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View Full Version : PicoDrive for PSP released - Genesis/Sega CD Emulator for PSP

November 18th, 2007, 01:18
There seemed to be some demand for Sega CD/Mega CD emulator for PSP, so after doing the Gizmondo port I decided to port PicoDrive, my Genesis/MegaDrive/Sega CD/Mega CD emulator, to PSP.

Well I don't really like how it performs (it still needs a bit more work), but I've decided to move to another project, so I thought I better release it as is, then keep it around untouched for months.

There is nothing fancy about this emulator (no dynarecs/asm cores), but it's still able to run many Genesis games fullspeed with no frameskip (including some CD ones), and others with some skipping. However there are some CD games which won't run too well (although situation can be improved by tweaking some options). This emulator uses hardware MP3 decoding via audiocodec library in PSP.

Note that this emu may need some option tweaking to get certain games working. Be sure to check the readme for details.

Finally, I feel I need to give credits several people whose code I used for this release:

* Chui for FAME/C (which is based on C68K by Stéphane Dallongeville, Gens fame)
* NJ for CZ80 (which was also based on Stef's code).
* MAME team for YM2612/SN76489 cores.
* fDave for the original PicoDrive, and Stef again for releasing Gens source, something to base my work on.
* ps2dev.org people for all sample code (cooleyes for libaudiocodec one).

Download and Give Feedback & Compatability Reports Via Comments

Picodrive for PSP Compatability List - Add your findings (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=79605)

download mirror (http://notaz.gp2x.de/releases/PicoDrive/PicoDrive_psp_135.zip)
KXploited version for 1.5 users (http://notaz.gp2x.de/releases/PicoDrive/PicoDrive_psp_135kxploit.zip)
source code (http://notaz.gp2x.de/releases/PicoDrive/PicoDrive_135src.tar.bz2)

EDIT: latest update is here (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=80319)

DIGG THIS RELEASE (http://digg.com/gaming_news/Sega_CD_Emulator_for_PSP_Released)


Some Screens



November 18th, 2007, 02:00
Omg, You Rock!!

November 18th, 2007, 02:02
Wow, nice job ;)

November 18th, 2007, 02:19
thank you.

i hope your other project turns out great and that afterwords you come back to this and work on CD preformance

November 18th, 2007, 02:21
omg I love you! haha thanks notaz

Btw you will need bios don't request for them here!

November 18th, 2007, 02:39
Thanks a lot! Well there goes any possibility of me getting any homework done this weekend.

November 18th, 2007, 02:42

I just added you to my list of my PSP Scene heroes! lol, Thanks man. :D

November 18th, 2007, 02:50
Thanks notaz for this release.

Oh, btw, the link to your source code is not correct. This should be the link to the source code (http://notaz.gp2x.de/releases/PicoDrive/PicoDrive_135src.tar.bz2).

November 18th, 2007, 02:57

We need a compatibility Thread started...

November 18th, 2007, 02:58
notaz, thank you...finally a Genesis emulator (for a console I have) that supports some non-standard things like ROM size limit, so that "Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy" (http://umk3.hacking-cult.org) (UMK3 hack) works...and with 6-button support working too, which seems to give a lot of emulators problems (as far as Genesis UMK3 goes)

November 18th, 2007, 03:05
The link to the source says to notify you that it is not working.

November 18th, 2007, 03:13
Smurfs CD works flawlessly!!

Safari Al
November 18th, 2007, 03:25
very nice work man! i ve been wanting this for a looooooong time ;)

Mr. Shizzy
November 18th, 2007, 03:30
Wow. This is an awesome contribution to the PSP scene. :)
Much thanks notaz :D

November 18th, 2007, 03:37
Sonic CD is working great! Bravo to you sir :)

November 18th, 2007, 03:48
Snatcher runs perfectly!

Mr. Shizzy
November 18th, 2007, 03:49
Can someone confirm how many kb the Bios files are.

Not asking for a link. Just a size, to be sure if they are correct. :)

November 18th, 2007, 03:52
all the us ones are 128 KB (131,072 bytes) each

same for the eu

November 18th, 2007, 03:54
I got Final Fight CD to run good so far! :D

November 18th, 2007, 04:10
So does it actually work? :O

November 18th, 2007, 04:13
YESSS!!! My dreams have finally come true!! a full speed genesis emulator for psp. Dgen and pspgenesis were never very impressive, pretty much requiring frameskip 1 for everything.

so far i have tested on picodrive:

sonic 2
blaster master 2
castlevania bloodlines
contra: hard corps
ghouls & ghosts
misadventures of flink
rocket knight adventures
wiz & liz
wonderboy 5

all fullspeed with frameskip 0, not a single hint of slowdown :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

edit: tried a couple more:

mr nutz
thunder force 4

even ranger-x didn't flinch, a solid 60fps. i'm beginning to wonder if anything will slow this thing down

it finally brings genesis up to speed with the other great psp emulators (gpsp, snes9x tyl). this makes me very happy and it's going to give me many, many hours of enjoyment out of my psp :-D

November 18th, 2007, 04:31
*bows down and forsakes all others before Notaz* you are my hero.

November 18th, 2007, 04:53
just tried a couple sega cd games..

misadventures of flink: fullspeed... amazing & beautiful!!!
popful mail: fullspeed during game sequences, but slows down during voice playback. also make sure to enable the "better sync" option, as this is one of the games that requires it in order to boot

November 18th, 2007, 04:55
That was weird, I tried Popful Mail and not only did it make the emulator crash, it made all of my other games stop working so I had to delete everything and copy the emulator back to my memory stick. So uh, don't try Popful Mail I guess. Unless I got a bad copy of it somehow.

November 18th, 2007, 05:00
Lunar 1 works perfectly!

November 18th, 2007, 05:04
Sonic CD seems perfect. Set to Fast render and seems to be a solid 60! Thanks for this emulator, a quality release for sure.

November 18th, 2007, 05:43
yup thats right best emu for genesis so far , and the sega cd most of the roms i got runs just like the o.g genesis,and sega cd runs cool to, no problems so far .

November 18th, 2007, 05:53
Lunar 2 runs perfectly!!

November 18th, 2007, 05:54
Wow this is insane, so far ive tested Sonic CD and Out of this world 2 Heart of the Alien, and both run perfect without messing with any of the options...Great work and keep it up! :thumbup:

November 18th, 2007, 06:15
omg, the emu is ****ing tight, makes that dgen look like shit, this rocks

November 18th, 2007, 06:33
now all we need is a snes emu that works as good as this one

November 18th, 2007, 06:36
omg that is to scary, i cant beleive

November 18th, 2007, 07:00
Vay runs perfect!

November 18th, 2007, 07:19
I feel silly for posting this, but I cannot get Picodrive to load any Genesis or SegaCD ISOs. In fact, if I try to open the roms folder inside the main Picodrive folder, it says 'Failed to open rom.' I tried putting the roms folder in another directory, but the same thing happens. It won't even open my SegaCD subdirectory.

I'm running firmware 3.71 M33-2, for what it's worth.

November 18th, 2007, 07:22
Amazing.. This first release is already better than Dgen? Its a shame it wont be continued for a while.. Best of luck notaz!

Hopefully all this interest/attention to this project will convince him to continue it?

November 18th, 2007, 07:44
Wow, alien soldier run perfect without frameskip! I love you...

November 18th, 2007, 07:57
so does any plans sega 32x going to happen?

November 18th, 2007, 08:09
now all we need is a snes emu that works as good as this one

Do you know about Snes9x? Guess not.

November 18th, 2007, 08:39
So far, this emulator works pretty good. It is a bit slower than the GP2X version but with a few optimizations could be brought up to speed quickly.

Anyway, I hope that Notaz reconsiders his decision to not work on improving Picodrive for the PSP in the near future.

November 18th, 2007, 08:46
Hmm, it seems to insist that all games have to be in the same directory as Picodrive itself to work...

November 18th, 2007, 09:01
Wow, can't wait to try this. Thanks, Notaz!!

November 18th, 2007, 09:35
Warning 1.50 users:

The readme says that this just needs to be kxploited to work, but it doesn't. It won't launch and gives the 80020148 ("PRX type unsupported") error, which is the error that usually pops up when running an EBOOT that's been specifically compiled for the newer firmware kernels.

All fixed!

