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View Full Version : A Rumor???

July 19th, 2005, 23:25
I've heard that someone or a group of people are working on a way to downgrade 1.51 and 1.52 back down to 1.52 Is this true? Do you know anything? I'm about to get off my butt and just buy a 1.50 and just sell my 1.52 to someone for about 180 because Homebrew and all that cool shit is worth an extra 70. It may suck to pay something i shouldnt have to because I had a 1.50 but doing so will help me to learn, right!?

Please post if you have any thoughts, ideas, or knowledge of a downgrade!
Thanks for your patience 1.50 and 1.0 users!

Cap'n 1time
July 19th, 2005, 23:46
WAB - or whiny ass babies as I perfer to call them (after my visit to them on irc :) ) may or may not be.. youd be better off just buying a 1.50. dont bother waiting on this warez group. who knows what the hell they are doing (except brown nosing teamxecuter that is)

July 23rd, 2005, 03:43
is your PSP in warranty?
if yes, somehow manage to screw its firmware, then retur it to store and get a new one (remember that u must check if the box has no letter or an A under the voltage)