View Full Version : Microsoft Relaxing Xbox One Kinect Requirements, Giving GPU Power a Boost?

January 27th, 2014, 21:49
News from gaming insider Pete Doss is that Microsoft is mulling significant changes to the restrictions it places on developers regarding the Xbox One's GPU. Reportedly, some 10% of total GPU horsepower is reserved for the Kinect — 8% for video and 2% for voice processing. Microsoft is apparently planning changes that would free up that 8% video (http://hothardware.com/News/Microsoft-Reportedly-Relaxing-Kinect-Requirements-Returning-GPU-Power-To-Primary-Console/) entirely, leaving just 2% of the system's GPU dedicated to voice input. If Microsoft makes this change, it could have a significant uplift on system frame rates — and it's not clear that developers would necessarily need to patch the architecture to take advantage of the difference."