November 18th, 2007, 09:56
Holy Crap!
When I heard that this was also able to play Sega CD games one game came to mind, SONIC CD! I was so excited over the fact that I could play this great game on the go but I wasn't expecting Notaz to cause me...
...To come to tears. I popped on three games that seem to have problems or not run at all on DGEN 1.7and PSPGenesis 0.18c. Those games were
1) Exile
2) Ex-Mutants
3) Talespin
Tears started to stream down my face once I saw those games running perfectly, no frameskip. God...
And the surprises didn't stop there, almost all the games I have in my Genesis collection ran fine, full speed, no frameskip. Even more so, all my games sounded like they should and actually even better than before (headphones are a must!!!) I was highly impressed and cried most of the night while I played my genesis collection in the form it should have been for years when it came to the PSP, utter perfection! I have one question for you Notaz...
Where the hell have you been?!?
You are in the very league of coding masters when it comes to the PSP alongside the great Exophase.
Dude, don't take this as me being gay because I'm actually married but...
I love you! You truly made my day and bring hope that the PSP scene is nowhere near the end of it's potential. Please, don't become one of those one devs who jump out of the scene once you release a program, keep going! I have no clue what else you could do to this emu you have created to make it more perfect than it already is but you are definitely very very talented in what you do! I'm telling you right now... if you had a paypal account to accept donations, expect an amount with 2 zero's at the end, you have impressed me and I would give you a high donation in order for you to continue your work.
You are my hero!

November 18th, 2007, 09:57
Thank GOD!

Finally someone made a Sega CD emulator!!! I have been waiting on this for a long time buddy, thanks a million, you are fantastic!

Very polished for a first release!! Very nice compatibility, full speeds, sound is emulated near-flawlessly. Thank you very much again for this, your hard work is much appreciated, and long awaited!

Can anyone say Lunar? Shining Force? Vay? Heart of the Alien(Out of This World?)???

Very nicely done sir.

I was almost in tears reliving some of the glory days...

Thank you very much again.


November 18th, 2007, 10:14
great work, thanks for this.

November 18th, 2007, 10:15
fantastic to see! hopefully Notaz dont stop release stuff for the psp. i havent tried it yet but when i read the comments it seems to be as fantastic as NJs and Exophases emulators!!!

will try it out now =)

Sonicboy 101
November 18th, 2007, 10:36
I'm so happy. Downloading now, I can't wait to try out Sonic CD :)

November 18th, 2007, 11:00
That was weird, I tried Popful Mail and not only did it make the emulator crash, it made all of my other games stop working so I had to delete everything and copy the emulator back to my memory stick. So uh, don't try Popful Mail I guess. Unless I got a bad copy of it somehow.

like i said, did you enable the "better sync" option? i know that this game doesn't even run in kega fusion without this option enabled

November 18th, 2007, 11:32
very fine emu but cant get sega cd games to work only genisis,i got sonicCD.ISO and all its mp3 at 44khz and hwne i try to load the rom its says"failed to open rom" need help plz ;; and also got the bios for it to work and not the games

November 18th, 2007, 11:43
looks and sounds great its a just a pain in the ass finding a bios =(

November 18th, 2007, 11:52
Full speed Snatcher on my PSP.

God, I could kiss you. Thanks so much.

November 18th, 2007, 12:08
Just tried out some old sega favourites and they all worked flawlessly...

Thank you so much for this incredible emu...

November 18th, 2007, 12:20
popful mail: fullspeed during game sequences, but slows down during voice playback. also make sure to enable the "better sync" option, as this is one of the games that requires it in order to boot
.. and you can disable it after the game boots, to get beter performance.

so does any plans sega 32x going to happen?
no, at least not from me in the near future.

Hmm, it seems to insist that all games have to be in the same directory as Picodrive itself to work...
no, I keep my roms in other directories myself, so you must be doing something wrong.

Warning 1.50 users:

The readme says that this just needs to be kxploited to work, but it doesn't. It won't launch and gives the 80020148 ("PRX type unsupported") error, which is the error that usually pops up when running an EBOOT that's been specifically compiled for the newer firmware kernels.
damn, I ran it from GAME150 in my cfw and thought it would work on real 1.5.. I'll go and do a proper static elf build then.

@everyone else:
thanks for all your warm feedback!

November 18th, 2007, 12:52
I've uploaded a separate version for 1.5 users (see my first post), so if you are running 1.5 version (NOT a cfw compatibility mode), please try and post results.

November 18th, 2007, 12:56
Before all, thanks Notaz, awesome work

Then, my video showing Road Avenger


I notice that disabling Z80 it goes a bit better and disabling sound it works near fullspeed ... but RA without sound is not RA

I'll upload a few videos along the day

PD: i'm sorry bout the static (sound) in the video and i forgot to set up volumen until the end !!! DAMMIT!

November 18th, 2007, 13:00
Im amazed at this news, thank you for stepping up to the plate and imo giving the PSP scene its best release, Usually porters go for quick, easy stuff and the harder things like this get left until the end of the line, which shows who truly deserves praise and you my friend definitely deserve it.

M Dash
November 18th, 2007, 13:00
Definetelly the BEST Mega drive - Genesis emulator for the PSP!! 100% my favorite.

November 18th, 2007, 13:04
vay fails to load after the 1st cutscene after pressing start for me..

November 18th, 2007, 13:26
i have tried like 20-30 megadrive roms now. ALL OF THEM RUNS 100 % FULL SPEED!! if the Sega CD games runs as good as the megadrive im in heaven :D

this is the best thing that has happened to the psp scene since Dark_Alex let us play psx games!

so this will stay on my memorystick forever =)

thanx so very much Notaz!!! thanx to ppl like YOU, Dark_Alex, Exophase and NJ the psp has become every hardcore gamers wet dream :D

thank you, thank you and thank you :)

November 18th, 2007, 14:11
this is one of the best ports i have seen if not the best, speed fantastic, screen resizing is amazing

great work, many thanks.

November 18th, 2007, 14:15
I translated the Readme to spanish

Here (http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_Posible-emulador-de-Sega-CD-en-camino-para-PSP_887724)

'll upload a Silpheed video later

November 18th, 2007, 14:34

Awesome release, notaz :D truly. I do remember quite a bit of people saying Sega CD emulation would be impossible, no? (PS don't just say it was only Saturn. My memory sucks but I do remember people saying SCD would NEEEEVER be made.)

For the record, what are some really good non-turn based RPGs for Sega CD?

November 18th, 2007, 14:48
Great Releas! I've always been a fan of PicoDrive.

Mr. Shizzy
November 18th, 2007, 15:05
Tested Sonic CD. Runs great.
Notaz - infinite thank yous, my friend. :D

November 18th, 2007, 15:19
This emulator is simply amazing.

All the megadrive games run flawless plus all the CD games I've tried seem spot on. :)

...and people keep saying the psp scene is dead! lol Sega CD, regular new mame builds, the n64 being worked on etc all make me very happy. :)

November 18th, 2007, 15:29
Very odd... I'm no noob, but can't get this to load any games! Using latest DA CFW on my slim. Put relevant bios in and correct palcement of folders but get "failed to load" message on both CD and Gen games. Grrr... am I the only one??

Mr. Shizzy
November 18th, 2007, 16:24
^^^ you must not have renamed the bios correctly then ??

Take another look at the read me. You must renane the bios to what it says in there, or the emu will not recognize them.

November 18th, 2007, 16:51
This is a legendary emulator, big thanks to Notaz

November 18th, 2007, 16:57
Still needs more work?! This is amazing!

November 18th, 2007, 17:01
The 1.5 version works great.
Thanks for taking the time to get this fantastic emu running for those that still stick with 1.5 (1.5 user, never felt the need to update as homebrew is really all I use PSP for).
Do the changes needed to make it run on 1.5 degrade the performance at all or take much time for you to accomplish? If either is true I guess I should update.

I've only tested Mega Drive games (mostly sonic 2), but this emu is amazing, I don't really know how to quantify things like 'fluidity' and 'crispness', but the games certainly seem far smoother and better defined to me (with default settings). I need a better vocabulary.

Brilliant emulator for the Mega Drive component alone, I will have to get ahold of sonicCD. :)


EDIT: ROMs work fine from any directory.
EDIT2: Kawasaki superbike challenge (obscure game with kind-of 3d gfx that I loved back when It came out) runs perfectly, your a bloody legend. :)

November 18th, 2007, 17:05
Holy sshh...
This thing rocks!!

Tested Earthworm Jim Special Edition(sega cd) and works perfectly with minor slowdowns!!! Shrunk Bin file of my coppy to 45MB!!!OOOOOOOOOOO!

Much thanx to Notaz for ported this!!!

November 18th, 2007, 17:18
so, i have tried like 30+ megadrive games now and they all work 100 % perfect! =)

i have tried some sega cd games now too:

After burner iii (US) Set to Frameskip 1 since fast render seems to bug the graphics up.. very playable! not my favorite game though ;)

Android assault (US) set to Fast render and then no frameskip is needed. the game is my darling that all shoot em up fans has to play! set the scale factor to 1.25 so it fits the psp screen better!

