this ever coming to the form we all want will most likely not happen, especially since we still haven't managed to get a Saturn Emu even running "well" on a PC. Look at the past years of emu's that were perfected to be near identical to the real. Saturn emu is still having problems, dreamcast emu is as well, and lets not go into the last gen console emus...

Also take into account that the person who is porting these already imperfect console emus from PC with just ONE release. It makes you wonder, did she just port them to show that it could be done? Most likely this is the case because she has not stopped by the forums (or any forum for that matter that is english), posted up only one release (no updates), and is not being supported by any of the devs in the PSP scene (which shows that they know something that few of you don't).

I for one could care less about sega saturn emulation due to the fact that I cared less about the real console itself. The only sega consoles that interested me were the Gamegear, Genesis (all 3 versions), CD portion, 32x portion, and the Dreamcast.

As mentioned before, I did not mean to offend anyone, I just want to let people know that they shouldn't hold your breath for this one. Full speed is important to all of us (you can notice the fact with recent emu's coming out for the PSP like Picodrive) and this emu... just never will become full speed, sorry but it's the truth.

December 7th, 2007, 12:58
@To those speaking of ps1 emulation: I'm not entirely sure, but I think that Sony's PS2 emulator at least partially relies on virtualization. After all, PSP's cpu is of the same overall family, but much newer (psx - mips r3k-based, psp - r4k-based).

As psp has no hardware commons with saturn, it is much harder to make an emulator for it, even without taking into account the hardware complexity of sega's console.


December 7th, 2007, 13:49
As mentioned before, I did not mean to offend anyone, I just want to let people know that they shouldn't hold your breath for this one. Full speed is important to all of us (you can notice the fact with recent emu's coming out for the PSP like Picodrive) and this emu... just never will become full speed, sorry but it's the truth.
That's cool, as long as no-one is offended/flamed for releasing something then I have no problem.

December 7th, 2007, 14:22
@To those speaking of ps1 emulation: I'm not entirely sure, but I think that Sony's PS2 emulator at least partially relies on virtualization. After all, PSP's cpu is of the same overall family, but much newer (psx - mips r3k-based, psp - r4k-based).

As psp has no hardware commons with saturn, it is much harder to make an emulator for it, even without taking into account the hardware complexity of sega's console.


As far as everything I know tells me, you still can't do virtualization unless the hardware directly supports it. Any other intermediate step is just effective dynarec.

December 7th, 2007, 21:55
Would it have stopped you if she did? No.

I probably would have responded very differently if there was an opportunity to actually talk to the person doing this instead of just seeing it from a distance.

If someone made a 10fps saturn emu that would be achievement enough, what's the big deal about it always having to be fullspeed?

It's subjective, but I personally won't play a game that can't maintain real-time speed, unless it doesn't destroy the music (if that happens then chances are it's being emulated in a weird way). Some people will tolerate some games if it runs within half speed, maybe, but that's pushing it. Why would anyone want to play a game at 1/6th speed? I doubt anyone would except to say that they have, most people are excited about slow emulators because they think they'll one day be fast (believe speed is the easy part). Other than that the only appeal is novelty value which shouldn't really be worth anything, like showing DS fans a poorly running DS emulator on PSP just to try to show them up...

quzar is right about virtualization. PSP's CPU is missing several things necessary to provide it, the most important being an MMU. PSP is however powerful enough to emulate PS1, it just requires a very good emulator. Saturn has so much more parallel hardware that it's not even in the same league of complexity as PS1 even if the games weren't usually more impressive. It's kind of a jack of all trades, master of none.

December 8th, 2007, 18:37
As far as everything I know tells me, you still can't do virtualization unless the hardware directly supports it. Any other intermediate step is just effective dynarec.

... I just notices that I wrote 'ps2' instead of 'ps1'.

Well, maybe I named it wrong - the thing is that the psp cpu probably shares some, if not many, instruction sets with the ps1 one, so its easier to emulate it than a completely different one (Two different ones, to be exact).


December 15th, 2007, 13:03
will this work on 3.71 M33-3 Slim

December 16th, 2007, 08:19
will this work on 3.71 M33-3 Slim

Chilly Willy added direct 3.xx support plus the ability to actually play games (at 1 FPS, but it's better than nothing).


You'll find the EBOOT and modified source there. The EBOOT requires a Saturn BIOS named saturn.bin in the same directory, and to play a game, you need CUE/BIN files in the same directory with the cue named saturn.cue. I was able to play the first level of Panzer Dragoon, but it's ssslllllloooooooooooowwwwwww.

