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slik da relic
August 7th, 2005, 04:34

August 7th, 2005, 09:59
i know the Ryuu had mentioned it b4...its just that reading thru Bloodsack always says i've made a new theme....for example for the chrono trigger theme.. he says, i came up with the theme of chrono trigger, when clearly he didn't ...i did...

i just think he should sate who made what...instead of passing the work as his own.
like no credit ever went to giga phil or Dr Eggman......i think hes even using some of eli's wrk...... no credit.

Its not that he's not giving credit that really bothers me it him passing the wrk as his own.

Hey as long as people are enjoying the emu's who frickin cares who does the backrounds.

If you look on the top page you have credit. I guess people don't look hard enough? not all the emu's I do are from you guys. I said on the top page that all credit goes to noddy ,ryuu for some backrounds, but I'm doing a alot myself now. You just happen to look on here when I put your set up. I change them all the time. I'm not getting pay for them.....I'm just enjoying doing them for people that don't know how.

and second you said I'm passing your work off as myselfs.. Thats bullshit! ..I've never said I was doing all the emu backround. People don't give a flying rats ass who does the backround as long as they get a cool ass emu. so...please....stop lying!

I'm sick of the way Legion on pspupdates does his emu's. Their all lame.....so I decided to make them here. Nobody can make emu's and post them on that site, because of the frickin stupid and so called PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. I had lot of gamers wanting me to do emu's for them. so I decided to do them here. where I can.

and lastly.....Doing some of your backround and whoevers doesn't ruin your life what so ever. It's only a emu. Now If I was getting pay for it, then yeah...I would understand, but I'm not.

Noddy Jnr
August 7th, 2005, 11:58
ok.....i dont mind you using them, i said that....
i'm not lying.....i have read all of the posts in this thread and you make it sound like you have done all the work...maybe this is not your intension, but it does come off that way.
I know some people dont care, but some people do appreciate the hard work that goes into making these.
And i did see that you gave me credit, what annoyed me was that it sounded like you had done all the work....

I'm not getting pay for them.....I'm just enjoying doing them for people that don't know how.
no offence but all you are doing is compiling other peoples work into one eboot.
anyway...lets stop argueing........as long as people know that the works mine, i'm happy.....

too everyone. if you want to make your own customized themes and want a background making come and request one at

there are also tutorials at pspupdates, so that you can learn how to make them if you dont know already.

August 7th, 2005, 12:08
anyway...lets stop argueing........as long as people know that the works mine, i'm happy.....

It says it all on the top page.

And i did see that you gave me credit, what annoyed me was that it sounded like you had done all the work....

I never said that? I've always said that I've used others peoples pic's and some of mine. Where did I say I've done all the work? I never have>>... Thats because I've never said that.

You know what.....screw it. you & ryuu bitch about me using some of your backrounds. fine.

I quit!

you can all do your own emu's

Noddy Jnr
August 7th, 2005, 12:21
I tried to make peace and you go and have a tantrum.......

come one lets make peace stop arguing.......

i'll carry on making the background, you carry on compilng the latest emus with my work and we'll be all fine....
and so will be the people that use my work in your eboots...... :)

together we can make ace looking emus for everyone......
question are you making the AT3 fiels yourself???

i do my own emu's anyway.... lol :)....joke

August 7th, 2005, 13:05
I tried to make peace and you go and have a tantrum.......

come one lets make peace stop arguing.......

i'll carry on making the background, you carry on compilng the latest emus with my work and we'll be all fine....
and so will be the people that use my work in your eboots...... :)

together we can make ace looking emus for everyone......
question are you making the AT3 fiels yourself???

i do my own emu's anyway.... lol :)....joke

Thats fine and dandy. but most people don't have the time to make them. They want something right away...right now.

I've done special music for each emu that was meant for the backround image and matched it perfect.

Shinobi music was real shinobi music takin from one of the games. same with chrono trigger. not many people can do that or have the resource to even do that.

And on you making your own emu's good for you...I wasn't aiming my emu's towards you. I was aiming my emu's towards people that don't have to the time like you do.

I wasn't having a tantrum either. I'm just sick of it.

August 7th, 2005, 13:06
You go bloodsack. Noddy, if people want to know who makes the backgrounds from what he said at the start who cares. I don't tend to look at who makes them and i also mak and publish psp backgrounds. If it matters that much put a sig on it like someone said. If he put your name on it then people can see it. If people really cared who made the background they will look it up so it doesn't matter if in your biased opinion it sounds like he is doing all work. As long as people are using it then i would be happy.

