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November 17th, 2007, 00:48
hey im not knew to the homebrew scene but i feel like something needs to be said about pspset i currently downloaded the latest edition of it and ran the pixel fixer in the middle of it al of the sudden my psp went blank and shut off tried to restart and it came up the infamous red screen of death 1 more thing is that winistaller 1.5 recovery is a peice of junk i was currently on 3.71 m33-3 both 1.5 kernel addons and went to recovery to run it and know i am in a fully bricked state no screen only 20 secs of power so get the word out that safer programs need to been made and older ones need the boot

current setup: 3 gamecubes, 1 ps2, 1 psp 3.71 m33-3 and 1.5 kernel <bricked>, xbox and psx

November 17th, 2007, 04:31
You should use a pandora battery to revive your PSP mate :)

November 17th, 2007, 08:07
Great. And you're a disrespectful leech.

If any of the stuff (that developers develop for themselves and decide to give out to the public) isn't good enough for you, then I'd like to see you do better. If you had, perhaps, used a different approach to convey the bugs I wouldn't see you as an ungrateful twat.

I'll say it again. Developers develop for themselves, not for you. Attitude like this is what makes developers reluctant to release their work lest they face a barrage of disrespect because someone doesn't like how they're going at their idea.

If you don't like it, make your own and don't be surprised when developers stop releasing things in the Scene.

You need to work on your lack of tact. I don't often get pissed off at people like you, but you've crossed the line. I'm a developer myself and I can relate to this crap you're giving other developers. I don't like it and I am sure they don't either.

I get your message and if I were the developer of these programs I would be grateful if you weren't an ass about it.

Next time think things through and make a constructive bug report instead of putting down peoples' hard work when you have nothing to show for your own.

I'd offer you solutions to your problems but Wally has covered this already.

November 17th, 2007, 09:37
Your atrocious grammar and spelling and that fact that you have one post lead me to believe that you're probably a noob who didn't read the directions carefully enough and probably missed a step here or there. Not to say that you are one of those people, that is just my first impression. If you want to play it safe with your PSP, don't be screwing around with the newest stuff like the latest programs and custom firmwares. Wait until it's been out for awhile and a thousand other people have used them and had positive results. Another thing, don't use so-called "easy installers". Anytime you're using one of those things, you're basically handing your PSP to a stranger and saying, here you flash this because I trust you. Well not me, I hardly trust anyone that well, only a handful of devs and teams. Almost inevitably, you're better off installing programs, mods, and especially firmwares when you get them from the source. There's a saying that carpenters use: measure twice, cut once. That goes double for PSP, read the directions twice, then follow them carefully.

Johnny Rash
November 17th, 2007, 09:50
Harsh...but fair.

Many "noobz" don't follow the instructions correctly and cut corners.
Even further, many guess and skip step they don't understand.

Dark420bishop, is completely right about the "measure twice, cut once" thing.
It's a shame this person puts homebrew in general down because his/her problems.

If he/she views it that way, they might as well use Sony's firmware.

November 17th, 2007, 23:08
Eh, who knows. Maybe it was faulty, a virus, or just was used wrong. For the first 2 I'd recommend NOT downloading from PS3fanboy, but the last you probably shut it off, through it out a window, or whatever you did to it.

But remember--anytime you Flash something on your PSP your running that massive risk of ****ing it up. I've never heard of PSPset, so I don't know whether its flashing or not. But yeah, just try to Pandorize it back to health :p