Keio's flying squadron (US) Set to Fast render and then no frameskip is needed. set the scale factor to 1.25 so it fits the psp screen better! very, very nice cutie old school shooter.

lords of thunder (US) Almost full speed. set to Fast render and it will be. no frameskip is needed. great game. too bad the sound from the weapons is to loudy and the music to silent..

robo aleste (EU) Almost full speed all the time. set to fast render to have 100 % full speed! cool hi res shooter =)

Slipheed (EU) fast render mode distrubs the graphics very much. the audio is a bit glitchy. it wont help set frameskip to 1.
my scale factor: 1.32
very innovtive shooter.

sonic the hedgehog cd (US) nice sonic game. Set to Fast render and then no frameskip is needed. the game is perfectly emulated then. but the psp screen isnt good enough sometimes for this game (when sonic is in a hurry)

thanx so very much notaz. this emu will give us all many many hours of gaming on the psp :D

November 18th, 2007, 17:45
Do the changes needed to make it run on 1.5 degrade the performance at all or take much time for you to accomplish? If either is true I guess I should update.

No, the code is completely the same, and it's only a matter of changing one build option (to make a little different EBOOT), so no trouble at all.

November 18th, 2007, 17:51
This has seriously made my week. I've been hoping for a Sega CD emulator for so long. I never thought I'd happen.

Sorry for doubting you notaz. Great work!


November 18th, 2007, 18:00
The Bios work just fine for me on their own and are named to match the readme... any other ideas, people?

November 18th, 2007, 18:22
No, the code is completely the same, and it's only a matter of changing one build option (to make a little different EBOOT), so no trouble at all.

Good to hear, thanks for compiling both.

November 18th, 2007, 18:33
.. and you can disable it after the game boots, to get beter performance.

indeed i did, and now it's fullspeed in popful mail even during the voice parts :thumbup:

November 18th, 2007, 18:47
This emulator is simply amazing.

...and people keep saying the psp scene is dead! lol Sega CD, regular new mame builds, :)
ports from gp2x :cool::D

November 18th, 2007, 18:50
The Bios work just fine for me on their own and are named to match the readme... any other ideas, people?
Need more details (exact error message). Might be a bad ISO, try another one.

November 18th, 2007, 18:51
Beautiful, just beautiful. Full speed emulation of Sega-CD on the first release of the emulator. This is the best PSP homebrew release of '07.

November 18th, 2007, 18:55
"failed to load rom" is message. Tried 3 CD games and 8 Gen roms, all from a well-known site. Will try others but seems like the same error another had earlier!

November 18th, 2007, 19:02
ports from gp2x :cool::D

Who cares - its still new to the psp scene! :D

If programs are ported over and are as polished as this one then I'm v happy with that! :thumbup:

What else is left that the psp can steal from the gp2x community? lol

November 18th, 2007, 19:05
Exactly, as long as it's a positive impact on the psp scene and actually works it sounds good to me.

November 18th, 2007, 19:12
What else is left that the psp can steal from the gp2x community? lol

well, there is nothing more to steal. its the gp2x community who will steal from the psps coders =)

im so happy, now i can play everything cool and oldschool on my psp perfect besides N64. hopefully that emu will come along too =)

November 18th, 2007, 19:14
Beautiful, just beautiful. Full speed emulation of Sega-CD on the first release of the emulator. This is the best PSP homebrew release of '07.

couldnt agree more!

November 18th, 2007, 19:20
Tried Mortal Kombat and didnt work. Boots to intro video and then black screen but no freeze. Odd but oh well it still kicks ass!

November 18th, 2007, 19:22
Hmmm thats weird i didn't need 2 rename my bios, i just ran the bios itself then loaded the iso (SONIC CD).

November 18th, 2007, 19:36
Of all the cd games I've tried the only one I cant get to work is the Beat-'Em-Up 'Annet FutatabiI'... apart from that all my games are running perfecto!

I think the only feature I can find with the megadrive emulation that DGEN has over this emu is the optiion for adhoc two player multiplayer games. :( ...In time I'd love it if this emulator also added that option too.

Anyway must go now to cane Sonic CD. :)

November 18th, 2007, 20:49
Notaz... I am very impressed with this and I hope you come back to it in the future.

One feature I'd really like to see is a 'fit vertical height' screen option.

November 18th, 2007, 20:57
This is an amasing release and shows exactly how ports should be done. I am baffled to hear Notaz does not plan any more updates but as it is, it plays near perfectly. Well done, this is exactly what the Psp homebrew / emulation scene is all about. Thanks very much.

November 18th, 2007, 21:02
Now all we need is a 32x emulator to go with it, and I'm set ^^

November 18th, 2007, 21:29
Now all we need is a 32x emulator to go with it, and I'm set ^^

I agree but lets not get too ahead of ourselves, this is a fantastic release on it's own!

November 18th, 2007, 22:33
Notaz... I am very impressed with this and I hope you come back to it in the future.

One feature I'd really like to see is a 'fit vertical height' screen option.

you don't really need to, if you set it to the default unscaled option, then adjust just the size to 1.2, it will be the height of the screen, while still retaining the 4:3 aspect ratio. this is how i play and it's glorious. THANK YOU NOTAZ!!! :o

November 18th, 2007, 22:45
you don't really need to, if you set it to the default unscaled option, then adjust just the size to 1.2, it will be the height of the screen, while still retaining the 4:3 aspect ratio. this is how i play and it's glorious. THANK YOU NOTAZ!!! :o

Nice catch! I had not delved too far in the screen configuration options. Looks like you can set that as a default for all roms too.

Again, kudos to Notaz for this excellent emulator

November 18th, 2007, 22:46
you sir are a legend :)

Excellent release :) the sound quality/emulation is amazing too.

November 18th, 2007, 23:56
Now all we need is a 32x emulator to go with it, and I'm set ^^

Not happening, unless you like emulators that run half the normal speed and less.

The emulator though gets better and better the more i tinker with it, Popful Mail, Snatcher, Sonic CD and all the greats work tremendously well, but that really is due to the amount of options this little gem holds, everything works flawlessly, the save states, custom screen ration, in built fixes and the quick render button screams quality.

Theres always a emulator that is head and shoulders above the rest in the community, For the DC it was NesterDC and for the PSP its now PicoDrive.

Now the question remains? Who's going to port the extremely hard ZSnes and UltraHLE? Our only shot at full speed Snes and N64 emulation ;)

November 19th, 2007, 00:03
im having problems with lunar 2 im stuck in a cutscene i cant see to get past it, its were you meet the girl in the green crystal, the cut scene plays ok but like half way it freezes i know the cut scene is still going cus the audio keeps playing after abit the audio stops and the hangs apparently do the cd leds the red one keeps blinking

November 19th, 2007, 00:12
Now the question remains? Who's going to port the extremely hard ZSnes and UltraHLE? Our only shot at full speed Snes and N64 emulation ;)

Those two emulators are only so fast due to hardware optimization. Daedelus is your UltraHLE, but with better compatability.

November 19th, 2007, 00:23
Those two emulators are only so fast due to hardware optimization. Daedelus is your UltraHLE, but with better compatability.

That may be the case but even you would have to admit it would be extremely interesting to see the results of those ports, and i honestly believe they would be faster then the current.

UltraHLE only supports a few games but i would rather have 3 full speed games then 10 'playable' ones, its good for the community that Daedelus is worked on but i just hope there will be enough interest at some point for it, since i dont believe Daedelus will run anything at full speed, not even Mario64.

November 19th, 2007, 01:06
That may be the case but even you would have to admit it would be extremely interesting to see the results of those ports, and i honestly believe they would be faster then the current.

UltraHLE only supports a few games but i would rather have 3 full speed games then 10 'playable' ones, its good for the community that Daedelus is worked on but i just hope there will be enough interest at some point for it, since i dont believe Daedelus will run anything at full speed, not even Mario64.

The only reason it would be faster is because in order to port it at all, massive portions of them would have to be rewritten, and whoever did would make it psp-centric.

November 19th, 2007, 01:06
That may be the case but even you would have to admit it would be extremely interesting to see the results of those ports, and i honestly believe they would be faster then the current.

UltraHLE only supports a few games but i would rather have 3 full speed games then 10 'playable' ones, its good for the community that Daedelus is worked on but i just hope there will be enough interest at some point for it, since i dont believe Daedelus will run anything at full speed, not even Mario64.

The only reason it would be faster is because in order to port it at all, massive portions of them would have to be rewritten, and whoever did would make it psp-centric.

November 19th, 2007, 01:08
That may be the case but even you would have to admit it would be extremely interesting to see the results of those ports, and i honestly believe they would be faster then the current.

UltraHLE only supports a few games but i would rather have 3 full speed games then 10 'playable' ones, its good for the community that Daedelus is worked on but i just hope there will be enough interest at some point for it, since i dont believe Daedelus will run anything at full speed, not even Mario64.

No, it would not be any faster if they were "ported".

For Example, znes cannot be "ported". It was designed to run on Intel x86 architecture computers, there is not even a proper PowerPC version to start things of (Only Intel Macs can run it).
Znes is written in assembly language(Again for Intel x86) and therefore the code is obsolete to the PSP (Which uses MIPS). In order to "port" it would have to be an emulator written from scratch basically. The final aim might be the same but the way to get there is very different.
I don't know much about UltraHLE, but I know that it is not a "full" emulator. It relies heavily on the graphics card the computer is running to interpret C calls in the game.

