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View Full Version : New DS Lite model "rumour and speculation

November 16th, 2007, 11:22
via Games Industry (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=30672)

Nintendo has responded to an analyst's claims that it has completed work on a new version of its DS Lite handheld, maintaining that it is "rumour and speculation and we are not commenting further."

Evan Wilson, from Pacific Crest Securities, is quoted in a GameSpot report as saying that the new model was "thinner, has on-board storage, and larger screens," and would lose the GBA port to accommodate the changes.

The report continued that any new version of the hardware wouldn't be unveiled for some time, "until sales begin to tail off in all three major geographies."

While Nintendo has a history of periodically refreshing its handheld consoles, such as the GameBoy Advance and also the DS, it's possible that a new edition may come as some point, but the company is refusing to be drawn further for now.

Keitaro Urashima
November 16th, 2007, 11:40
Wow... New NDS Lite. I hope, it connect in TV like slim PSP, much bigger screen & improve surround sound.:D

November 16th, 2007, 12:44
No! They can't! What about us with slot 2 cards? Even if they do, I'm sticking with my DS lite.

November 16th, 2007, 13:14
another model, the third already. How many models we will see? :S

November 16th, 2007, 15:11
Nintendo has already rubbished this report.

November 16th, 2007, 16:06
Nintendo has already rubbished this report.

um...so did Sony about the new PSP. You seriously need to think other than what you are told by the media.

November 16th, 2007, 17:01
The media told you there is to be a new DS so, why should believe them? Same principle.

November 16th, 2007, 17:06
Well I new something like this would come about when they mentioned downloadable gameboy games and it seems that this new design might be what it's made for. The extra memory will come in handy for homebrew development and may mean we can improve upon current DS web browsers.

November 16th, 2007, 17:44
It said on-board storage, not extra memory...

November 16th, 2007, 17:53
Its just rumours to make us destroy our nds faster.

wiggy fuzz
November 16th, 2007, 18:15
my ds lite is showing some micro cracks on the hindges...

if this turns out to be a reality i'd probably pick it up

November 16th, 2007, 23:03
Please Have BETTER Speakers Then The DS Lite!!!! :)

Without Slot-2 How Will Opera Browser Expansion Work? Nintendo is cutting a lot of development off slot-2 cards though :eek: (Probably on PURPOSE) :mad:

But The on-board storage sounds grand!!! :thumbup:

November 16th, 2007, 23:46
I'm sitting on the fence here. One, on-board storage would be interesting for homebrewers. However if you remove the GBA port you take out the chance of additional ram that also limits things to an extent.

Right now i'm just going to wait for more substantial reports, and wether the revised hardware will break slot 1 capabilities as well as remove slot 2.

November 17th, 2007, 00:25
It will great if it has faster processor to play homebrew already we know it will have on board memory which is excellent we might able to play full speed n64 emulator i wish he doesn't remove the slot 2 because there flashcarts for that slot i have m3 lite cart which i always use i'm looking forward to the new ds lite here are the things should be in new ds lite:

1. Faster processor
2. Tv out
3. better control system
4. Bigger screen (3.5' Lcd screen)
5. media content
6. New features
7. More ram (on board ram is cool)

November 17th, 2007, 02:43
You're turning it into a psp man...not that a psp with a touch screen wouldn't be awsome, but still.

November 17th, 2007, 03:43
In thourey, to keep the Opera web browser working, Nintendo might emulate the extra RAM with the on-board memory, I.E. Virtual RAM.

wiggy fuzz
November 17th, 2007, 09:36
nintendo have a massive catalogue of gba games, i play gba games with my ds because i never owned a gba

when the ds hit the market as well as some ds gaems it also had like a thousand gba games to pick through

loosing gba support in my opinion would be suicidal, it'dbe like the sony ps3 loosing ps...2...back...wards...compatibility :confused:

November 17th, 2007, 19:57
nintendo have a massive catalogue of gba games, i play gba games with my ds because i never owned a gba

when the ds hit the market as well as some ds gaems it also had like a thousand gba games to pick through

loosing gba support in my opinion would be suicidal, it'dbe like the sony ps3 loosing ps...2...back...wards...compatibility :confused:
Actually nintendo wants to stop piracy so how can they easily do that, remove the slot two. If they realse a new version it may actually have a built in web browser and would have the avalibilty of a ds virtual console, since of the on board memory. I wouldn't be surpirsed if they added some more memory but I see no ned to add it, old games and older ds won't be able to use it, though newer games would lickley have a bit more functionality, but if they add ram or cpu nintendo knows that it would cuase homebrew emulators to be of a better quality.