December 16th, 2007, 18:09
It runs "faster" than expected, atleast faster than the Jaguar emu :)

I managed to get Radiant Silvergun working and came into the first level quite fast without having to wait a century:)

December 16th, 2007, 20:41
It runs "faster" than expected, atleast faster than the Jaguar emu :)

I managed to get Radiant Silvergun working and came into the first level quite fast without having to wait a century:)

thats always a start ;)

December 18th, 2007, 04:39
thats always a start ;)
Agreed. I might have a look at this myself.

February 17th, 2008, 21:32
Figured I'd weigh in. I'm no coder, just a guy who's been running emus since DOS/Win3.1. I'm also an avid fan of the Saturn (my favorite console).

I don't know why this was even newsworthy, to be honest. It's a port of a windows program. Not only that, it's a port of an emulator run on Windows. An emulator is slow enough, but being ported will make it even slower. Worse still, Yabause isn't even the best Saturn emu available to the PC.

Anyone looking at this project and expecting it to continue will be sorely disappointed. The PS1 can be emulated on the PSP because, well, it's not 100% emulation. The PSP and PS1 share a lot of hardware. It's almost like taking Diablo 2 off a P2 500mhz PC, and running it on a P4 2.4ghz. It's not emulation, it's just running on superior hardware.

Ok, exaggeration, yes we know PS1 games are emulated. But it's the similarities in hardware that makes it so close to perfect. And this leads me to my next point, the Sega Saturn.

Emulating the Saturn is beyond difficult. While the N64 and PS1 had excellent emulation on the PC years ago, the Saturn only recently starting becoming playable. GiriGiri (a hacked port of a Sega released emulator) worked well even on low end system, but only for a limited amount of games. Yabause is still weak, while SSF is simply amazing...if you have the hardware to run it. SSF does everything in software right now, so you NEED a dual-core to even begin to get performance out of it.

When emulating the Saturn, you're emulating 8 individual processors. The PSP, IMO, will never be able to emulate the Saturn well. The most realistic option will be a baseline Saturn emu, and using it to make tailored "ports" of a select few games. Of course, this is pretty much what GiriGiri was when Sega released it in it's original form.

February 17th, 2008, 21:35
It's the thought that counts. I too believe that this will never be full speed or in anyway playable (like the DS emu).

February 17th, 2008, 22:14
It's the thought that counts. I too believe that this will never be full speed or in anyway playable (like the DS emu).

What DS is playable on the PSP? Mmmm I doubt it. Even without sound it's gotta run like crap. I didn't even know there was DS emu for PSP lol.

Now as for the Saturn emu on the PSP. I think is great just to prove that it can be done but at the same time useless since it will run like crap. I wish coders would try to improve current emus that are possible instead like the TG-16/PCE Emu and the Snes emu etc..

And people dreaming about playing full speed N64, DC, Saturn emulators should get down from that cloud.

Look at what it takes on a PC to emulate these systems and look at how coding on the PC is compared to coding for the PSP and look at the especs of the PSP and the system that is being emulated.

February 17th, 2008, 22:33
And people dreaming about playing full speed N64, DC, Saturn emulators should get down from that cloud.

Can't emulate DC on PSP, period.

February 17th, 2008, 23:27
And people dreaming about playing full speed N64, DC, Saturn emulators should get down from that cloud.
Well, Daedalus is already fullspeed for some games and there's still room for improvement (ME alikes). DC is obviously impossible as it was almost PS2-level. Saturn is also more complex then the N64, although it *could* be ran at playable speeds if someone coded the emulator from the ground up like Daedaus and gpSP were made for the PSP with their incredibly cool dynarecs :)

July 20th, 2008, 01:40
I wish they could create a Popstation version which also supports Sega Saturn.:cool:

August 9th, 2008, 20:41
To all the people that say its not possible the saturn was inferior to playstation but playstation runs on psp all you need is to build a dynarec for the CPU GPU and SPU to get the speed up as it dynamically recompiles the stuff to work on the different hardware.

August 10th, 2008, 04:11
To all the people that say its not possible the saturn was inferior to playstation but playstation runs on psp all you need is to build a dynarec for the CPU GPU and SPU to get the speed up as it dynamically recompiles the stuff to work on the different hardware.

ok why dont you give it a try

August 10th, 2008, 05:11
To all the people that say its not possible the saturn was inferior to playstation but playstation runs on psp all you need is to build a dynarec for the CPU GPU and SPU to get the speed up as it dynamically recompiles the stuff to work on the different hardware.