Finally, about Daedalus you might be right. It might never be full speed, but why not wait until StrmnNrmn finishes his work on the media engine before making the call? I believe it should give the emu a significant speed up when using sound (Which a lot of people do).

November 19th, 2007, 04:46
Finally, I can play Sonic CD while on the go :D

November 19th, 2007, 06:27
This is the best I have ever seen. Now I can play Sega CD on the go rather trying to use my xbox lol.

November 19th, 2007, 08:23
Wow, Notaz, really good stuff here. For quite a while now I have been getting lost in nostalgia trying out a bunch of old school Genesis & Sega CD games.

What blew me away most was that I pretty much just use my Slim & Lite PSP now and the latest version of DGEN doesn't work on the Slim. So out of nowhere you not only made it possible for Slim PSP's to play Sega CD but it also turns out to be the best Genesis/MegaDrive emulator for the PSP. All games I have been throwing at it work perfect with 0 frameskip. Perfect or near perfect emulation on just about every Genesis game.

The way the games are rendered on screen just looks really great and the sound on a lot of games is unbelievable.

I know you are putting this project on the back-burner for some time but please don't abandon it. This is too good of an emulator to not try and squeeze every last ounce of potential out of.

For those that wish to donate to Notaz, what is his PayPal info? Anyone know?

November 19th, 2007, 09:30
im having problems with lunar 2 im stuck in a cutscene i cant see to get past it, its were you meet the girl in the green crystal, the cut scene plays ok but like half way it freezes i know the cut scene is still going cus the audio keeps playing after abit the audio stops and the hangs apparently do the cd leds the red one keeps blinking
Do you have a savestate before it happens (must be some time before it crashes)? Try enabling "better sync" in Sega CD options, load the state and see if it passes.

The only reason it would be faster is because in order to port it at all, massive portions of them would have to be rewritten, and whoever did would make it psp-centric.
PicoDrive's Sega CD code is basically done this way from Gens' x86 asm (although some parts were done from scratch using the docs).

So out of nowhere you not only made it possible for Slim PSP's to play Sega CD but it also turns out to be the best Genesis/MegaDrive emulator for the PSP.

Well it's not "out of nowhere", I've been working on PicoDrive for nearly 2 years now (with some breaks to work on other projects). First it was developed for UIQ2 smartphones, later (and still) for GP2X, and now I've also adapted it to PSP (+ added some specific stuff, like hardware mp3 decoding and scaling).

I know you are putting this project on the back-burner for some time but please don't abandon it. This is too good of an emulator to not try and squeeze every last ounce of potential out of.

Well there are still some things to do for it but I am not sure if (when) I'm going to do them.

For those that wish to donate to Notaz, what is his PayPal info? Anyone know?
PayPal has banned my country from receiving funds, but there is one reliable person receiving funds on my behalf, more info here (http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic=32740). Note that if you donate, you donate for things I've done, not something I'll do in the future (which may be nothing at all).

November 19th, 2007, 10:47
Wow. I just deleted Dgen. Thanks a bunch notaz, it's amazing how much difference a bit of a speed boost has on the play experience. Can't wait to dig Lunar out of the closet and take it for a spin.

Thanks for making the 1.50 compatible EBOOT. Works like a charm!

November 19th, 2007, 11:03
Who cares - its still new to the psp scene! :D

If programs are ported over and are as polished as this one then I'm v happy with that! :thumbup:

What else is left that the psp can steal from the gp2x community? lol
lead see gp2x community has 1 emulator that psp will never :D have T2K Jaguar Emulator the best Jaguar Emulator on handheld
1 thing it is closed source and the original author dio don't want it to appear on close platform:cool:

November 19th, 2007, 11:24
lead see gp2x community has 1 emulator that psp will never :D have T2K Jaguar Emulator the best Jaguar Emulator on handheld http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YYnPTlHRNE
1 thing it is closed source and the original author dio don't want it to appear on close platform:cool:

Thats fine, I can live without a Jaguar emulator anyway - there really weren't many games on it that did anything for me.

...I'd much rather have a 100% fullspeed ps1 emulator built in to my psp. :)

November 19th, 2007, 11:44
No, it would not be any faster if they were "ported".

For Example, znes cannot be "ported". It was designed to run on Intel x86 architecture computers, there is not even a proper PowerPC version to start things of (Only Intel Macs can run it).
Znes is written in assembly language(Again for Intel x86) and therefore the code is obsolete to the PSP (Which uses MIPS). In order to "port" it would have to be an emulator written from scratch basically. The final aim might be the same but the way to get there is very different.
I don't know much about UltraHLE, but I know that it is not a "full" emulator. It relies heavily on the graphics card the computer is running to interpret C calls in the game.

Finally, about Daedalus you might be right. It might never be full speed, but why not wait until StrmnNrmn finishes his work on the media engine before making the call? I believe it should give the emu a significant speed up when using sound (Which a lot of people do).

Yes your right about ZSnes, It would be a pain to get running, however it is possible, The exact same thing was said about it in the xbox community, and because of that reason it was one of the very last things to come out of the community, however the results were spectacular.

I had Mario64 running at full speed with a Voodoo1 card and a 300mhz PC back in the day, its not a 'full' emulator but whatever games it does emulate it does it extremely well.

Dont get me wrong, Im not slanting what has been released, i would just just love to know how well these would work on the PSP, will it ever happen? probably not since there really is very little interest, but you never know.

November 19th, 2007, 13:06
Yes your right about ZSnes, It would be a pain to get running, however it is possible, The exact same thing was said about it in the xbox community, and because of that reason it was one of the very last things to come out of the community, however the results were spectacular.

Xbox has a x86 cpu.

November 19th, 2007, 16:15
I cant get this to work...:-( I have put the pico folder in my game150 folder....I'm running firmware 3.40 OE-A psp fat....I have tried Sonic Cd and all it makes is a funny sound and the screen is black...I have tried formula one beyond the limit and the sega cd menu comes up sonic sprinkles some dust on he sega logo then it freezes....i have download the eight bios like it says in the read-me file...i cant figure out whatI'm doing wrong...I can get genisus games to work no problem (btw this is MUCH better than DGEN)...I have formula one as an ISO file and sega cd as a bin file an i am putting the files right into the picodrive folder....any help would be appreciated THANKS!!!

November 19th, 2007, 17:10
I still can't get background music to work.

I think I've named them all right.

The game is named

Lunar the Silver Star.iso (it is zipped)

The music files are called

Lunar the Silver Star_02.MP3
Lunar the Silver Star_03.MP3

and so on.

what am I doing wrong?

thanks for any help.

November 19th, 2007, 17:47
I still can't get background music to work.

I think I've named them all right.

The game is named

Lunar the Silver Star.iso (it is zipped)

The music files are called

Lunar the Silver Star_02.MP3
Lunar the Silver Star_03.MP3

and so on.

what am I doing wrong?

thanks for any help.

your iso needs to be named "Lunar the Silver Star_01.ISO". (or .zip, i guess since you said it's zipped. i haven't actually tried that yet though)

the iso has to use the same naming convention as the mp3s, since it is track 1 on the disc

and by the way, Notaz I will soon be donating to you because you are the MAN! :)

November 19th, 2007, 18:38


November 19th, 2007, 19:52
Very Impressive!

Psycho Pinball runs so much better than any other emu ran it, by a looooong shot.

November 19th, 2007, 21:24
gargoyels for sega is now playable now!!!!!:thumbup:
excellent emu

November 19th, 2007, 22:24
Well that test-a-bios-and-you-are-screwed bug was quite a serious one, so I've done an update:

fixed a bug which prevented to load any ROMs after testing the BIOS.
fixed incorrect CZ80 memory map setup, which caused Z80 crashes and graphics corruption in EU Mega CD model1 BIOS menus.
added additional "set to 4:3 scaled" display option for convenience.
added an option to disable frame limitter (works only with non-auto frameskip).

That's it, only a small bugfix update, not sure if it worth separate news post. Hope it causes less problems.

November 19th, 2007, 22:34
:thumbup:good job notaz and thank for the update :cool:

November 19th, 2007, 22:46

November 19th, 2007, 22:54
Great update thanks man , you rule :)

If there is any chance, next time you update could you add a are you sure option to loading states. just like there are for saving them?

I love that feature and it stops you saving over your savestate by accidentally pressing the button, and would help if it had it for loading states too :)

Cheers and keep up the amazing work :)


Also this is the first genesis emulator on the psp to play Streets of Rage 1 properly :)

One slight bug with it though, in the intro music after intervals of about 5 seconds the music "tears" for a second.

Its a bug apparent in most emulators, would be nice if someone investigated the cause of it :)

November 20th, 2007, 00:22
Well that test-a-bios-and-you-are-screwed bug was quite a serious one, so I've done an update:

That's it, only a small bugfix update, not sure if it worth separate news post. Hope it causes less problems.
Hey Notaz, I thought you said you weren't going to work on this anymore :-) j/k

I tried some very non-standard Gen/MD ROM's that most emulators generally have problems with -- these are mainly prototypes and alphas that try new graphics and sound techniques. Most of them haven't been released publically. PSPicodrive played them all perfectly which is saying a lot since some later Gen/MD models like the Nomad have problems with them as well.

