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View Full Version : Auto-Shutdown Issues

November 17th, 2007, 05:12

I've looked around a bit and I've been unable to find a solution to my problem. My PSP continually automatically shuts off (you know--with the low battery icon?) This wouldn't be a problem... if I had no battery life left. The problem is, it does it when I have a full battery. Or well, to be more precise...

From 91%-100% or so, it hardly gives me the message.
From 81%-90%, it gives it a bit more often.
etc, etc...
At 21%-30%, it won't stay on for more than a few seconds.

Is my battery dead or something? It only really started doing this since I upgraded to 3.71m33.

There may also be some ratio between the time it is on and the time it is off.

November 17th, 2007, 08:08
Interesting, my PSP exhibits similar symptoms.

Do you know when the problem first started occuring? Could you provide more detail as to exactly what you did?

November 17th, 2007, 14:23
Well, as I already stated; It's been happening since I upgraded to m33. I had been using 3.40 OE. I think I downgraded to 1.50, then upgraded through the different m33 versions. Or something like that.

Sonicboy 101
November 17th, 2007, 14:38
Come to think of it, my PSP battery seems to be doing the same thing, but not as severe. :(

November 17th, 2007, 18:53
I guess I should have been more clear.

Could you both tell me all the details about your PSP?

Current firmware?
Firmware history?
TA-082? 086?

Sonicboy 101
November 17th, 2007, 19:06
Current: 3.71 M33
Firmware history is not much to note, was on 3.52 m33 but this started when i upgraded to 3.71
TA-079 I think
I think it's stopped the shutting off thing now, battery kinda reads wrong (is 100% 3 hours?)

November 17th, 2007, 19:21
Hmm... not certain about all the details, but I can make guesses.

Current firmware is 3.71m33-2, I believe.

1.50->2.01->1.50->2.71 SE->3.xx OE->3.40 OE->1.50->?

? = upgrading to 3.71m33. I don't recall right of what exact firmwares I used, but I think I upgraded one-by-one through the m33 firmwares.

I don't know what motherboard my PSP has. But I do know it uses the motherboards that the released v1.50 PSPs used.

November 17th, 2007, 20:28
Well, I know that the problem is not caused by a battery for me, since I have two and it happens with both.

Try placing your battery in the fridge for a bit, cooling a li-ion battery makes it more lively.

Nothing bad SHOULD happen but I can't guarantee anything. I've done this to many of my batteries for different devices and it works.

November 18th, 2007, 18:46
Well, I put it in the fridge, and it's still acting up.

At 1:20 PM, I put back in the battery and loading GTA. At 1:45 PM, it started acting up.

Not sure if that helps at all, though.