Let me guess, you looked at the clock speed of the Master SH2 and automatically thought that Saturn could be emulated on PSP?
Man, PS1 is not more powerful than the Saturn.
Saturn has like 2 Main processors and like 5 other processors and a very complex architecture (they had to program for it in assembly to get optimum results).
If it was tapped out properly, it would look really good (like Panzer Dragoon Saga).

September 29th, 2008, 01:26
ho do u put the games on the sega Saturn emulator for the psp

January 5th, 2009, 06:27
Huh? Firstly what's the use? Why emulate the Saturn on a Psp? I have a Saturn emulator on my Pc and it works quite well at full speed, if you all have a Pc then why use your Psp? :o

January 10th, 2009, 20:15
Huh? Firstly what's the use? Why emulate the Saturn on a Psp? I have a Saturn emulator on my Pc and it works quite well at full speed, if you all have a Pc then why use your Psp? :o
I think the word is "portable". Otherwise we'd all just run PSP emulators on our PCs...

March 15th, 2009, 14:20
It seems there's an official port for psp now:



March 15th, 2009, 16:29
You can't download the source code though...

March 15th, 2009, 17:58
Are there ever any interesting games for SEGA Saturn?I looked at wiki on list of games and most of them were released to PS1 or they are just boring

gaia darkness
March 23rd, 2009, 08:27

that's all good in all for you to speak your mind you have every right to however don't be stupid and try to tear someones hope up just because you think it could not get any better after all we seen alot of things done with emulators hell we never thought we would even have a emulator of a Sega Saturn to work right on the pc but look and be hold we have ssf and it works great at the time we said sega cd could not work and look what happen iam not saying the psp would be able to run it on full speed that may never happen but iam use it could run a tiny better atlest now with all the new systems we have we not got a demo of a psx for the wii and people said it could never happen also you no we also have the ps3 so far we have only a few and mind you thos are so easy to even be ported to any systems my point is have some faith and some hope you never no btw gpsp is awesome but it kind of sucks i ran into atlest 30% of games that don't even work and you would think someone could get it to work for videos that was made for the gameboysp also it would be awsome if someone could make the sega cd emulator for the wii or atlest more for the wii and not really old emulators thats been done so many times like the nes or snes

March 23rd, 2009, 21:32
Are there ever any interesting games for SEGA Saturn?I looked at wiki on list of games and most of them were released to PS1 or they are just boring

Panzer Dragoon, Clockwork Knight, Nights... there are lots of good Saturn games out there.

March 27th, 2009, 00:04

that's all good in all for you to speak your mind you have every right to however don't be stupid and try to tear someones hope up just because you think it could not get any better after all we seen alot of things done with emulators hell we never thought we would even have a emulator of a Sega Saturn to work right on the pc but look and be hold we have ssf and it works great at the time we said sega cd could not work and look what happen iam not saying the psp would be able to run it on full speed that may never happen but iam use it could run a tiny better atlest now with all the new systems we have we not got a demo of a psx for the wii and people said it could never happen also you no we also have the ps3 so far we have only a few and mind you thos are so easy to even be ported to any systems my point is have some faith and some hope you never no btw gpsp is awesome but it kind of sucks i ran into atlest 30% of games that don't even work and you would think someone could get it to work for videos that was made for the gameboysp also it would be awsome if someone could make the sega cd emulator for the wii or atlest more for the wii and not really old emulators thats been done so many times like the nes or snes
Punctuation dammit! PUNCTUATION!

It's the thought that counts. I too believe that this will never be full speed or in anyway playable (like the DS emu).
Though a DS emulator could get to acceptable speeds with enough work, if it only emulated one screen at once. It wouldn't be full speed, but for most DS dames it would be close enough, which is more than I can say for a saturn emulator. Hell, a dreamcast emulator would probably work better on PSP. Don't quote me on that though.

It seems there's an official port for psp now:


Hmm.. I'll keep my eye on this.

November 11th, 2009, 02:10
personally wouldn't it be easier just to get an ISO image of the game, and run DevHook on a Sega Saturn game, provided you can run any ISO Images, considering that in Theory an ISO Image of a Sega Saturn Game could be made