I'm still very impressed at how solid the emulator core for Picodrive is.

November 20th, 2007, 00:52
If there is any chance, next time you update could you add a are you sure option to loading states. just like there are for saving them?

Check the options again, there's a switch for that (confirm savestate). You can set it to either off, loads, saves or both.


November 20th, 2007, 02:11
Check the options again, there's a switch for that (confirm savestate). You can set it to either off, loads, saves or both.


I didn't see that :o Thanks :)

November 20th, 2007, 02:53
Ah, so that's why the emu stopped loading games for me that one time and I had to reinstall it.

November 20th, 2007, 03:40
Im stuck i cant get the sega cd to load....It gets stuck at the sega/sonic logo...any ideas why?....

November 20th, 2007, 04:21
I cant get this to work...:-( I have put the pico folder in my game150 folder....I'm running firmware 3.40 OE-A psp fat....I have tried Sonic Cd and all it makes is a funny sound and the screen is black...I have tried formula one beyond the limit and the sega cd menu comes up sonic sprinkles some dust on he sega logo then it freezes....i have download the eight bios like it says in the read-me file...i cant figure out whatI'm doing wrong...I can get genisus games to work no problem (btw this is MUCH better than DGEN)...I have formula one as an ISO file and sega cd as a bin file an i am putting the files right into the picodrive folder....any help would be appreciated THANKS!!!

i have 8 different bios from different regions....where in the pico folder do i put these....im sooooo close Im dying to get this work and try Sonic Cd....any help from the above message and this would be greatly appreciated!....and i have read the readme file sooo many times i'm just missing something....and cant figure i out

November 20th, 2007, 06:22
NICE EMULATOR!! Thanks man

BTW... WWF Rage in the Cage works !

November 20th, 2007, 06:32
:cool: Alright, I love this so far, everything's almost perfect... :D except for one MAJOR problem with Sonic CD. :confused:

I went to the special stages, where you get the time stones, and when I start, I notice that there is NO FLOOR!! :mad::mad:

That's right, there's no floor in the Special Stages, which is a HUGE problem if I want to collect the Time Stones, since I want to see if I'm stepping on water, those clamping floor tiles, and other obstacles. :mad::mad:

Perhaps you should find a way to fix this in the near future, hmm? ;)

Other than that, awesome job. :thumbup:

Mr. Shizzy
November 20th, 2007, 06:55
Thanks for the update notaz :D

Your emu has brought much excitement to the PSP scene :)

Anyone gotten Mortal Kombat to work ? (SEGA CD)

November 20th, 2007, 07:05
.....so I wasn't crazy with not being able to load roms or isos. Thanks for the update Notaz. I won't have to check myself into a mental ward now.

November 20th, 2007, 08:27
:cool: Alright, I love this so far, everything's almost perfect... :D except for one MAJOR problem with Sonic CD. :confused:

I went to the special stages, where you get the time stones, and when I start, I notice that there is NO FLOOR!! :mad::mad:

That's right, there's no floor in the Special Stages, which is a HUGE problem if I want to collect the Time Stones, since I want to see if I'm stepping on water, those clamping floor tiles, and other obstacles. :mad::mad:

Perhaps you should find a way to fix this in the near future, hmm? ;)

Other than that, awesome job. :thumbup:

The floor is perfectly visible on mine, perhaps you need to recheck your settings or something.

November 20th, 2007, 08:50
Hey Notaz, I thought you said you weren't going to work on this anymore :-) j/k

Well I meant features which need weeks of work, not 15-minute fixes of bugs which make emu completely unusable.

Im stuck i cant get the sega cd to load....It gets stuck at the sega/sonic logo...any ideas why?....
It depends on game, post the game name next time. Probably needs "better sync" in "sega cd options". Or you have mp3s missing/incorrectly named.

:cool: Alright, I love this so far, everything's almost perfect... :D except for one MAJOR problem with Sonic CD. :confused:

I went to the special stages, where you get the time stones, and when I start, I notice that there is NO FLOOR!! :mad::mad:

Just enable "Scale/Rot. fx" in "sega cd options".

Anyone gotten Mortal Kombat to work ? (SEGA CD)
This one also needs "better sync".

November 20th, 2007, 10:06
hi Notaz, can you add in next release option for Button assign like it maked in Registry Hacks on Custom FWs Rec0very?

and my customization for eboot:
menu background (skin):

M Dash
November 20th, 2007, 10:11
Well that test-a-bios-and-you-are-screwed bug was quite a serious one, so I've done an update:

That's it, only a small bugfix update, not sure if it worth separate news post. Hope it causes less problems.

Thanks notaz! You rox! :)
I'll test it ASAP.

November 20th, 2007, 10:19
Anyone gotten Mortal Kombat to work ? (SEGA CD)
yes, turn ON Better Sync on Sega CD options

November 20th, 2007, 11:52
this emu owns all genesis emus! just please make a sound louder , cause in some sega cd games it too low

November 20th, 2007, 12:17
Would it be possible to adapt snes from gp2x emu to psp they in the thread below that it is fullspeed at 250 mhz)

here is the source code:


November 20th, 2007, 12:39
What for? You have Snes9xTYL which runs all games fullspeed with sound in the ME versions, except of course for the extra chips and Mode 7 ones (which, you bet, also won't run fullspeed on Squidge/PocketSNES).

November 20th, 2007, 15:12
but i think it we would be cool if someone could port the gp2x amiga emulator to the psp. that could be fantastic! =)

November 20th, 2007, 15:34
your iso needs to be named "Lunar the Silver Star_01.ISO". (or .zip, i guess since you said it's zipped. i haven't actually tried that yet though)

the iso has to use the same naming convention as the mp3s, since it is track 1 on the disc

and by the way, Notaz I will soon be donating to you because you are the MAN! :)

Renamed it Lunar the Silver Star_01.ISO

Still nothing. I get sound fx but no music.

I tried renaming it Lunar the Silver Star_01.zip and it didn't work at all so I changed it back.

I tried taking the _ back out since I added it after seeing it shown like that in the readme and still nothing.

When I load the rom I get this error message

mp3 init failed. code 80010002

if I select resume game it will play just with no music.

Anyone know what that means?

November 20th, 2007, 17:19
6 Button activation is not working for me.

I'm trying to customize my buttons for Mortal Kombat for Genesis. When I enable 6 button, the game losses all control. I'm unable to access any menus in the game. All buttons do nothing. But when I shut off 6 button, the game works fine????

Can anyone else confirm this? And if anyone has 6 button working properly, could someone please give me their settings? Thank You :)

November 20th, 2007, 19:37
mp3 init failed. code 80010002

if I select resume game it will play just with no music.

This error means that it can't find mp3 decoding library in the firmware. It has nothing to do with ISO/mp3 names. Which firmware are you running? Might be something wrong with it.

6 Button activation is not working for me.

I'm trying to customize my buttons for Mortal Kombat for Genesis. When I enable 6 button, the game losses all control. I'm unable to access any menus in the game. All buttons do nothing. But when I shut off 6 button, the game works fine????

Which MK are you trying? Just tried it with mk3 and it works. You may need to reset game so it can detect the pad change.

November 20th, 2007, 19:44
interesting emu release... lots of props from me!!! thanks man.. (segaCD = SEGA SATURN?)

November 20th, 2007, 20:32
6 Button activation is not working for me.

I'm trying to customize my buttons for Mortal Kombat for Genesis. When I enable 6 button, the game losses all control. I'm unable to access any menus in the game. All buttons do nothing. But when I shut off 6 button, the game works fine????

Can anyone else confirm this? And if anyone has 6 button working properly, could someone please give me their settings? Thank You :)

First, enable the 6 button support before loading a rom.
Then go and configure the buttons in the emulator control settings.
But, instead configuring the genesis buttons, configure the ones that the emulator uses.
As an example, triangle is used to switch render modes. Input it in this way: RIGHT+TRIANGLE or L+TRIANGLE or anything else, but with 2 buttons.
If triangle, square and other buttons are used by emulator hotkeys, they will not work ingame.
I fixed the problem in this way.

November 20th, 2007, 23:30
WOW! Nothing short of AMAZING! I have 3 ideas/requests for a future version.

1. Please add Rewind/Fast Forward support. This has been done with great success in NesterJ, Rin, SMSPlus. Maybe DaveX can help :). I think it's much easier to rewind a bit than to save the state and restore over and over again.

2. Ad-hoc wi-fi play.

3. frontend graphical improvements. Something like SnesTYL would be great. I love the little "clicky" sound snestyl makes when cycling through roms :P It sounds so 3D with headphones, but subtle so it's not annoying. Being able to cycle through screen shots when you go through the list would make it look hot.

It really is one of the best homebrew emulators to some out in a very long time. Props to Notaz.....keep up the great work!