Noddy Jnr
August 7th, 2005, 13:19
I have said over and over that i am happy for people to use...now lets all forgive and make up. :)

i asked about the at3 as they are good....

ok bloodsack are you gonna carry on making them???
i would like you too...... and i know other people do......

i wish i hadn't said anything about this too start with....lol....its got out of hand.....

lets start all over again...k
lets pretend this is my first post again......

oh bloodsack, its nice too see that you using my bkgrds in you eboots....thats great...now everyone gets to see my work............ I like the music your using .......did you make them yourself....

nxt post....

oh you did...cool they fit really well with my bkgrds.....nice wrk.....

lol... :) ...there we go

arch stanton
August 7th, 2005, 13:40
You can thank a few posers for this.


Noooooooooooo! :mad: :(

August 7th, 2005, 20:19
You know what.....screw it. you & ryuu bitch about me using some of your backrounds. fine.

I quit!

you can all do your own emu's

I hope you don't mean that. :( I'm really enjoying these backgrounds whoever it's from which I personaly don't care. As long as I get it.

August 7th, 2005, 23:28
Chill out guys. You all do good work.

Bloodsack just try to note who did what when you post and you other guys chill the hell out, you put the images in the public domain so anyone can use them so do get all whiney about not getting cred. bloodsack had stated cred on the first page from day one, no one cares for him to list every creator of every part of every emu he put's together!

So let's all calm down, make peace and enjoy the scene again.

slik da relic
August 8th, 2005, 00:04
this is the same way we stopped seeing sougen for awhile. this is how the some emus and other things r built. one guy or group creates it, someone sees what he did and embellishes or even improves on it. at the same time, someone else is creating something from a totally different direction, but acheiving the same goal. apply that knowledge to everything in life. im not saying 4get about the creators, but c,mon, this is about gaming fun. lets not take it too seriously. like he said, theres no money involved, he's not getting paid, and theres no copyrights or patents present. i mean, put a logo or something to let us know where it came from originally if its that serious.

da relic

August 8th, 2005, 06:19
Hey Bloodsack. Come on over to our site. maxconsole.net. We will host what you do in our psp forum and you will be protected from people that love to hate others. Think about it. You can find me there.
Team Xored

BlingShyne2 TAA
August 8th, 2005, 10:01
Hey, I just wanted to say, that Bloodsack has made a sh!tload of emus if you add up all of the updates he's done. He's put alot of time into this and he's made 1 or 2 custom ones for me.

I can see where people are coming from though when they say they would like to have credit.

Bloodsack did credit the creators of the images he used, but then people proceded to say "Who cares who makes the background?".

That's pretty rude considering how much time people put into there images.

Blood, you compiled these images and music perfectly into some awesome and creative themes that not many could think of, my favorite being the Genesis and the Neo Geo CD. You rock for that.

Noddy and Ryu, thank you for supplying us with images to customize our emulators with. YOU guys rock for that.

Please, Bloodsack you had a good thing going, bring them back? I promise I'll find you a working Burning Fight ISO :(

August 8th, 2005, 18:01
BlingShyne2 TAA - I concur.

Bloodsack, while I had some diffuculties getting some of these to work via simple drag n' drop even on my 1.5 which led me to start doing them myself via SEIPSPTOOL - your hard work in putting these together especially along with your music and video icons for everyone else who don't have the time or even understanding is AWESOME and is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! :D

Giga Phil, Ryuu, Eli, Noddy Jnr, and all others both on pspupdates.com and everywhere else on the web - an extremely BIG thanks goes out to you for all your hard work on these images we all use daily to enhance our fun on the PSP - your work too is AWESOME and GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! :D

August 9th, 2005, 22:24
Hey Bloodsack. Come on over to our site. maxconsole.net. We will host what you do in our psp forum and you will be protected from people that love to hate others. Think about it. You can find me there. Offer still stands.
Team Xored

August 12th, 2005, 23:35
what Happened To Bloodsack ??????????

Cap'n 1time
August 12th, 2005, 23:40
Bloodsack didnt make any of these emus.. he merely modified the content.. as for the maxconsole.net guy... get the F out.

August 12th, 2005, 23:42
Bloodsack didnt make any of these emus.. he merely modified the content.. as for the maxconsole.net guy... get the F out.

Please plude220 & 1timeuser let this topic die!

August 13th, 2005, 01:58
People won't let this topic die until you make more emulators. :)

August 13th, 2005, 03:17
Bloodsack didnt make any of these emus.. he merely modified the content.. as for the maxconsole.net guy... get the F out.

