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View Full Version : Yet another forum staff quarrel, it's PM this time!

November 24th, 2007, 14:03
So, I got this PM today from some user (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/member.php?u=248286).

Default Hello their
OK seeing how the stat of DCemu is i wanna ask you some questions, just alittle survey based on the revalution thats occuring.

1. Do you think JUNK should come back?
2. IS that staff ok? If not what should be changed?
3. Do you see a revalution occuring?
4. Which side are you on?
5. Do you agree that shrygue is one of the problem people here?

OK so just anwser back my questions and ill leave you alone after that. Thank you for your time.
And so you know, I'm not related to this staff issue and I don't want to be. I don't have anything against the staff. Think it's fine the way it is..

Thank you.

The King
November 24th, 2007, 14:31
yea im with you xandu i wount want to be put into any of this i think that the staff is doing a good job as it is some others might find it bad and others good but im neutral here.

and also lay of shrygue i have been herer for a year now and all that i have seen him/her do is make news post over and over which in my vote is quite good

November 24th, 2007, 14:37
Now I have some questions for you.

Why did you post it in the forums?
Why you don't want to be related to this issue if you posted it to the public?
Can you stop kissing staff ass?

Safari Al
November 24th, 2007, 14:40
Don't answer those pms people

November 24th, 2007, 15:15
what wrong with the staff?

sorry i havent been around for a long time, or in the sense i probably post once everyday or two days :p

Oh yeah and these "bring back the junk" and other people saying what not, are all filled with drama that it is hilarious lol

yeah, but i havent got that pm lol because the guy doesnt probably see me as an active user? :p


The number of posts JKKDARK has amazes me, lol and i thought 3000 would be impossible to achieve....

November 24th, 2007, 15:17
Now I have some questions for you.

Why did you post it in the forums?
Why you don't want to be related to this issue if you posted it to the public?
Can you stop kissing staff ass?

you tell em jkk :p

November 24th, 2007, 15:40
The whole thing was when some mods were closing threads which they had no reason to, just because they didn't like it. They also closed some pretty good threads because they don't want debate, and changed the poll. I would like them to be a little less quick to close threads that people are interested in, as it can lead to people losing interest in the DCEmu forums. But, all of that is just my thought on the subject.
And I am not saying that they should close threads about piracy or completely spammy posts, just not close threads just because of their personal belief of "That's just stupid".

November 24th, 2007, 15:56
Oh yeah and these "bring back the junk" and other people saying what not, are all filled with drama that it is hilarious lol
Oh yeah? Do you have any decent ideas?

I think it's the people, not the staff, that is the problem. I've never felt anything done by the staff was unfair (although closing Sourced's thread on the weird stuff was uncalled for in my eyes).

November 24th, 2007, 15:58
Those closed threads were pointless IMO.

November 24th, 2007, 16:03
Probably the only interesting fun threads posted in a while were the Sourced threads.

November 24th, 2007, 16:04
Probably the only interesting fun threads posted in a while were the Sourced threads.

November 24th, 2007, 17:10
Even if needed what can we do in changes. We are members, and really, I have no idea what needs to be done. JUNK works both ways, remember. This is like the idea of communism. Its a good idea, everyone being equal, but the government and the people handle it like crap.

What CAN be done that wouldn't just screw up the site more? The staff are still merely human, behind they're machinist persona, they can't just change things like THAT. There will always be an issue with the change that can't be worked out.

Well thats my 2 cents. Not much in the way of currency (or anything else really :) ) but my point is there isn't a way to resolve this.

November 24th, 2007, 17:13
i agree, even if threads are pointless , as long as there not warez related there is no sense in locking them. Unless that is the site doesn't want people to discuss anything on it . Kinda defeats the "Community" spirit.

November 24th, 2007, 17:41
I bet this thread will get locked as well.

Can't these mods see that this is helping the site? These threads are helping, the whole community want this, we want to know what's wrong, we want to comment and help the community inside this site called DCEmu rise, like in the old days.

Just don't close these threads without a reason. This is not SPAM, not WAREZ, we're not insulting you in any way. We just want justice, we want to solve things out.

Can't you mods see what's happening?
Can't you deal with the situation?
Is locking the threads the only answer you have?

Come on...

November 24th, 2007, 17:59
Everyone should stop bashing Sangubashi -_-

And I want Junk back, at least in part.

*Waits for Sangubashi to lock thread*

November 24th, 2007, 18:27
I bet my ass that the staff has been discussing this topic at their fullest in private for a while already. I am sure you will get an answer from them soon. In the meanwhile, just be patient and stop creating these threads, please.

November 24th, 2007, 18:52
I agree, end it.

Some of the newer members might not understand that this can all be traced back, imo, to Vendeta's ban at the start of the year. Maybe further, I was still relatively new then.

November 24th, 2007, 18:56
I think this "vendetta" talk about YKB/Shrygue/Sangubashi is pathetic. He is a really cool guy and doesn't deserve the bad-mouthing. Let him do his job and stop giving him a hard time.

November 24th, 2007, 19:00
Go Dej.

November 24th, 2007, 19:23
Alright folks, let's get some things straight.

I don't have any "vendetta" against sourced, okay? We all know he tends to make some real useless and senseless threads at time but I've nothing against him. I only locked that "news" thread because it was some on the junk side and some of the content was somewhat disturbing. If I really was that nasty, I'd probably might have banned him on the spot but that would have been real stupid to do so and I'm not like that.

For those complaining about the hax0red poll in one thread, no I did not touch it, someone else did that, so cut the finger waving.

For the fake picture of me one of you posted up, yes I edited the title just to show the photograph isn't me. I doubt the the old computer shown it it couldn't really run todays programs so it must have been edited some way and it was just a prank to wind me up because of what's been happening here in Off Topic.

Remember, we staff at DCEmu aren't trying to take away your fun, we are just doing our jobs to keep the forums (especially Off Topic) as clean as possible.

With that said, this thread shall be locked. If there's any more questions, please PM us staff and not make more of these threads, especially ones that are aimed at bashing us for how we run things on DCEmu.