November 21st, 2007, 00:18

Nope :p


November 21st, 2007, 00:40
WOW! Nothing short of AMAZING! I have 3 ideas/requests for a future version.

1. Please add Rewind/Fast Forward support. This has been done with great success in NesterJ, Rin, SMSPlus. Maybe DaveX can help :). I think it's much easier to rewind a bit than to save the state and restore over and over again.

2. Ad-hoc wi-fi play.

3. frontend graphical improvements. Something like SnesTYL would be great. I love the little "clicky" sound snestyl makes when cycling through roms :P It sounds so 3D with headphones, but subtle so it's not annoying. Being able to cycle through screen shots when you go through the list would make it look hot.

It really is one of the best homebrew emulators to some out in a very long time. Props to Notaz.....keep up the great work!

This is not my Batman cup!
Seriously though, your asking alot and Notaz I believe has done alot already. I believe right now that he wants to est from the scene for a bit and only gave us a update due to a bad bug.
Maybe in the future your request may become a reality but I see no purpose in making them top priority. What I believe most people would like if a new release did come out is this...
32X BABY!!!!!

November 21st, 2007, 02:54
3. frontend graphical improvements. Something like SnesTYL would be great. I love the little "clicky" sound snestyl makes when cycling through roms :P It sounds so 3D with headphones, but subtle so it's not annoying. Being able to cycle through screen shots when you go through the list would make it look hot.

the front end is perfect. snes9x's frontend is bloated beyond belief. Just compare how fast you can make a savestate in this compared to snes9x.

less is more sometimes. It has every option you need and is fast and easy to navigate, no need whatsoever to change it.

Leave the front end as it is please notaz.

November 21st, 2007, 03:04
OK... my final fight CD rip is buggered. It says I need to change the mp3 rate to 44. Does anyone know a simple way of doing this?

November 21st, 2007, 03:56
the front end is perfect. snes9x's frontend is bloated beyond belief. Just compare how fast you can make a savestate in this compared to snes9x.

less is more sometimes. It has every option you need and is fast and easy to navigate, no need whatsoever to change it.

Leave the front end as it is please notaz.

Well, I didn't say make the savestate like SnesTYL! No one wants that. The only thing I would make similar to SnesTYL's savestates is the png option. It's not what slow's snestyl down. It doesn't slow D-Gen much at all.
What I said was to make it more like SnesTYL's frontend graphics. If there is one thing it has done right, it's the frontend. It's very slick. Obviously not a priority for PicoDrive, but I was saying "future" If the author gets everything perfect (not that it needs much to be perfect :P ) and wants to polish it a bit more.

Rewind and fast forward options are far better than any savestate. Once you try an emulator with this it's hard to use savestates! I am very surprised this isn't incorporated into more PC console emulators. It's really fun to mess around with. I think if the source were ever made public DaveX could add it in. He's added FF/Rewind and ever mirror modes to Rin, NesterJ, SMSPlus and maybe more that I haven't seen yet.

Ad-hoc is something I really liked with D-Gen and it worked very well too. It's the one feature that is keeping me from deleting it off my memory stick! Genesis has some great two player games that beg to be played with 2 PSPs.. Golden Axe Ad-Hoc anyone? :)

Anyway. I'm loving the emulator. Great stuff! :thumbup:

November 21st, 2007, 03:59
Well, I didn't say make the savestate like SnesTYL! No one wants that. The only thing I would make similar to SnesTYL's savestates is the png option. It's not what slow's snestyl down. It doesn't slow D-Gen much at all.
What I said was to make it more like SnesTYL's frontend graphics. If there is one thing it has done right, it's the frontend. It's very slick. Obviously not a priority for PicoDrive, but I was saying "future" If the author gets everything perfect (not that it needs much to be perfect :P ) and wants to polish it a bit more.

Rewind and fast forward options are far better than any savestate. Once you try an emulator with this it's hard to use savestates! I am very surprised this isn't incorporated into more PC console emulators. It's really fun to mess around with. I think if the source were ever made public DaveX could add it in. He's added FF/Rewind and ever mirror modes to Rin, NesterJ, SMSPlus and maybe more that I haven't seen yet.

Ad-hoc is something I really liked with D-Gen and it worked very well too. It's the one feature that is keeping me from deleting it off my memory stick! Genesis has some great two player games that beg to be played with 2 PSPs.. Golden Axe Ad-Hoc anyone? :)

Anyway. I'm loving the emulator. Great stuff! :thumbup:

Well i agree save state pics and the gfx would be nice :p However it should definatly keep its awesome system. Having to pick a save state slot every time and confim (and having to exit the game) every time is annoying :p

November 21st, 2007, 05:13
need some help here compressing mp3s to 44khz. anyone any ideas?

edit - btw NIGHT TRAP works flawlessly :D what a pervy game :)

November 21st, 2007, 05:59
need some help here compressing mp3s to 44khz. anyone any ideas?

audacity can do it, but easier ways might exist. Assuming the sample rate was less you will also have lengthen the song back out after the sampling rate change. Unless you like background music "Alvin and the Chipmunks" style. :D


November 21st, 2007, 06:41
need some help here compressing mp3s to 44khz. anyone any ideas?

Lots of choices there. This is a job perfect for the command line and personally I like http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsamplerate/

usage: cd into the directory with the MP3's, then execute the following:

IFS=$'\n'; ary=`ls *.mp3`; for i in $ary; do j="$i"; k="${i%mp3}wav"; m="$k_a"; lame --decode "$j" "$k"; sndfile-resample -to 44100 -c 0 "$j" "$k"; lame -h -b 128 --resample 44.1 -m s "$m" "$i"; rm "$k" "$m"; done
(assumes that you actually have sndfile-resample in your path. could just as easily be changed to the full path to the location of sndfile-resample)

November 21st, 2007, 07:35
This error means that it can't find mp3 decoding library in the firmware. It has nothing to do with ISO/mp3 names. Which firmware are you running? Might be something wrong with it.

I'm getting the same error (mp3 init failed. code 80010002) when trying to play sonic CD.

Firmware 1.5.

need some help here compressing mp3s to 44khz. anyone any ideas?

I used MediaCoder (http://mediacoder.sourceforge.net/) (free).

Just open it, set the 'LAME MP3' tab on the right to CBR, Stereo and somewhere from 96-128Kbps, go to the 'audio' tab on the left and set resample to 44100, set the output folder up top, hit 'add', choose all the mp3s, hit start and wait.

I only used it to transcode some mp3s to lower bitrate, but its worth a shot.

November 21st, 2007, 08:50
I'm getting the same error (mp3 init failed. code 80010002) when trying to play sonic CD.

Firmware 1.5.

Hmm.. Anyone else on 1.5?

November 21st, 2007, 13:57
Hmm.. Anyone else on 1.5?

Yeah I'm on 1.5. Lunar 1 will not work with music, but Lunar 2 works fine. Haven't tried any other SegaCD games yet. Sega Genesis games work great.

November 21st, 2007, 15:04
Thanks alot b8a, bah, and jamoto!

I got Final Fight CD working (with audio) using mediacoder

November 21st, 2007, 18:52
perhaps a bit offtopic, but fun anyway



November 22nd, 2007, 00:11
This emulator is AWESOME and it runs lots of Sega CD games great! I love Sega CD xD

Only having trouble with two games:

Wheel of Fortune (this version of wheel of fortune is remarkably cheesy and awesome imho)

November 22nd, 2007, 00:21
perhaps a bit offtopic, but fun anyway




Funny but so true :rofl:

Saying that no disrespect to dgen. It more than filled the void until this came along. :)

November 22nd, 2007, 07:37
Regarding the problem brought up back in this post: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=545111&postcount=34 (regarding PicoDrive being unable to open ROMs in certain folders), I 've been able to recreate this problem. I don't know how TheGrandPubaa encountered it, but on my own PSP it happened after I copied the folder containing my MegaDrive ROMs to another folder. Before I moved the ROMs folder, PicoDrive recognized it just fine. Afterwards it wouldn't even open the folder. Here's the kicker though: I tried moving the ROMs for all of my emulators to the same folder and the ONLY emulator that was able to open the post-moved folders was gpSP. All of the other emulators failed to recoginize the folders after they were moved.

So, if TheGrandPubaa's problem was the same as mine, it looks like this isn't a problem specific to PicoDrive, but rather a common problem in PSP emulator file-browsing code. I don't know what gpSP is doing differently, but it seems to be immune to the problem.

November 22nd, 2007, 08:50
I'm getting the same error (mp3 init failed. code 80010002) when trying to play sonic CD.

Firmware 1.5.

I've downgraded to 1.5 and can confirm this is a bug in the emu. Expect another bugfix release soon.

November 22nd, 2007, 09:46
Excellent, thanks once again notaz :)

November 23rd, 2007, 03:34
finally got it to work....i love this thing....its awesome i love it!!!!

