View Full Version : The App That Tracks Who's Tracking You

January 30th, 2014, 23:16
It's no secret that apps like maps or local weather know your current location, and you're probably cool with that because you want to use the handy services they provide in exchange. But chances are there are many other apps on your phone, anything from dictionaries to games, that are also geolocating your every move without your knowledge or permission. Now researchers are developing a new app (http://www.winlab.rutgers.edu/~janne/USECfieldstudy.pdf) to police these smartphone spies, by tracking which apps are secretly tracking you (http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/the-app-that-tracks-whos-tracking-you), and warning you about it. Before your eyes glaze over at the mention of yet another privacy tool, it's worth noting that this new app is the first to be able to provide this line of defense between snooping apps and smartphone users for Android phones. Android's operating system is engineered not to allow apps to access information about other apps. But a team at Rutgers University found a way around that, by leveraging a function of Android's API to send a signal whenever an app requests location information from the operating system.MIT Technology Review reported on the research today (http://www.technologyreview.com/news/523981/android-app-warns-when-youre-being-watched/)."
