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View Full Version : Sony unveils Xmas PS3 TV campaign

November 23rd, 2007, 18:52
via MCV (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/28968/Sony-unveils-Xmas-PS3-TV-campaign)

Sony has revealed details of its first ever dedicated PS3 Christmas TV campaign in Europe – which will concentrate on the high definition capabilities of the system.

Themed around the tagline ‘Entertainment like you’ve never seen it before’, 60 and 30-second ads will run on UK TV from December 1st. The creative is available to view online now.

Created by agency TBWA/London, the ad is dubbed 'The Entertainers'. Its development was overseen by award-winning director Noam Murro.

According to Sony: ‘The ad takes place in a theatre style scene with a host of flamboyant characters; A magician and his beautiful team of assistants are seen on a show-biz mission to turn a scruffy mongrel into a perfectly coiffed poodle, as a reference to how PS3’s high definition and Blu-ray disc capabilities make everything – from games and movies to photos – look and sound more beautiful and detailed than ever before.

'A funny acrobatic couple perform amazing seamless movements without wires, just like the PS3’s Sixaxis wireless motion-sensitive controller, which understands and translates body movements.

‘PS3’s constantly updated technology is brought to life through a robot that seamlessly turns into a human to illustrate how the console is a future proofed product, able to update and evolve over time, with software and product innovations to meet the changing entertainment demands of consumers.’

The King
November 23rd, 2007, 19:08
cool but im still not getting it

November 24th, 2007, 08:58
I'm sorry, but if this is the same ad that's on the PSN, then IMO they've completely lost the plot.

IT'S CRAP total and utter CRAP. How they think this bollox will sell PS3's is beyond me. HD my ar5e, yes it's a very good HD player, but that's not all, Sony should not be concentrating on just one aspect of it.

I know I'm no advertising guru, but at least the American ad had 'punch'.

I saw the Bravia 'Rabbits' ad and thought ... Yep 'Colour like no other...'. I saw the Walkman 'One note' ad and thought 'Music like no other...' I saw the PS3 'Circus' ad and thought OMFG what the hell was that about, being in a circus = living? Um....

Waste of money, I mean you'd have thought that if you were trying to promote HD picture, you'd demonstrate it's quality, a little difficult I know on a SD TV. Still there must have been something they could have done.

As for the TV ad, acclaimed director (Who? by the way?) probably some art-house nonce, who's acclained by critics, you know those people that 'tell' you whats good and whats not, because they know so much about real life, and real people....

For gods sakes Sony stop pi55ing about with poodles and fix your bloody firmware.

I really love my PS3, I use it for Music, Film, Games, the Internet, free voice chat. I would say streaming from my PC, but you appear to have broken that :-(

November 24th, 2007, 10:30
I really love my PS3, I use it for Music, Film, Games, the Internet, free voice chat. I would say streaming from my PC, but you appear to have broken that :-(

Works fine here - latest 2.01 update. Try setting it all up again from scratch.


November 24th, 2007, 14:54
they are not bad adverts, much better than those new DS

November 24th, 2007, 17:31
I think there are different people in charge of advertising for the different regions, and the UK happens to have some nut job in charge :rolleyes: