View Full Version : Lego Star Wars Microfighters zooms to iOS

February 3rd, 2014, 19:11
http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/adam/5a1212a1abb301ea4e0fefd1c34ba02a/LSW_AppStore_screens_2048x1536_01.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2014/02/02/lego-star-wars-microfighters-zooms-to-ios/)You won't need to use the Force to play Lego Star Wars Microfighters, the new top-down shooter from TT Games - unless "the Force" is what you've nicknamed your iPod, iPhone or iPad. The iOS game (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id771269254&mt=8) is based on the Lego toy line of the same name, and allows you to pilot iconic spacecraft from the Star Wars universe.

Players can choose to strap in to a number of craft from the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War eras. X-Wings? They're in there. Millenium Falcon? You betcha. Snowspeeder? Of course. For those megalomaniacal and evil enough, there's even a Death Star to be piloted. Ships are flown through 18 levels take take place on Endor, Hoth, Yevon and Geonosis.

The cost for entry into this brick-and-pegs-filled wonderland is pretty micro as well: just $0.99 puts you in the pilot seat. Good luck, and may the Force - you know, your iOS device - be with you.