November 23rd, 2007, 04:03
I just noticed that going into sleep mode hard resets the psp, so save before you shut down

November 23rd, 2007, 08:55
I just noticed that going into sleep mode hard resets the psp, so save before you shut down
Hmm, doesn't happen for me, which firmware do you use?

November 23rd, 2007, 13:29
I just noticed that going into sleep mode hard resets the psp, so save before you shut down

I think thats a 3.71 M33 problem, whats your FW?

November 23rd, 2007, 17:47
Lunar 2 is now freezing up on me. I get to a certain spot and it will not let me go any further. Is this happening to anyone else? The little red dot in the top keep blinking but it will not load the next screen.

November 24th, 2007, 22:33
Lunar 2 is now freezing up on me. I get to a certain spot and it will not let me go any further. Is this happening to anyone else? The little red dot in the top keep blinking but it will not load the next screen.
Try enabling "better sync" (sega CD options) sometime before that spot (not after it happens as it may be too late).

November 25th, 2007, 00:34
Try enabling "better sync" (sega CD options) sometime before that spot (not after it happens as it may be too late).

Tried that, I've tried changing about every option I can find on it and nothing. It was working perfectly up until that.

November 25th, 2007, 20:50
Everything I've tried so far has worked perfectly, thanks for the great release Notaz. :D

November 25th, 2007, 21:35
Hey Notaz . thanks again for this awesome emulator :)

In the next release, is there any chance of preview pics/boxart support in the next release? (they would display next to rom name on the left)

Like the way daedalus has them for instance.

Either way, thanks for all your hard work :)

November 25th, 2007, 22:04
Yeah, I have the same problem with Sleep mode, but it only happens when you wait a few minutes it seems. If you put into sleep mode, then get right out of it it comes back on fine. If you wait a few minutes or more when you "wake" it you get a shut off... I was pretty far into Final Fight CD when I noticed it :( .. Small price to pay for an amazing piece of emulation code!

I'm using an original PSP running firmware 3.71 M33-3 by the way.

Also, I couldn't get either disc of Prize Fighter to boot. I got them from romulation. Going to try another source.

Any chance of getting a Rewind option for PicoDrive? That would make it 10% cooler bring the total coolness to 110%! :P

November 26th, 2007, 00:20
Slightly off-topic but, Is there any way to get a custom firmware onto a psp slim that is already at level 3.71? I've tried to get it but every thing I've seen about it says you must already have a custom fimware of a lower level. Thanks.

November 26th, 2007, 03:09
I think thats a 3.71 M33 problem, whats your FW?

Yeah 3.71. I found that it happens with gpsp too. I guess I should update.

December 6th, 2007, 06:59
I am still amazed at the compatibility and speed of this! I can run a lot of older games (carts) at around 200MHz, full 60fps, stereo 44.1KHz, and on the Accurate rendering setting too! Saves precious PSP battery life.

Just wondering if we can expect any future upgrades to this great emulator. I am still pushing for a rewind option. Once you try it it's hard to go back to the old save/load state option.

Thanks again for an amazing piece of code. Maybe you can take a look at SnesTYL and speed the DSP games up a tad :P

December 6th, 2007, 08:36
What for? You have Snes9xTYL which runs all games fullspeed with sound in the ME versions, except of course for the extra chips and Mode 7 ones (which, you bet, also won't run fullspeed on Squidge/PocketSNES).

Define full speed?

I can only find a few games that run full speed on snesTYL (0 frameskip). The rest have to be on at least 1.

December 6th, 2007, 12:07
OK, maybe 5FPS below full.

Anyway, I definately think frameskip 1 looks better on the PSP screen because it prevents ghosting (60FPS is too much to ask of it).

Besides, the good GP2X SNES emulators probably have some ARM assembly code to speed up parts of them that could not be reused on the PSP (because it's MIPS).

December 6th, 2007, 13:10
Define full speed?

I can only find a few games that run full speed on snesTYL (0 frameskip). The rest have to be on at least 1.

You aren't trying very hard then, most games that don't use special chipsets run at 60 fps/0 frameskip unless they're using lots of mode 7 effects, assuming that you're using the right settings. Maybe some games drop a few frames if there's lots of sprites on screen or something but that happens pretty rarely, pretty much every game runs with a median framerate of 60.

December 6th, 2007, 19:34
You aren't trying very hard then, most games that don't use special chipsets run at 60 fps/0 frameskip unless they're using lots of mode 7 effects, assuming that you're using the right settings. Maybe some games drop a few frames if there's lots of sprites on screen or something but that happens pretty rarely, pretty much every game runs with a median framerate of 60.

Yes I agree, snesTYL is a good emulator whit some usefull options.:)

Tinnus! Can you add a black level adjustment on snesTYL? This option is very usefull on sony popstation for delete the ghosting problems.:cool:

Notaz, sorry for this OT... But is possible this option also on picodrive? Unfortunately the gamma adjustment doesn't reduced the ghosting effect.:(

December 6th, 2007, 20:19
I have nothing to do with snesTYL besides reading the source :P Never really worked on it nor have the urge to.

That doesn't sound too hard to do though, if someone's up to it.

December 10th, 2007, 07:40
Tinnus: While you're not working on SnesTYL can you also add a rewind/ffward/mirror function? :P

December 10th, 2007, 12:17
There is nothing fancy about this emulator (no dynarecs/asm cores), but it's still able to run many Genesis games fullspeed with no frameskip (including some CD ones), and others with some skipping. However there are some CD games which won't run too well (although situation can be improved by tweaking some options). This emulator uses hardware MP3 decoding via audiocodec library in PSP.

Could someone explain to me what dynarecs/asm cores are?

December 10th, 2007, 12:59
Disclaimer: I am not a game programmer, and know very little other than the basic theory behind these things. Feel free to correct me ppl.


In very basic terms, an emulator can either employ a interpreter core or an interpreter+Dynarec (dynamic recompiler). A dynarec can make the emulation faster basically, so is useful for emulating more powerful hardware using the limited PSP hardware.

An interpreter takes the game data meant for the original machine (megadrive in this case) one executed action at a time, and translates it into code that will run on the host platform (PSP).

A Dynarec can look at a larger block of code, and possibly turn it into a chunk of code that is more optimised for the PSP hardware than simply translating each action of the original Megadrive hardware 1 by 1 would acheive.

ASM means assembly language.
Most programs are written in what's known as a 'higher level' language like C, and then put through whats known as a compiler. The compiler takes generic statements like 'If A is bigger than B, take this action.....' and turns it into the exact actions that the CPU/other hardware must do to make that happen.
This makes it easier to program, and also makes the code easier to port between systems.

Writing code in assembly language is like controlling the inner-workings of the hardware directly. By doing this it is often possible to write code that is more optimised for that particular hardware than a compiler may produce. It requires a great deal of knowledge of the target hardware to write something useful in assembly, and a good compiler may often create code just as optimised as less-than-brilliant assembly, so it is reserved mostly for when there really is a strong need for a speedup of certain parts of a program.

Tithe AD
December 10th, 2007, 19:26
Found that this emu does not play some games as smooth as dgen...the prob im having with dgen since updating to 3.71 is that even with hide corrupt icons enabled i still get the corrupt icon ! ive tried renaming and a few icon hiding programs but nothing works ,Anyone else have this prob?
This is most annoying:P

December 11th, 2007, 06:08
Found that this emu does not play some games as smooth as dgen...the prob im having with dgen since updating to 3.71 is that even with hide corrupt icons enabled i still get the corrupt icon ! ive tried renaming and a few icon hiding programs but nothing works ,Anyone else have this prob?
This is most annoying:P

Which games do you think run smoother in D-Gen? I haven't run into any games that don't run smoothly (rom) and many Sega-CD's run great as well.

Have you tried adjusting the settings? Many people complaining about it being glitchy are obviously running it on speed and not the accurate gfx setting. I run most of my games at 250Mhz, 44.1KHz, accurate, 0 frameskip and they run at 60fps. Some of the more complex coded games; Sonic 3, Gunstar Heroes may need the full 333MHz power though :)

December 13th, 2007, 02:36
Is there any way to change my DGEN save files to a format that compatible with Picodrive?

December 13th, 2007, 03:03
just play through em again - its what playing old systems are all about - fun.

i might add for those running the games with 44k sound - the original system only used 22k so thats a bit of a waste of power - all my games run fine (some if you adjust timing settings) but i have absolutly no speed problems at all.

December 13th, 2007, 19:47
w000t NP I got it to work bad .ISOS w0000t Shining Force CD omfg ! time for Final Fight ! wicked emulator !!!! by the way I know it supports Game Genie, but does anyone know if Action Replay is supported or will be supported in the future ?

December 14th, 2007, 21:25
now all we need is a 32X emu.

December 15th, 2007, 05:30
now all we need is a 32X emu.

