View Full Version : Discuss shortages and birthday's of PS3, Wii, DS!

November 22nd, 2007, 07:12
Well, its a little past the 1 year birthday mark for the PlayStation 3 and Wii, as both launched a year ago in the US. The DS just went on 3 years since it launched in the US as well.

With the DS, PlayStation 3 and Xbox360 being found easily in stores, what are your thoughts on the hard to find Wii? Its near impossible to find in the US. What about in other countries, are you feeling the same effect with shortages?

If the Wii is sold out and parents are unable to buy it for their kids, which system do you think parents will get next to fulfill the kids wishlist?

Discuss your opinion on shortages and the upcoming holiday shopping. We want to know what you have to say!

November 22nd, 2007, 08:38
Here at Spain, is very easy to find a Wii. I don't know why it is so hard to find in other countries.

I think that the second option will be XBox360, or a portable like PSP.

November 22nd, 2007, 11:41
Here in iceland is very easy to find a Wii.

November 22nd, 2007, 12:26
Here in the UK our biggest video game retailer, GAME exclusively gets the largest consignments of Wii consoles. Other retailers have to make do with very slow monthly trickles of stock and it's causing havok on the highstreet where people urgently want to snap them up for the Christmas period.

As much as I dislike GAME, I give Wii hunters 2 pieces of advice.

A) Pre-order at GAME early.

B) Import NOW before stocks in Europe dwindle or they hike up the price for Christmas buyers.

I bought a Wii on launch day last year, it's been a slow year for games but Super Mario Galaxy made it up to me. That game is simply incredible and easily the best looking/playing game on Wii. I'm genuinely excited about what's round the corner for Nintendo.

November 22nd, 2007, 14:39
Wow, its that easy to find in other countries?! Here in the US, stock is barely impossible to find. Walk into a store and all you'll see if boxes of PS3 and Xbox360. In NYC, where the Nintendo World Store is, you have people standing outside before the stores open EVERYDAY! They're camping out 1-3 hours before stores open for a system that was released a year ago!

There have been reports that stores in the US are only selling some of their received stocks of Wii and holding the rest for Black Friday or until near Xmas to drive customers and sales.

I was so close to picking up additional Wii's but just when I got to the register at Circuit City (one of the major electronics store) sold the last ones.

November 22nd, 2007, 18:00
60gb PS3s are getting damned hard to find here in the UK, but a Wii is pretty much impossible. However, I advise ordering a wii from gamestation. I ordered mine on launch day (not before... lol) and got it before christmas.