View Full Version : PSP Driving Licence

November 21st, 2007, 11:42

Via http://psp.scenebeta.com/.

Pana has just released an original application called "PSP Trafico Test" (PSP Driving Licence translated into English). Its a LUA coded appz that doesnt require LUA Player (but for the moment, this is no PSP Slim compatible).

Using this Homebrew, we will be able to make some tests, in order to get Driving Licence in Spain. We even can use the integrated chronometer to check if we can answer the 40 questions in time (oficial exam must be answered in half an hour).

Very usefull if you are planning to come to Spain to live in ;). Also, it could be usefull to practise this language, or even to give an idea to a bored coder (an English coder could make something similar).


Square - Selects option A.
X - Selects option B.
O - Selects option C.


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November 21st, 2007, 19:04
i just passed my UK theory test so i wont be needing this. nice idea though.

factor remix
November 21st, 2007, 20:52
Yo definitivamente voy a tomar esto, esque mi papa esta loco y se cree un espaņol (aunque sea panameņo). Esto es bien util si mi papa decide vivir conmigo en espaņa.
I will take this. My dad is still crazy and he belive he is a spanish (even he is from panama). This could be very usefull if my dad decide to live in spain with me or something