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View Full Version : PSP Launcher (Beta) Homebrew Launcher

July 17th, 2005, 19:25
<a href="http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=2693" target="_blank" >Shazz</a> has released an homebrew File browser and homebrew game launcher app for the PSP, heres the news from Shazz:

<BLOCKQUOTE>Hello folks...

Using various pieces of code/art from many people (VBA Emu browser, pspsdk samples, pochi style backgrounds [http://pochistyle.pspwire.net/]), I wrote for myself a tiny file browser to :
- Browse the memory stick
- Enable the USB connection without exiting the tool (and so update the files)
- Run 90% of the homebrew apps (emus, games, tools... located on the memory stick) available on the psp directly from the tool (I hate all those slow icons from the PSP OS + %, ~1 directory names, I prefer one then a browser ;-) )

As it is a "private" tool, it is not very nice, not very powerful, not very allwhatyouwant, but really saves time for me :D

So feel free to use it.... the code is pspsdk compliant and available on request if somebody wants to improve it, fix bugs (home :D)...

Keys :
X : select, run
O : cancel
^ : dir up
R1 : USB on/off
Home : direct exit :D the callback makes me mad... </BLOCKQUOTE>

Ive fixed the release as it only worked on v1.50 PSPs and thats included.

Screenshots and downloads etc Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspfilelauncher.shtml

July 17th, 2005, 21:59
I dont get the point.