November 18th, 2007, 01:08
The new ds lite needs better cpu and ram which would be good so we can play n64 with full speed which will be awesome if Nintendo doesn't do this it won't be worth buying at all and he shouldn't bother releasing it. If not going to increase the performance of the system.

November 18th, 2007, 02:25
there's not a whole lot they can do to improve the DS imo, other than find a way to up some of the hardware specs (wtf would you want tv out?)

I have to admit, i'm perfectly satisfied with my DS lite

wiggy fuzz
November 18th, 2007, 09:03
if they add ram or cpu nintendo knows that it would cuase homebrew emulators to be of a better quality.

why is that such a bad thing? the homebrew community technically isn't doing anything fundamentally wrong. if people could emulate their favourite home consoles on the system wouldn't that help sales more (nintendo'd sell more ds units that way)

i hate the way companies try to restrict things like this, you spend good money on a product you like, you'd expect to be able to do as you please with - microsoft are like this, you buy a program and find you can't do as you please with it *cough vista*

emulation on the ds would make perfect sense - which is why the wii has virual console, nintendo can make a killing re-releasing past games from themselves and other consoles, it bothers me to understand why nintendo haven't cashed in on this themselves with the ds - although it's screen is a shade too small for proper snes emulation it has the perfect number of keys and layout

November 18th, 2007, 21:34
And I found this (http://www.dsfanboy.com/2007/11/06/iwata-we-arent-planning-a-next-gen-ds/)...

November 19th, 2007, 12:35
Okay, first of all, ram and memory are the same thing.
By removing the slot2 they HAVE to add the memory to make it backwards compatible for apps like the opera browser. The memory will NOT be for downloading GBA games. Nintendo (or anybody else for that matter) has never and will never make an updated version of a current console that is not compatible with every last game for that system. If they did they would be marketing idiots.
Look at the GBA Micro, smaller, dosent play GBC games, but still plays all the GBA games.

Personally I think that this has allot of merrit, but we really wont see it for years, and any design they do have they may play with in that time.
One thing that worries me is if the screens are indeed bigger, then the quality is going down. You cannot increase the resolution without some stupid-crazy filters and such, wich is pointless and they just wont do that,

What id like to see, better backlight still, anti-glare-nano-carbon coating on the screen, and better speakers. Oh and a built-in solar charger in the lid (why nobody has made a custom case like this allready I dont know.
Other than that smaller and lighter is allways welcome.

All of you with slot2 game launchers, nintendo has never supported these cards (or the slot1), so dont expect them to care that your "losing out".

Also, the DS is only just starting to kick off. Iwata has allready said hes breaking the current console life cycle. The reasons are more than obvious, it has taken this long for actually decent games like zeld and tony hawks to be made on the poor little weak DS. People are JUST figuring it out, so why would they replace it when it is just kicking off.

With the wii, from a development and marketing view, the Wii is an extention of the Gmecube. Towards the end of the cubes life we saw games Like Resi Evil 4 making damn good use of the console.. Developers just started to figure it all out nicelly... which is why the Wii is doing so well, as an extention of the gamecube, people llready know how to make games for it.
In the sence I wonder if this overall means a smaller or larger life cycle for the wii. Im guessing a larger, if not then a constant 2/3/4 stage backward compatibility. (Wii2 would play wii and cube games, wii3 would play wii2 wii1 and cube games, etc etc.)
This makes allot of sence.

wiggy fuzz
November 19th, 2007, 18:12
some games feature unlockable content via gba games inserted through the slot 2, so removing that would be out of the questiion, especially considering the sucess of pokemon and the number who own and trade with the gba versions

so removal of the gba slot in a potential ds update is a load of bull, i'd just settle with a new lite

November 19th, 2007, 22:35
Wiggy I agree you are totally right I didnt think of that.
As for removing slot 2 for piracy? Have u been shopping recently, its all slot 1 now.