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View Full Version : network PC with DC to use internet

July 17th, 2005, 21:17
I have a windows XP computer that I have connected to a switch with other computers which is connected to my dsl modem. So I have several computers using the internet that way. My computer also has a 56k modem. I have my Dreamcast's 56k modem connected to my PC's 56k modem with a phone cord.
What I am trying to do is use the internet connection from my PC on my Dreamcast. I found this web site http://home.elp.rr.com/terlouw/ConfigurePC.htm that tells you how you can do it with windows 98 and windows ME. But I can't figure out how to do it with windows XP. I don't know how to install windows dial up server with windows xp. I think that is where my problem starts. Any help is much appreciated.

July 17th, 2005, 21:47

try this site

July 17th, 2005, 23:33

try this site

Thanks for the quick response. Did you get this to work? I have everything set up the way it is supposed to be but I still can't get it to work. I dial up with my dreamcast and it never connects to my PC. The only thing I can think of that I might have done wrong is the DNS settings on the Dreamcast. I don't really know what I'm supposed to put there. I type ipconfig in the cmd prompt on my computer and it never says anything about DNS numbers. Am I just suppoed to put in the or am I supposed to put in my real IP address or what?

July 18th, 2005, 01:20
I tried this a few days ago as well because I wanted to play some Quake III. I couldn't get it to work either. I had to edit the registry for my modem but everything went smoothly cause the strings were exactly where the tutorial mentioned. I think I might of did it wrong on the DNS setting as well, but I'm not exaclty sure. I put my IP address as the DNS in the Dreamcast web browser. My PC wouldn't even try to recognise the Dreamcast dialing into it.

July 18th, 2005, 02:06
I tried this a few days ago as well because I wanted to play some Quake III. I couldn't get it to work either. I had to edit the registry for my modem but everything went smoothly cause the strings were exactly where the tutorial mentioned. I think I might of did it wrong on the DNS setting as well, but I'm not exaclty sure. I put my IP address as the DNS in the Dreamcast web browser. My PC wouldn't even try to recognise the Dreamcast dialing into it.

Yeah same thing for me, my pc doesn't even recognize my dc is dialing into it. I also tried 2 different dreamcasts and neither worked. My end goal is to be able to play quake 3 arena with my other PCs. Can anybody help us. :confused:

July 23rd, 2005, 01:13
you know i tried this a while ago and it didnt work, then again i was on an XP, which it says is harder to do this with, i might help to fall back on an earlier version of windows, namely Win98.

July 23rd, 2005, 03:49
you know i tried this a while ago and it didnt work, then again i was on an XP, which it says is harder to do this with, i might help to fall back on an earlier version of windows, namely Win98.
The thing is I don't want to bring my winME computer with me to school, I only wanna have one PC with me. I could also do it with linux on my old computer, but only 3 pci slots work, and I'm using it as a router, so I have 2 network cards and my graphics card, no room for the 56k modem. :eek:

Only thing I can think of is to put linux on another hard drive on my new PC, then use that when I wanna play DC online, but the thing is I want to use the windows XP side of it too, arg.

Has anyone got this to work?

July 24th, 2005, 04:45
what, having linux and XP on the same hard rive, it works fine, your booter has to be in tip top shape though

July 26th, 2005, 00:41
what, having linux and XP on the same hard rive, it works fine, your booter has to be in tip top shape though
Well the thing is I want to be able to play Quake 3 on the DC with Quake 3 on the windows PC. So I wouldn't be able to have the linux boot up. :(
However, I found one of my really old computers, 266mhz and it can fit 2 network cards and a dial-up modem on there. I am putting ipcop version of linux on there, I'll try that out and let u know if it works.

July 31st, 2005, 21:28
okay, so now I have a windows ME pc setup. I followed through all of the steps I am supposed to on the web site. The thing is whenever I dial to the the computer it connects and then hangs up. It says hanging up on the computer. Can anybody help me out?

September 10th, 2005, 18:17
i dont think this works personally
i think its like one of those see the yeti in gta san andreas things, it may work on accident for a few people, btu on the whole it wont