Unbelievable that you would say such a thing. But let me ask. Why wouldnt i be welcome here. Why would you want to discriminate against me. Do the site owners know you are discriminating against thier customers. But please do answer, why dont you want me here. Ive done nothing to offend you. Ive never done anything to anyone here. I like this site. I had thought this site was just as much welcoming to me as it was to you, but maybe i was wrong.
Anyway please do answer.

Cap'n 1time
August 13th, 2005, 04:25
Unbelievable that you would say such a thing. But let me ask. Why wouldnt i be welcome here. Why would you want to discriminate against me. Do the site owners know you are discriminating against thier customers. But please do answer, why dont you want me here. Ive done nothing to offend you. Ive never done anything to anyone here. I like this site. I had thought this site was just as much welcoming to me as it was to you, but maybe i was wrong.
Anyway please do answer.

simple, because your sight hosts links to illegal files that were created with the illegal xdk. now get the F out of here.

on second thought.. no you dont. sorry my mistake.. I was thinking of a site with a similare name.

August 13th, 2005, 04:29
1timeuser's kinda mean to noobies, so might want to ignore that
but he's right, this site doesn't like illegal stuff, even though it doesn't seem there aren't any on your site you mentioned

August 13th, 2005, 09:08
People won't let this topic die until you make more emulators. :)

I did. On another topic.


August 14th, 2005, 08:28
Bloodsack didnt make any of these emus.. he merely modified the content.. as for the maxconsole.net guy... get the F out.

I did more then just as you say:"modified the content".

I did all the music myself and did some Icons & backgrounds too.

August 16th, 2005, 16:10
simple, because your sight hosts links to illegal files that were created with the illegal xdk. now get the F out of here.

on second thought.. no you dont. sorry my mistake.. I was thinking of a site with a similare name.

Well i am happy to hear that you have changed your mind about how you feel bout or site. We post no links to any illegal products. We dont host any xbe files or anything like that. IN fact we are very respected in the scene. We have been acknowledge by our peers as a leader in our industry and are extremly successful in implementing industry leading standards. We are not a bunch of 16 year old high school kids. We all have degrees and some have MBA's and i have Master in Psychology. Im sure, given your previous responce, that you dont really care to know. But i have always been one for not burning bridges. Like it or not, we are your neighbors. I wants trying to steal "one of your guys" I want trying to drive him away. In fact it appeared as though some up in here had already done that. I was only offering him a place to feel safe and at home. My only motivation was to help keep our industry and psp dev going.
Im not sure how my name has excaped all of you. Im not sure how you guys have not heard of Team Xored. We are an industry leading development team. I would love to go on and brag, but i fear it would be a wast and an impostition to you. I will not come back to your site. Im sorry for having made you feel upset with me. It is disheartning. I will also contact all site admin and owner and present the situation to them. Just so they no there are no hard feelings between us. It is just a fact that the community here would feel better if i wasnt here. Who am i to impose upon all of you. YOu were all here before i was. I just liked your site and what you all were doing. I thought it was really cool. And it still is, but maybe its best for me to not paticipate in it.
Well i have taken enough of your time. Im sorry we couldnt be amicable. Please take care. bye

Cap'n 1time
August 16th, 2005, 17:53
I did more then just as you say:"modified the content".

I did all the music myself and did some Icons & backgrounds too.

dont think im downplaying you. I like you, (and i never tell anyone that) so no worries. your content is incredable and I actually have some on my own psp. But i am begining to wonder if people know you didnt actually do any of the coding. Thats not to say that your work is good, but I want to make sure that the proper credit is given to the coder also.

to the Team Xored dude. All I know about team xored is about some kind of EVOx cheat system that didnt break any laws or somthing like that. Stick around, but honestly you came on a little bit to strong to suit me.

August 16th, 2005, 18:57
dont think im downplaying you. I like you, (and i never tell anyone that) so no worries. your content is incredable and I actually have some on my own psp. But i am begining to wonder if people know you didnt actually do any of the coding. Thats not to say that your work is good, but I want to make sure that the proper credit is given to the coder also.

Wow....thanks 1timeuser:)

and on the coding your right. I don't want people to think I did them. I just make the emulator look & sound cool;) The guys who do the coding are the real heroes here.

September 16th, 2005, 00:47
hey can we get the new ngpsp1.3.1

Cap'n 1time
September 16th, 2005, 02:26
is it just me... or did we loose alot of our conversation on this topic?