..or for 32x support for PSP's Picodrive emu. Notaz knows that 32x support would be easy to add but doesn't feel like it is worth it due to very little games were interesting on it. Most 32x games that came out were ports of genesis games or Sega CD games. There were a few originals like Knuckles Choatix but the demand of the support and knowing that there were very few 32x games warrants Notaz the thinking that it is not important. These are just my thoughts and I'm sure Notaz has his reasons why 32x support isn't on his to do list. I just want 32x support so I can play all my SONIC CLASSICS on the go!

December 15th, 2007, 06:08
I don't recall Notaz ever saying it would be 'easy to add'. None of his posts on dcemu suggest that and a quick google turned up mostly posts about it being quite difficult as well as the fact there aren't many games.

I hate to ask, "not sure if you've been asked this yet" but is there any chance on seeing 32x come to the psp? Star Wars Arcade & Knuckles Chaotics rock!!!

Probably not, at least not from me..

I'm not saying it will never happen, just that its not a simple thing to accomplish by any means.

December 16th, 2007, 05:47
I hope he implements 32x support, if I remember correctly After Burner II was a perfect port of the arcade. And there were other cool games on the 32x, it just wern't that many.

December 16th, 2007, 12:37
i couldnt care less about 32X.. it would be better if notaz helped pspuae out! =)

December 16th, 2007, 13:05
i couldnt care less about 32X.. it would be better if notaz helped pspuae out! =)

That would be nice but already Chilly Willy has recently joined the PSPUAE team and they are all currently working on the next release.:thumbup:

December 24th, 2007, 03:06
32x support would be great but i admit. I would only play knuckles chatoix. Maybe after burner. Thats it.

However i only play 2 sega cd games as well. Sonic cd And Lunar(Sega cd version of lunar saves a lot of space then using the psx eboot)

32x is the only emulator left to be made for the psp right?(Not including systems Saturn and up which the psp wouldn't be able to run anyway.)

Anyway this is a great emulator. I work at gamecrazy. People go crazy when they see me playing sonic cd. LOL.

December 24th, 2007, 21:28
Great work dude!

Me back to play some more snatcher!!!!

January 6th, 2008, 19:43
I just downloaded this, but I can't get it to work. Whenever I try to boot up the emulator, I get:
"The game could not be started.(80020148)" Is it because I'm using the PSP Slim (version 3.60) or am I doing something wrong? Help plz.=(

January 7th, 2008, 23:36
Are you on custom firmware? CFW is needed to play all homebrew.

January 8th, 2008, 02:15
Yep. Basically have you made any efforts to change its firmware (besides Sony's Network Update)?

January 11th, 2008, 17:49
I love this emulator, well done man. Much better than DGEN.

I have but one request!! My all-time favourite Genesis game "Rings of Power" doesn't work, it just crashes the emulator completely. I've tried a variety of dumps, some just stay on a black screen but most just full crash and you have to power cycle! Please fix this pretty pleaseeeeeeeee

edit- running 3.71-m33-4 on a PSP slim

January 12th, 2008, 01:02
Wowowow I didn't know 1.35b was out, I upgraded and it fixed it!! The best part is the native save actually works! No other emulator does this (including PC emulators like Gens and Xmess). Great job, man!

Only game I can find that doesn't work is "Rolo to the Rescue". Great game, I hope you get it working in a later update. Thanks again.

January 12th, 2008, 01:08
Ah, James Pond 3 is broken to, I think it uses the same engine as Rolo to the Rescue actually, so makes sense I guess.

January 26th, 2008, 00:29
I can't figure out how to run iso's.

I have 1.35b installed on 3.52 M33 custom firware

BIOS is us_scd1_9210.bin and in the proper directory.

I want to play Snatcher. I have Snatcher.iso and all the mp3's (starting with Snatcher_02.mp3 _03...etc)

Picodrive launches fine, i can even test the BIOS.

But when i pick the snatcher DIR, it just says failed to open ROM.

Any ideas?
I'm digging for my sonic CD game to rule out a bad ISO

Dr Eggman
January 26th, 2008, 01:09
Hey, sonic cd works fine here, and make sure that all your files are named correctly, your bios'es are named correctly. Also, try using all the bios. It may be your iso, keep that in mind.

I think if it says failed to open rom then it is a bad iso.

January 26th, 2008, 02:57
Ive ripped my own games that work on my old segacd unit.
I'm used to dealing with cd images.

I can not run an iso on this emulator, dont know why.

The BIOS's run fine, it just "failed to load ROM" when I click on snatcher.iso

read the readme 10 times now, renamed all the files a few times to make sure.

Thanks for the emulator, I just can't figure this out...these isos also run fine on PC emulators..

January 26th, 2008, 03:14
I want to confirm that with the same BIOS and iso + mp3 files they run perfect on 3 different PC emulators.

3.52 m33 custom firmware


Tests BIOS's fine (i see the sega cd and can even get to the menu and eject, etc)

when I go to run the ROM file it just fails.

are long file names a problem?

is Snatcher (T-95035)(U)(00).iso too long?

so I have Snatcher (T-95035)(U)(00).iso and
Snatcher (T-95035)(U)(00)_02.mp3
Snatcher (T-95035)(U)(00)_03.mp3

etc all the way to

Snatcher (T-95035)(U)(00)_22.mp3

man if i get this working I will love whoever helps me.

I run all other emulators on my firmware just fine..

thanks guys.

January 26th, 2008, 03:21
what are some really good games for sega cd? the only game i have thats worth getting was the sega classic collection

January 26th, 2008, 23:57
got it to work!

it was something weird.

I had to put the "snatcher" rom directory in my root game150 folder.


January 29th, 2008, 01:32
what are some really good games for sega cd? the only game i have thats worth getting was the sega classic collection

Among my favorite SEGA CD games:
Earthworm Jim: Special Edition
Sonic CD (duh!)
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

If you like a REALLY tough platformer, Shadow of the Beast II is available for the SEGA CD.

I never got into "FMV" games, but many people enjoy them. The most popular is probably Sewer Shark.

February 8th, 2008, 09:23
Hi , i'm pretty new to this emulation scene , kinda noob to ask this question but what is a bios and how can i get my hand on one of those ?

Couldn't get my sega CD games to work , looking forward to playing Final Fight and Shining Force.
Greatly appreciate it if someone could give me a clue =D

February 8th, 2008, 09:48
BIOS is an acronym for Basic Input Output System.

Its the small amount of software that is stored on a chip (firmware) to put the hardware in a state that allows other software (the programs you actually want to use the hardware for, IE games on a mega-cd) to run. It gives them a way of identifying and 'talking to' the hardware.

I cannot link you to the files, but if you were to download a mega-cd emulator for the pc from a torrent site, I would say you would almost certainly get the BIOS files included.

The readme included with the emulator tells you how they must be named (they will probably already be correctly named so you can just copy them over).

February 8th, 2008, 10:32
Hey bah ..
Thanks alot for the prompt reply , i do just that .
C'ya abt =D

February 11th, 2008, 00:21
I suppose it´s a bug:

I can´t use key combination start+L and start+R for save/load. Only load with both combinations. It works with default L - R buttons, but i need L - R for 6 button pad.

Any solution? Thx in advance.

May 14th, 2008, 14:52
Ive Just Joined The Forum.
Thanks for download and the info from other users. Cant wait to use it

May 14th, 2008, 17:12
you wont be dissapointed KashP! but use the latest version of Picodrive if you want better Sega CD support! =)

May 15th, 2008, 12:07
Picodrive 1.40b (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=103042), the most recent version I know of.

May 19th, 2008, 11:32
sweet as but were doya get rom,iso for this emu...

May 20th, 2008, 06:16
sweet as but were doya get rom,iso for this emu...


April 6th, 2009, 18:18
i had a little trouble getting the sega cd games working but i finally got around it
but i have yet to get the 32x to run

April 6th, 2009, 22:13
It'll be a while before you get 32x working buddie. Drivers have NOT been implemented into the emu yet. Hopefully someday.

May 22nd, 2009, 08:11
I'm running the latest version of Picodrive on my PSP, but it can't quite handle Sonic The Hedgehog. When the background is scrolling around fast, it's jerky instead of smooth. Anyone else notice this, or is it just me? And, if this is a known problem, can it be fixed with a later update?

May 25th, 2009, 22:47
i remember when pico was on ds but had no sound wished the work on a wii version would happen, i love segacd but dont have a psp or gamepark i work hard but my money goes to bills so i rarley can afford other systems, pico was a good emu very much on ds as good as the other that was released on ds i slightyly liked its loding screen better even though it had no sound. but great work on this emu keep it up.

January 3rd, 2010, 02:01
f8ck yeah... im gunna play some vector man!

November 27th, 2010, 15:31
totally awesome dude playing "Shining Force CD" right now and working on getting the music to work..

EDIT: Just ripped the music off the CD Image and then renamed them accordingly and it works great! I now have Shining Force CD working 100% fine with default settings and just 10 mins of converting/renaming.

Very happy now I don't have to use the PC to play this version of Shining Force..


December 13th, 2010, 21:30
Oh duh.

That was simple.

SF:CD works AMAZING! Fantastic.